Unauthorised access and loitering
5.—(1) A person must not enter, attempt to enter or remain in any part of the new bridge area where that would contravene a direction of an authorised person or a notice displayed by the undertaker which prohibits or restricts access.
(2) A person must not loiter in the new bridge area if asked to leave by an authorised person.
(3) An authorised person may prevent the driver of a motor vehicle from gaining access to the new bridge area if the authorised person has reasonable cause to believe the driver of the motor vehicle is contravening, or will contravene if allowed to proceed, any of the byelaws.
(4) A person must not attempt to use the footways, carriageways and cycle tracks comprised in the new bridge—
(a)when instructed not to do so by an authorised person;
(b)in contravention of a notice displayed by the undertaker; or
(c)whenever the new bridge is in the process of opening or closing.
Traffic regulation
6.—(1) A person (other than an authorised person or a person acting with the consent of an authorised person) must not use or cause to be used within the new bridge area a barrow, cart, rickshaw or animal-drawn means of conveyance except if it is conveyed as the load or part of the load of a motor vehicle which is lawfully proceeding within the new bridge area.
(2) A person (other than an authorised person) must not use or cause to be used within the new bridge area any vehicle which emits grit, sparks, ashes, cinders, or oily substances in a manner which contravenes any regulations for the time being in force under the Road Traffic Act 1988(1) or any amendment thereof relating to the construction and use of motor vehicles.
(3) A person on foot must not enter any part of the carriageway comprised in the new bridge or new bridge approaches, unless directed or authorised to do so by an authorised person.
(4) A person must not ride a bicycle in any part of the new bridge area where a notice displayed by the undertaker states that cycling is prohibited, unless directed or authorised to do so by an authorised person.
(5) A person must not drive a motor vehicle within the new bridge area other than on the carriageways unless directed or authorised to do so by an authorised person.
(6) A person must not take onto the new bridge any animal other than a dog on a lead unless the animal is enclosed in a motor vehicle or trailer.
(7) A person must not release an animal from a motor vehicle or trailer within the new bridge area.
(8) A person must not abandon a motor vehicle in the new bridge area except in an emergency or if directed by an authorised person.
(9) A person must not operate a motor vehicle music or sound system at such volume as to cause nuisance to people within the new bridge area.
(10) A person must not take or cause to be taken onto the new bridge or new bridge approaches a motor vehicle which by reason of its condition is likely to break down or is in such condition as is likely to injure persons or damage property.
(11) A person must not use or cause to be used a motor vehicle on the new bridge or new bridge approaches unless the load carried by the motor vehicle is at all times contained or secured (if necessary by physical restraint other than its own weight) and is in such a position that neither danger nor nuisance will be caused or is likely to be caused to a person or property by reason of the load or any part of the load falling or being thrown from the motor vehicle.
(12) No driver of, or passenger in, a motor vehicle which has broken down may carry out repairs to or refuel a motor vehicle in the new bridge area without the consent of an authorised person.
(13) A driver of a motor vehicle which has broken down in the new bridge area must—
(a)as soon as practicable immediately notify an authorised person of the breakdown;
(b)switch on the motor vehicle’s hazard lights; and
(c)not attempt to move the motor vehicle (unless permitted or directed to do so by an authorised person).
(14) A driver of a motor vehicle which has shed its load in full or in part on the new bridge such that it has caused, or may cause, an obstruction or other hazard to users of the new bridge or to users of the river Yare must—
(a)as soon as practicable inform an authorised person of the loss of the load;
(b)immediately inform an authorised person of the identity of, and contact details for, the owner of the load; and
(c)not attempt to reclaim the load (unless permitted or directed to do so by an authorised person).
(15) Any user of the new bridge must comply with any direction given at any time by an authorised person or by a notice, sign or signal within the new bridge area.