Associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) (development for which development consent may be granted) of the 2008 Act comprising—
In the County of Staffordshire and the District of South Staffordshire—
Works No. 6
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 6—
The provision of structural landscaping and two community parks including—
(a)a community park in the location identified as Croft Lane Community Park on the parameters plans;
(b)a community park in the location identified as Calf Heath Community Park on the parameters plans;
(c)earthworks including the creation of screening bunds;
(d)drainage and attenuation structures;
(e)boundary treatments including acoustic fencing;
(f)habitat creation;
(g)canal enhancement;
(h)demolition of buildings and structures;
(i)retention of existing woodland;
(j)vehicle and pedestrian accesses to Zones A2 to A7;
(k)removal of two steel pipe bridges and a concrete bridge over the canal;
(l)the removal and replacement of pipework and boreholes associated with the remediation strategy for the SI land;
(m)the stopping up of the length of Footpath 29 shown on the access and rights of way plans;
(n)the stopping up of Gravelly Way and landscaping/highway verge associated with the revised highway arrangements to Four Ashes industrial area;
(o)closure of private accesses as shown on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3);
(p)vehicle access and parking and cycle parking facilities within community parks;
(q)cycle track adjacent to Zone A6;
(r)new public car parks for the community parks;
(s)diversion of the existing land drainage network;
(t)interface with Works Nos. 1 and 10a for the construction of new maintenance access points to the east of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway;
(u)the construction of culverts under the A449 adjacent to Zone A1 and, if necessary, adjacent to Zone A2 as an alternative to use of the existing culvert situated adjacent to Zone A2, under Vicarage Road between Zone A5b and A7c and under Straight Mile south of Zone A7c to connect services either side of the public highway;
(v)the construction of a new culvert under the West Coast Main Line Loop railway, and under the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal to connect services either side of the rail lines and the canal; and
(w)construction of new drainage outfalls to Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and the existing ditch along Woodlands Lane.
Works No. 7
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 7—
Works to the public highway the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans including—
(a)upgrading of the existing footway on the north side of the A5 to a cycleway/footway;
(b)works of improvement to the A449 including—
(i)removal of the A449/Station Drive right turn lane;
(ii)upgrading the cycleway/footway along the east side of the A449 from Station Drive to the A5; and
(iii)laybys on the west and east side of the A449 between Gravelly Way and the A5;
(c)realignment of Vicarage Road and provision of access roundabout;
(d)the closure of three gaps in the central reservation on the A449 between the A5 and Gravelly Way;
(e)closure of the existing access on the A449 as shown on the access and rights of way plans;
(f)works comprising the interfaces with Work Nos. 4 and 5;
(g)the addition of cycleway/footway along a length of Vicarage Road from the south-east corner of Zone A6 to the new roundabout;
(h)provision of a pedestrian/cycle crossing point along Vicarage Road to the south west of the new access roundabout;
(i)provision of HGV turning area on Station Drive to the west of the railway bridge;
(j)the provision of two pedestrian/cycle crossing points along Straight Mile between Vicarage Road and Kings Road;
(k)amendments to Crateford Lane to create a one-way road;
(l)closure of the existing accesses on the A5 as shown on the access and rights of way plans;
(m)upgrading of existing footway on the north side of the A5 to a cycleway;
(n)an amended left in/left out junction to The Poplars;
(o)improved visibility splay at the junction of Vicarage Road and Straight Mile;
(p)footway works at junction of Straight Mile and Woodlands Lane with Kings Road including pedestrian crossing points;
(q)installation of new service crossings below the public highway;
(r)the construction of culverts under the A449 adjacent to Zone A1 and, if necessary, adjacent to Zone A2 as an alternative to use of the existing culvert situated adjacent to Zone A2, under Vicarage Road between Zone A5b and A7c and under Straight Mile south of Zone A7c to connect services either side of the public highway;
(s)signage; and
(t)street lighting.
Works No. 8
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 8—
(1) Conversion of Gravelly Way Farm buildings to use for the purposes of estate management offices, training facilities, meeting rooms, amenity and welfare facilities, with ancillary parking and landscaping.
(2) Provision of buildings for the storage of estate management plant and machinery, and related workshop facilities.
