34J.Meaning of historical aviation activity level and attributable
34K.Aviation: entitlement to free allocation in 2021-2025 allocation period
34M.Processing of applications and calculation of aviation free allocation entitlement
34N.Aviation allocation table for 2021-2025 allocation period
34O.Aviation: allocation of allowances for 2021-2025 allocation period
CHAPTER 1 Enforcement notices and determination of emissions by regulator
49.Regulator must publish names of persons subject to civil penalty under article 52
50.Installations: carrying out regulated activity without permit contrary to article 26
51.Installations: failure to comply with conditions of permit, etc.
53.Installations: failure to transfer or surrender allowances where underreporting discovered after transfer
55.Hospitals and small emitters: failure to pay civil penalty for exceeding emissions target
56.Hospitals and small emitters: under-reporting of emissions
57.Hospitals and small emitters: failure to notify when ceasing to meet criteria
59.Ultra-small emitters: reportable emissions exceeding maximum amount
60.Ultra-small emitters: failure to notify where reportable emissions exceed maximum amount
61.Aviation: failure to apply or make revised application for emissions monitoring plan
62.Aviation: failure to comply with condition of emissions monitoring plan
65.Failure to comply with enforcement notice given by regulator
Modifications to Verification Regulation 2018
PART 3 Hospital or small emitter permits
10.Hospital or small emitter permits: conversion of existing greenhouse gas emissions permit for 2026-2030 allocation period
12.Hospital or small emitter permits: effect of permit, etc.
13.Hospitals and small emitters: modifications to Monitoring and Reporting Regulation 2018
14.Former ultra-small emitters: hospital or small emitter permits coming into force after beginning of scheme year
15.Emissions targets other than for hospital-qualifying installations may not exceed maximum amount
18.Emissions targets: calculation of later targets where initial targets based on estimates
19.Emissions targets: hospital or small emitters must not exceed targets
21.Emissions targets: targets for 2026-2030 allocation period for hospital or small emitters in 2021-2025 allocation period
3.Obtaining ultra-small emitter status for 2026-2030 allocation period
4.Obtaining ultra-small emitter status for 2026-2030 allocation period: modifications to Verification Regulation 2018 for ultra-small emitters in 2021-2025 allocation period
7.End of ultra-small emitter status: ceasing to meet criteria