The licence holder must inform the MMO and the Local Office in writing of the intended start date and the likely duration of licensed activities on a site at least 10 business days prior to the commencement of the first licensed marine activity.
Should the licence holder become aware that any of the information on which the granting of this licence was based has changed or is likely to change, the licence holder must notify the MMO at the earliest opportunity. Failure to do so may render this licence invalid and may lead to enforcement action.
The licence holder must ensure that any coatings and treatments used are approved by the Health and Safety Executive as suitable for use in the marine environment and are used in accordance with Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines.
The licence holder must ensure that the MMO and the Local Office is notified in writing of the completion of the works within 10 business days following the completion of any of the works.
The licence holder must ensure that any equipment, temporary structures, waste and debris associated with the works are removed within 6 weeks of completion of any of the works.
The licence holder must notify the MMO in writing of any agents, contractors or sub-contractors that will carry on any licensed activity listed in this licence on behalf of the licence holder. Such notification must be received by the MMO no less than 24 hours before the commencement of the licensed activity. The licence holder must ensure that a copy of this licence and any subsequent revisions or amendments has been provided to, read and understood by any agents, contractors or sub-contractors that will carry on the licensed activity on behalf of the licence holder.
Any oil fuel or chemical spill within the marine environment must be reported to the MMO Marine Pollution Response Team within 12 hours
Within office hours: 0300 200 2024
Outside office hours: 07770 977 825
At all times if other numbers are unavailable 0345 0518486.
Bunding and/or storage facilities must be installed to contain and prevent the release of fuel, oils, and chemicals associated with plant, refuelling and construction equipment, into the marine environment. Secondary containment must be used with a capacity of no less than 110% of the container’s storage capacity.
The licence holder must submit a method statement to the MMO at least 10 weeks prior to the proposed commencement of the licensed activities. Once approved the method statement and any mitigation measures contained therein must be strictly adhered to. Licensed activities must not commence until written approval is used by the MMO.
The licence holder must not discharge waste concrete slurry or wash water from concrete or cement into the river. The licence holder must site concrete and cement mixing and washing areas at least 10 metres from the river or surface water drain to minimise the risk of run off entering the river.
Vibro-piling must be used as standard, with percussive piling only used if required to drive a pile to its design depth. If percussive piling is necessary soft-start procedures must be used to ensure incremental increase in pile power over a set time period until full operational power is achieved.
The sort-start duration must be a period of not less than twenty minutes.
Should piling cease for a period greater than ten minutes, then the soft start procedure must be repeated.
If concrete is to be sprayed suitable protective sheeting must be provided to prevent rebounded or windblown concrete from entering the water environment. Rebounded material must be cleared away before the sheeting is removed.
During licensed activities all wastes must be stored in designated areas that are isolated from surface water drains, open water and bunded to contain any spillage.