The Channel Tunnel (Arrangements with the Kingdom of the Netherlands) Order 2020


The criminal offences referenced in Article 5 of the Agreement are as follows:

Offences for which Officers of either Contracting Party may arrest

  • using deception to enter the Destination State

  • assisting unlawful entry

  • helping an asylum seeker enter the Destination State for gain

  • assisting entry to the Destination State in breach of a deportation or exclusion order

  • obstructing an immigration officer conducting checks

Offences for which Officers of the United Kingdom may use detention at port powers pending the arrival of Officers of the Netherlands

  • any offence for which a person is liable to arrest by a police officer for an act or omission which would constitute an offence under an immigration control enactment if it had taken place in the United Kingdom

  • any offence in respect of which an individual is subject to a warrant for arrest.