The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020 (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. Introductory

      1. 1.Citation, commencement and extent

      2. 2.Interpretation

  3. PART 2

    1. Grounds for termination: cases with gestational limit

      1. 3.Pregnancy not exceeding 12 weeks

      2. 4.Risk to physical or mental health where pregnancy not exceeding 24 weeks

  4. PART 3

    1. Grounds for termination: cases with no gestational limit

      1. 5.Immediate necessity

      2. 6.Risk to life or grave permanent injury to physical or mental health of pregnant woman

      3. 7.Severe fetal impairment or fatal fetal abnormality

  5. PART 4

    1. Places where treatment for terminations may be carried out

      1. 8.Places where treatment for terminations may be carried out

  6. PART 5

    1. Certification of opinion and notification of termination

      1. 9.Certification of opinion by registered medical professional

      2. 10.Notification of termination to Chief Medical Officer

  7. PART 6

    1. Unlawful terminations

      1. 11.Offence to terminate a pregnancy otherwise than in accordance with these Regulations

  8. PART 7 Conscientious objection

    1. 12.Conscientious objection to participation in treatment authorised by these Regulations

  9. PART 8

    1. Amendments

      1. 13.Amendments to offence of child destruction

      2. 14.Amendments consequential on the repeal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861

  10. PART 9

    1. Consent to treatment

      1. 15.Consent to treatment

  11. Signature


      Information to be supplied in a notification under regulation 10

      1. 1.The full name and address of the registered medical professional...

      2. 2.In relation to each registered medical professional who gave a...

      3. 3.The following details about the woman whose pregnancy was terminated—...

      4. 4.The date and method of feticide (if appropriate).

      5. 5.In a case where the termination is by surgery—

      6. 6.In a case where the termination is by non-surgical means—...

      7. 7.The grounds certified for terminating the pregnancy contained in the...

      8. 8.In a case of selective termination, the original number of...

      9. 9.Whether or not the woman whose pregnancy was terminated was...

      10. 10.Particulars of any complications experienced by the woman up to...

      11. 11.In the case of the death of the woman, the...

  12. Explanatory Note