The West Midlands Rail Freight Interchange Order 2020


In the County of Staffordshire and the District of South Staffordshire—

Works No. 1

Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 1—

The construction of a new railway line from the rail freight terminal (Works No. 2) to connect with the existing West Coast Main Line Loop railway line the general arrangement of which is shown on the illustrative arrangement of railway alignment plan and including—

(a)construction of a new railway track and associated rail infrastructure;

(b)formation of new railway embankments and all necessary earthworks and drainage;

(c)new arrival and departure rail tracks adjacent to the existing railway;

(d)the alteration of the existing railway infrastructure including points and signals;

(e)acoustic and security fencing;

(f)temporary drainage lagoon;

(g)the removal of telecommunications mast;

(h)the removal of Footpath 29 footbridge over the West Coast Main Line Loop railway;

(i)works to accommodate the removal of masonry bridge (part of existing Gravelly Way) over the West Coast Main Line Loop railway;

(j)the removal and replacement of pipework and boreholes associated with the remediation strategy for the SI land;

(k)the stopping up of Gravelly Way to the east and west of the existing railway bridge;

(l)the stopping up of the length of Footpath 29 shown on the access and rights of way plans;

(m)the construction of new maintenance access points to the east and west of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway including interface with Works No. 6; and

(n)the construction of a new culvert under the rail lines to connect services either side of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway.

Works No. 2

Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 2—

The construction of a rail freight terminal, the general arrangement of which is shown on the rail terminal – illustrative expanded rail terminal layout plan, to connect with the rail infrastructure described in Works No. 1 including—

(a)earthworks to achieve a terminal plateau;

(b)access and circulation roads;

(c)an intermodal rail freight loading/unloading terminal including—

(i)rail sidings to load/unload freight;

(ii)freight storage areas; and

(iii)gantry cranes and reach stackers;

(d)railtracks and associated rail infrastructure;

(e)drainage and attenuation ponds;

(f)security fencing;

(g)cripple sidings, rail freight terminal refuelling and maintenance areas;

(h)alteration of the existing rail infrastructure including signalling;

(i)terminal entry and exit gates, loading lanes, internal roads, gatehouses and vehicle/cycle parking areas;

(j)rail freight terminal gateway/office including staff and visitor welfare facilities;

(k)storage and workshop buildings;

(l)the removal and replacement of pipework and boreholes associated with the remediation strategy for the SI land;

(m)works to accommodate removal of bridge over West Coast Main Line Loop railway; and

(n)the stopping up of Gravelly Way.

Works No. 3

Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 3—

(1) The construction of rail served warehousing (including ancillary offices and other buildings) within the areas annotated as Zones A1 to A7 including—

(a)earthworks to provide development plateaus;

(b)construction of development plateaus;

(c)warehouses and ancillary buildings such as gatehouses;

(d)service yards and vehicle/cycle parking;

(e)rail infrastructure within Zones A1 and A2 to facilitate rail connected warehousing;

(f)vehicle access routes;

(g)solar energy provision;

(h)vehicle maintenance units including washing and refuelling;

(i)vehicle electricity charging facilities;

(j)container storage;

(k)removal of telecommunication masts;

(l)the removal and replacement of pipework and boreholes associated with the remediation strategy for the SI land;

(m)drainage and attenuation structures;

(n)on plot landscaping and bunding;

(o)signage; and

(p)the stopping up of the length of Footpath 29 shown on the access and rights of way plans.

(2) The demolition of existing farmhouses and associated outbuildings, other buildings and structures.

Works No. 4

Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 4—

The A5/A449 link road the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans and bridge plans including—

(a)footways and cycleways;

(b)construction of a new three arm roundabout on the A5;

(c)construction of a left in and left out junction with Harrisons Lane;

(d)construction of a new four arm roundabout on the A449;

(e)new bridges over the railway and canal as shown on the bridge plans;

(f)works comprising the interface with Works Nos. 5 and 7;

(g)removal of existing laybys on the A5;

(h)closure of the existing accesses on the A5 as shown on the access and rights of way plans;

(i)upgrading of existing footway on the north side of the A5 to a cycleway;

(j)bus stops and bus laybys on the A5/A449 link road;

(k)bus laybys on the A449;

(l)removal of bridge over West Coast Main Line Loop railway;

(m)street lighting;

(n)construction of new maintenance access points to the rail lines on the east and west (the latter through the rail terminal) of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway;

(o)drainage and attenuation structures;

(p)diversion and culverting of the existing canal feeder drain; and

(q)installation of new service crossings below the public highway.

Works No. 5

Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 5—

(1) The construction of infrastructure the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans including—

(a)principal on site private estate roads and associated junctions;

(b)works comprising the interfaces with Works Nos. 4 and 7;

(c)footways and cycleways;


(e)street lighting; and

(f)bus stop.

(2) The demolition of buildings and structures.