The West Midlands Rail Freight Interchange Order 2020

Benefit of OrderU.K.

7.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) the provisions of this Order have effect solely for the benefit of the undertaker.

(2) Four Ashes Limited have the sole benefit of the provisions of Part 5 (powers of acquisition) unless the Secretary of State consents to the transfer of the benefit of those provisions.

(3) Four Ashes Limited have the sole benefit of the powers conferred by this Order to carry out the highway works in accordance with the provisions of Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 13 (protective provisions) unless—

(a)the Secretary of State consents to the transfer of the benefit of those provisions; or

(b)the provisions of paragraph 4(6) of Part 2 or paragraph 4(9) of Part 3 of Schedule 13 apply in which case the relevant highway authority will have the benefit of the powers to carry out the relevant highway works.

(4) Paragraph (1) does not apply to the works for which consent is granted by this Order for the express benefit of owners and occupiers of land, statutory undertakers, operators of the electronic communications code network and other persons affected by the authorised development.