Use and disclosure of information provided to the Secretary of State

16.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), any information provided to the Secretary of State under regulations 3, 5, 13, 14 or 15 must be made available by the Secretary of State—


(b)in electronic form;

(c)free of charge; and

(d)without any restriction on its use and further disclosure.

(2) A person will not be able to use in any App that they have developed or may develop any information made available under paragraph (1) without having first provided the Secretary of State with the following information in electronic form—

(a)their name and, where applicable, trading name;

(b)their land-line telephone number or a mobile telephone number;

(c)their address; and

(d)their e-mail address.

(3) A person will not be able to use in any App that they have developed or may develop any information made available under paragraph (1) if the person—

(a)does not acknowledge in a statement of attribution in any App that they have developed or may develop using information made available under paragraph (1) that the information has been taken from the bus open data digital service internet site;

(b)does not state in any App that they have developed or may develop using information made available under paragraph (1) that while the Secretary of State strives to preserve the integrity and quality of information on the bus open data digital service internet site, the Secretary of State cannot warrant the accuracy or quality of the information on the site;

(c)in any way implies or explicitly states that any App they have developed or may develop using information made available under paragraph (1) has the endorsement, affiliation, support or approval of the Secretary of State;

(d)does not publish the date on which any file mentioned in regulation 4(1)(b)(i) or 6(1)(b)(i) was created;

(e)uses the information made available under paragraph (1) in a manner that unreasonably impinges on the ability of others to use it; or

(f)uses the information made available under paragraph (1) unlawfully.