The Tuberculosis in Animals (England) Order 2021

Notification of suspected disease

5.—(1) Any of the following who suspects that an animal has or may have tuberculosis must give immediate notice of that suspicion to the Secretary of State—

(a)the keeper of an animal;

(b)a person who, in the course of practice as a veterinary surgeon, examines or inspects an animal; or

(c)a person who, in the course of their duty, inspects an animal for any purpose.

(2) Pending the conclusion of the veterinary inquiry in accordance with article 7, including the service of a notice under that article, a keeper who has made a notification under paragraph (1) must not move the animal to which the notification relates, or allow it to be moved, from the premises on which it is located, and must immediately after that notification—

(a)isolate it as far as practicable from other animals; and

(b)adopt precautions with respect to milk produced by that animal as if a notice under article 7(3) had already been served.