PART 2Common Market Organisation Amendments
In Article 19—
in paragraph 1, for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
in paragraph 2, for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
in paragraph 3—
for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
omit point (b);
in paragraph 4, for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
in paragraph 5—
for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
in point (b), omit “Member States and”;
in paragraph 6—
for the words from “Commission” to “Article 227” substitute “
appropriate authority may make regulations
in point (a), omit “Union”;
in point (b), for “Union prices”, substitute “
prices in the United Kingdom
in point (c), for “which may be granted by Member States” substitute “
providing for the grading scale for classification of pig carcasses not to apply, providing for derogations from the scale, or providing for assessment criteria to be used in addition to weight and estimated lean-meat content.”.