Universal credit – minimum income floorI1C12


The Secretary of State may, where it appears expedient as a consequence of the outbreak of coronavirus disease, and in such cases or class of case, or for such period, as the Secretary of State determines—


treat the amount of the individual threshold or the couple threshold in regulation 62 (minimum income floor) of the Universal Credit Regulations M1 as if it were a lesser amount (including zero);


where it falls to be determined whether a claimant is in gainful self-employment, delay that determination;


where it has been determined that a claimant is in gainful self-employment, treat that claimant as not being in gainful self-employment;


where a claimant is in a start-up period, extend that period for as long as the Secretary of State considers appropriate; or


in relation to any claimant who would otherwise fall within section 22 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (all work-related requirements) as a result of this regulation, except that claimant from a work search requirement or a work availability requirement.


In this regulation “start-up period” and “gainful self-employment” have the meanings given in regulations 63 and 64 respectively of the Universal Credit Regulations.