Expert determination

199.—(1) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (7), article 42 (arbitration) does not apply to this Part of this Schedule.

(2) Any difference under this Part of this Schedule must be referred to and settled by a single independent and suitable person who holds appropriate professional qualifications and is a member of a professional body relevant to the matter in dispute acting as an expert, such person to be agreed by the differing parties or, in the absence of agreement, identified by the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

(3) All parties involved in settling any difference must use best endeavours to do so within 21 days from the date of a dispute first being notified in writing by one party to the other and in the absence of the difference being settled within that period the expert must be appointed within 28 days of the notification of the dispute.

(4) The fees of the expert are payable by the parties in such proportions as the expert may determine or, in the absence of such determination, equally.

(5) The expert must—

(a)invite the parties to make submission to the expert in writing and copied to the other party to be received by the expert within 21 days of the expert’s appointment;

(b)permit a party to comment on the submissions made by the other party within 21 days of receipt of the submission;

(c)issue a decision within 42 days of receipt of the submissions under sub-paragraph (b); and

(d)give reasons for the decision.

(6) The expert must consider where relevant—

(a)the development outcome sought by the undertaker;

(b)the ability of the undertaker to achieve its outcome in a timely and cost-effective manner;

(c)the nature of the power sought to be exercised by the undertaker;

(d)the nature of any operation or development undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by any party other than the undertaker;

(e)the ability of any party other than the undertaker to undertake a relevant operation or development in a timely and cost-effective manner, while giving consideration to any restriction or limitation which might be caused to the ability of any party to carry out their statutory or regulatory duties, requirements or obligations;

(f)the effects of the undertaker’s proposals on any party other than the undertaker and the effects of any operation or development undertaken by any party other than the undertaker;

(g)whether this Order provides any alternative powers by which the undertaker could reasonably achieve the development outcome sought in a manner that would reduce or eliminate adverse effects on any party other than the undertaker;

(h)the effectiveness, cost and reasonableness of proposals for mitigation arising from any party;

(i)the constructability notes; and

(j)any other important and relevant consideration.

(7) Any determination by the expert is final and binding, except in the case of manifest error in which case the difference that has been subject to expert determination may be referred to and settled by arbitration under article 42.