Linked householdsI16


Where a household comprises one adult, or one adult and one or more persons who were under the age of 18 on 12th June 2020 (“the first household”), F1on or after 14th September 2020 the adult may choose to be linked with one other household (“the second household”), provided that—


neither the first household nor the second household are linked F2... with any other household for the purpose of these Regulations or any other Regulations made under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 F3, except where the households are linked for the purpose of being linked childcare households, and


all the adult members of the second household agree.


There is no limit on the number of adults or children which may be in the second household.


The first and second households are “linked households” in relation to each other.


The first and second households cease to be linked households if neither household satisfies the condition in the opening words of paragraph (1).


Once the first and second households have ceased being linked households, neither the first household nor the second household may be linked with any other household.