Works No. 9a
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 9a—
(a)the removal and replacement of the existing 132kv tower with a new terminal tower;
(b)restringing to the new terminal tower;
(c)installation of underground cabling to connect into the underground cabling in Works No. 4; and
(d)a temporary access and set down and assembly area for the demolition of existing tower and construction of new tower to include a temporary office and welfare facility.
Works No. 9b
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 9b—
(a)the removal and replacement of the existing 132kv tower with a new terminal tower;
(b)restringing to the new terminal tower;
(c)installation of underground cabling to connect into the underground cabling in Works No. 6; and
(d)a temporary access and set down and assembly area for the demolition of existing tower and construction of new tower to include a temporary office and welfare facility.
Works No. 10a
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 10a, the provision of revised access arrangements for the SI facility the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans incorporating access also to Zone A3 and Works No. 8 including—
(a)an underpass under the A5/A449 link road;
(b)interface with Works Nos. 1 and 6 for the construction of new maintenance access points to the east of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway;
(c)interface with Works No. 3 (Zone A3);
(d)interface with Works No. 4;
(e)interface with Works No. 8;
(f)interface with Works No. 10b;
(g)at grade junction with the A5/A449 link road;
(i)footpaths/cycle tracks;
(k)street lighting; and
(l)the construction of new maintenance access points to the east of the West Coast Main Line Loop railway.
Works No. 10b
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 10b and as shown on the access and rights of way plans (Document 2.3C), the provision of revised access arrangements to Four Ashes industrial area the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans including—
(a)the provision of at grade access from the A5/A449 link road leading to an amended roundabout with new accesses off to adjacent land;
(b)closure of part of Gravelly Way to all traffic;
(c)retention of use of part of Gravelly Way to public cycle path and footpath proceeding under the A5/A449 link road to connect with the canal towpath;
(d)footpath/cycle track adjacent to the west of the new road leading to the amended roundabout; and
(e)the provision of footpath alongside Works No. 8, the access to Works No. 8 and Works No. 10a connecting to the footway/cycle way provided as part of Works No. 4.
Works No. 11
Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works No. 11, the provision of improved access to Avenue Cottages from the A5 including the provision of a turning area the general arrangement of which is shown on the highway general arrangement plans.
Further works
The following further works provided that such works do not give rise to any materially new or materially different significant effects on the environment that have not been assessed in the environmental statement or in any updated environmental information supplied under the 2017 EIA Regulations—
(1) Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works Nos. 1 to 3 the provision of—
(b)diversion and provision of utilities services including underground cabling to connect into Work Nos. 9a and 9b; and
(c)such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of or in connection with the construction of the authorised development.
(2) Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works Nos. 1 to 6 and Works No. 8 the provision of—
(a)bunds, embankments, swales, landscaping and boundary treatments, earthworks and earthwork retaining structures;
(b)the provision of footways, cycle tracks, permissive cycle tracks, bridleways and footpath linkages;
(c)water supply works, foul drainage provision, foul pumping stations, surface water management systems, balancing ponds (surface and underground), attenuation and culverting;
(d)connections to mains services and provision of utilities infrastructure including primary and secondary substations and pressure reducing stations;
(e)diversion and provision of utilities services including underground cabling to connect into Work Nos. 9a and 9b;
(f)the relocation/erection of telecommunications masts following the removal thereof as part of Works Nos. 1 and 3;
(g)demolition of surface structures;
(h)fencing and boundary treatments;
(i)temporary concrete batching plants;
(j)temporary construction compounds and materials and aggregate store;
(l)CCTV and vehicle monitoring equipment; and
(m)such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of or in connection with the construction of the authorised development.
(3) Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works Nos. 4, 5, 7, 10a, 10b and 11 the provision of—
(b)surface water drainage works;
(c)landscaping and boundary treatments;
(d)earthworks and earthwork retaining structures;
(e)pavements, surface treatments, kerbs and channels;
(f)traffic signs, traffic signals and road markings;
(g)diversion and provision of utilities services including underground cabling to connect into Work Nos. 9a and 9b;
(h)temporary earthworks material stockpiles; and
(i)such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of or in connection with the construction of the authorised development.
(4) Within the area of land described on the works plans as Works Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10a and 10b the stopping up of the public right of way shown coloured purple on sheet 7 of the access and rights of way plans if added to the definitive map pursuant to an order under section 53 (duty to keep definitive map and statement under continuous review) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.