The West Burton C (Gas Fired Generating Station) Order 2020

Construction traffic management plan

18.—(1) No stage of the authorised development must commence until a construction traffic management plan has, after consultation with Highways England, the highway authority, Lincolnshire County Council and West Lindsey District Council been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with the principles set out in the framework construction traffic management plan.

(3) The plan submitted and approved must include—

(a)details of the routes to be used for the delivery of construction materials and any temporary signage to identify routes and promote their safe use, including details of the access points to the construction site to be used by light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles;

(b)details of the routing strategy and procedures for the notification and conveyance of abnormal indivisible loads, including agreed routes, the numbers of abnormal loads to be delivered by road and measures to mitigate traffic impact;

(c)the construction programme; and

(d)any necessary measures for the temporary protection of carriageway surfaces, the protection of statutory undertakers’ plant and equipment and any temporary removal of street furniture.

(4) Notices must be erected and maintained throughout the period of construction at every entrance to and exit from the construction site, indicating to drivers the approved routes for traffic entering and leaving the construction site.

(5) The plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with Highways England and the highway authority.