Amendment of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 20134

After regulation 64 (special circumstances where revised actuarial valuations and certificates must be obtained), insert—

Revision of rates and adjustments certificate: Scheme employer contributions64A


 An administering authority may obtain a revision of the rates and adjustments certificate under regulation 62 (actuarial valuations of pension funds) showing any resulting changes to the contributions of a Scheme employer or employers where—


the funding strategy mentioned in regulation 58 (funding strategy statements) sets out the administering authority’s policy on amending contributions between valuations; and


one of the following conditions applies—


it appears likely to the administering authoritythat the amount of the liabilities arising or likely to arise has changed significantly since the last valuation;


it appears likely to the administering authority that there has been a significant change in the ability of the Scheme employer or employers to meet the obligations of employers in the Scheme; or


a Scheme employer or employers have requested a review of Scheme employer contributions and have undertaken to meet the costs of that review.


In revising the certificate, an administering authority must—


consult the Scheme employer or employers; and


have regard to the views of an actuary appointed by the administering authority.

Revision of actuarial certificates: exit payments64B


Where the funding strategy mentioned in regulation 58 (funding strategy statements) sets out the administering authority’s policy on spreading exit payments, that administering authority may obtain a revision of the rates and adjustments certificate under regulation 62 (actuarial valuations of pension funds) to show the proportion of the exit payment to be paid by the exiting Scheme employer in each year after the exit date over such period as the administering authority considers reasonable.


In revising the certificate, an administering authority must—


consult the exiting Scheme employer; and


have regard to the views of an actuary appointed by the administering authority.