64.  For the protection of Network Rail as referred to in this part of this Schedule the following provisions shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the undertaker and Network Rail, have effect.

65.  In this part of this Schedule—

“Network Rail” means Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Company registration number 02904587) whose registered office is at 1 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 2DN and any associated company of Network Rail which holds property for railway purposes, and for the purpose of this definition “associated company” means any company which is (within the meaning of section 1159 (meaning of “subsidiary” etc.) of the Companies Act 2006) the holding company of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, a subsidiary of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited or another subsidiary of the holding company of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited;

“railway operational procedures” means procedures specified under any access agreement (as defined in the Railways Act 1993) or station lease;

66.—(1) Where under this Part Network Rail is required to give its consent, agreement or approval in respect of any matter, that consent, agreement or approval is subject to the condition that Network Rail complies with any relevant railway operational procedures and any obligations under its network licence or under statute.

(2) Subject to subparagraph (1) where Network Rail is asked to give its consent, agreement or approval pursuant to this Part, such consent, agreement or approval must not be unreasonably withheld but may be given subject to reasonable conditions.

67.  The undertaker shall include provisions relating to anti-dazzle fencing in the written details of any proposed permanent fence or other means of enclosure for numbered work 2A submitted pursuant to requirement 6 of Schedule 2 such provisions to be substantially in accordance with the equivalent provisions in the approved details submitted pursuant to paragraph 11 of Schedule 2 of The Rookery South (Resource Recovery Facility) Order 2011 unless otherwise agreed by Network Rail.

68.—(1) The undertaker shall not submit the written details of any proposed permanent fence or other means of enclosure for numbered work 2A to Central Bedfordshire Council in accordance with requirement 6 of Schedule 2 (Fencing and other means of site perimeter enclosure) without having first obtained the written approval of Network Rail in accordance with subparagraph (2).

(2) The undertaker shall provide Network Rail with a draft of the written details of any proposed permanent fence or other means of enclosure for numbered work 2A (including the proposed anti-dazzle fencing) for approval and Network Rail shall within a period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the written details are received by Network Rail serve written notice on the undertaker confirming that:

(a)the written details are approved; or

(b)the written details are approved subject to reasonable amendments as required by Network Rail; or

(c)the written details are not approved and the reason for the non-approval; or

(d)that further information is required in order for Network Rail to make its determination (in which case this paragraph 68(2) shall apply to such further information from the date of its receipt by Network Rail).

(3) In the event that Network Rail fails to serve written notice in accordance with paragraph 68(2) within 28 days of receipt Network Rail shall be deemed to have served a notice pursuant to paragraph 68(2)(a).

(4) The undertaker must include any amendments which are required by Network Rail and notified to the undertaker by Network Rail in the notice given pursuant to paragraph 68(2)(b) in the written details of any proposed permanent fence or other means of enclosure for numbered work 2A it submits to Central Bedfordshire Council in accordance with requirement 6 of Schedule 2 (Fencing and other means of site perimeter enclosure) and the undertaker shall not submit any such written details to Central Bedfordshire Council which have not been approved by Network Rail in accordance with paragraphs 68(2) or (3).

(5) In deciding whether to approve the written details or request any amendments Network Rail shall take into account any fencing approved or constructed pursuant to The Rookery South (Resource Recovery Facility) Order 2011.

(6) Each notice and all other information required to be sent to Network Rail under the terms of this paragraph 68 shall:

(a)be sent to the Company Secretary and General Counsel at Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, 1 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 2DN via Royal Mail plc’s special delivery service (or if this service is no longer being provided an appropriate recorded delivery postal service) and marked for the attention of the London North Western Route Asset Manager; and

(b)contain a clear statement on its front page that Network Rail must respond within 28 days of receipt.

69.  The undertaker shall not be obliged to construct the anti-dazzle fencing approved pursuant to requirement 6 of Schedule 2 in the event that anti-dazzle fencing has been constructed pursuant to The Rookery South (Resource Recovery Facility) Order 2011.

70.—(1) The undertaker shall not submit the construction traffic management plan to the relevant planning authorities in accordance with requirement 11 of Schedule 2 (construction traffic management plan) without having first obtained the written approval of Network Rail in accordance with subparagraph (2).

(2) The undertaker shall provide Network Rail with a draft of the construction traffic management plan for approval and Network Rail shall within a period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the draft construction traffic management plan is received by Network Rail serve written notice on the undertaker confirming that:

(a)the draft construction traffic management plan is approved; or

(b)the draft construction traffic management plan is approved subject to reasonable amendments as required by Network Rail; or

(c)the draft construction traffic management plan is not approved and the reason for the non-approval; or

(d)that further information is required in order for Network Rail to make its determination (in which case this paragraph 70(2) shall apply to such further information from the date of its receipt by Network Rail).

(3) In the event that Network Rail fails to serve written notice in accordance with paragraph 70(2) within 28 days of receipt Network Rail shall be deemed to have served a notice pursuant to paragraph 70(2)(a).

(4) The undertaker must include any amendments which are required by Network Rail and notified to the undertaker by Network Rail in the notice given pursuant to paragraph 70(2)(b) in the draft construction traffic management plan it submits to the relevant planning authorities in accordance with requirement 11 of Schedule 2 (construction traffic management plan) and the undertaker shall not submit any such written details to the relevant planning authorities which have not been approved by Network Rail in accordance with paragraphs 70(2) or (3).

(5) In deciding whether to approve the draft construction traffic management plan or request any amendments Network Rail shall take into account any funding received from any other third party in respect of upgrade works to the Green Lane level crossing (even if such upgrade works have not yet been completed by Network Rail) and any approval must not be conditional on the undertaker contributing funding towards a full barrier at Green Lane level crossing.

(6) Each notice and all other information required to be sent to Network Rail under the terms of this paragraph 70 shall:

(a)be sent to the Company Secretary and General Counsel at Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, 1 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 2DN via Royal Mail plc’s special delivery service (or if this service is no longer being provided an appropriate recorded delivery postal service) and marked for the attention of the London North Western Route Level Crossing Manager; and

(b)contain a clear statement on its front page that Network Rail must respond within 28 days of receipt.

71.—(1) Any difference or dispute arising between the undertaker and Network Rail under this Part of this Schedule shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the undertaker and Network Rail, be referred to and settled in arbitration in accordance with the Rules at Schedule 13 of this Order, by a single arbitrator to be agreed upon by the parties within 14 days of receipt of the notice of arbitration, or if the parties fail to agree within the time period stipulated, to be appointed on application of either party (after giving written notice to the other) by the Secretary of State.

(2) Article 41 (arbitration) shall not apply to any difference or dispute under any provisions of the Part of this Schedule.

72.  Nothing in this Order, or in any enactment incorporated with or applied by this Order, prejudices or affects the operation of Part I of the Railways Act 1993.