PART 2Accountancy and control, records and the provision of information by an operator

Accountancy and control plan7


An operator of a qualifying nuclear facility must produce an accountancy and control plan which sets out the accounting and control system for the qualifying nuclear material in that facility.


An operator of a qualifying nuclear facility must send to the ONR an accountancy and control plan for the qualifying nuclear material in that facility within the period of 30 days beginning on 1st January 2021.


In the case of a new qualifying nuclear facility, which comes into existence after 1st January 2021, the operator must send to the ONR an accountancy and control plan as soon as possible and in any event not later than 200 days prior to the day on which qualifying nuclear material is first received at the facility.


The accountancy and control plan must describe in writing the arrangements and procedures adopted or to be adopted by an operator to establish and maintain the system of accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material as required by regulation 6.


The ONR may consider the accountancy and control plan, or any part of the plan, and may approve all or any part of the plan.