Foul water drainage

25.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until full details of a scheme, for the connection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of mains foul water drainage on and off site has been submitted to, and after consultation with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water, approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) If it is demonstrated as part of the information submitted pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) that it is not practicable or reasonable to connect to a mains system, an alternative strategy for the provision and implementation of wastewater treatment must be submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water, approved by the relevant planning authority. Any non-mains drainage proposal must include a management and maintenance plan to ensure that it will not cause pollution to the water environment.

(3) The schemes approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) and (where relevant) sub-paragraph (2) must be implemented and maintained throughout the operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.