Regulation 31(1)

SCHEDULE 2Revocation of retained direct EU legislation

  • Commission Decision 2009/965/EC of 30 November 2009 on the reference document referred to in Article 27(4) of Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community

  • Commission Decision 2010/713/EU of 9 November 2010 on modules for the procedures for assessment of conformity, suitability for use and EC verification to be used in the technical specifications for interoperability adopted under Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

  • Commission Decision 2011/155/EU of 9 March 2011 on the publication and management of the reference document referred to in Article 27(4) of Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 of 5 May 2011 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for passenger services’ of the trans-European rail system

  • Commission Implementing Decision 2011/665/EU of 4 October 2011 on the European register of authorised types of railway vehicles

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 665/2012 of 20 July 2012 amending Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for passenger services’ of the trans-European rail system

  • Articles 1 to 4 and Articles 6 to 8 of Commission Decision 2012/757/EU of 14 November 2012 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to ‘operation and traffic management subsystem’ of the rail system in the European Union and amending Decision 2007/756/EC

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 of 13 March 2013 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – freight wagons’ of the rail system in the European Union and repealing Decision 2006/861/EC

  • Commission Decision 2013/710/EU of 2 December 2013 amending Decision 2012/757/EU concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘operation and traffic management’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1236/2013 of 2 December 2013 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – freight wagons’ of the rail system in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 321/2013

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1273/2013 of 6 December 2013 amending Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for passenger services’ of the trans-European rail system

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1299/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the ‘infrastructure’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1300/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the accessibility of the Union’s rail system for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1301/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the ‘energy’ subsystem of the rail system in the Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock – locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1303/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to ‘safety in rail tunnels’ of the rail system of the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1304/2014 of 26 November 2014 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – noise’ amending Decision 2008/232/EC and repealing Decision 2011/229/EU

  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 1305/2014 of 11 December 2014 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the telematics applications for freight subsystem of the rail system in the European Union and repealing Regulation (EC) No 62/2006

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/302 of 25 February 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for passenger services’ of the trans-European rail system

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/924 of 8 June 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock – freight wagons’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/995 of 8 June 2015 amending Decision 2012/757/EU concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘operation and traffic management’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2299 of 17 November 2015 amending Decision 2009/965/EC as regards an updated list of parameters to be used for classifying national rules

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/527 of 4 April 2016 amending Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘telematics applications for passenger services’ of the trans-European rail system

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/912 of 9 June 2016 correcting Regulation (EU) No 1303/2014 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to ‘safety in railway tunnels’ of the rail system of the European Union

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/919 of 27 May 2016 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘control-command and signalling’ subsystems of the rail system in the European Union

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/6 of 5 January 2017 on the European Rail Traffic Management System European deployment plan

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/278 of 23 February 2018 amending the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 1305/2014 as regards the structure of the messages, data and message model, Wagon and Intermodal Unit Operating Database, and to adopt an IT standard for the communication layer of the Common Interface

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/868 of 13 June 2018 amending Regulation (EU) No 1301/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 as regards provisions on energy measuring system and data collecting system

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/772 of 16 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 1300/2014 as regards inventory of assets with a view to identifying barriers to accessibility, providing information to users and monitoring and evaluating progress on accessibility

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/773 of 16 May 2019 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the operation and traffic management of the rail system within the European Union and repealing Decision 2012/757/EU

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/774 of 16 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 1304/2014 as regards application of the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock – noise’ to the existing freight wagons

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/775 of 16 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 as regards Change Control Management

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/776 of 16 May 2019 amending Commission Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No 1299/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No 1302/2014, (EU) No 1303/2014 and (EU) 2016/919 and Commission Implementing Decision 2011/665/EU as regards the alignment with Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the implementation of specific objectives set out in Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2017/1474

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/778 of 16 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 1305/2014 as regards Change Control Management