The A19 Downhill Lane Junction Development Consent Order 2020

Temporary use of land for construction compound

30.—(1) The undertaker may only enter on and take temporary possession of the land identified as plot reference 2/1, 2/2a and 2/2b shown on the land plans for the purposes of the authorised development if the development authorised by the A19/A184 Testo’s Junction Alteration Development Consent Order 2018(1) (the “Testo’s Order”) has commenced and the main construction compound referred to as Work No. 31 in Schedule 1 to the Testo’s Order has not been vacated at the commencement of development authorised by this Order.

(2) Where the undertaker is in possession of the land identified as plot reference 2/1, 2/2a and 2/2b shown on the land plans for the purposes of the authorised development, the undertaker may not enter on and take temporary possession of the specified land under article 29 (temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised development) or article 31 (temporary use of land for maintaining the authorised development) of this Order or carry out construction activities on that land for the purposes of the authorised development.

(3) In this article—

“construction activities” means any material operation (as defined in section 56(4) of the 1990 Act) proposed under this Order; and

“the specified land” means the land identified as plot reference 1/14b shown on the land plans.