PART 3Amendment of retained direct minor EU legislation

CHAPTER 3Amendment of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014

Amendment of Annex 4 to Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/201415


Annex 4 (Part-ADR.OPS) is amended as follows.


For point ADR.OPS.A.010, substitute—

ADR.OPS.A.010 Data quality requirements

The aerodrome operator shall have formal arrangements with the organisations with which it exchanges aeronautical data or aeronautical information and shall ensure the following:


all data relevant to the aerodrome and available services is provided with the required quality;


data quality requirements (DQRs) are complied with at data origination and maintained during data transmission;


the accuracy of aeronautical data is as specified in the aeronautical data catalogue;


the integrity of aeronautical data is maintained throughout the data process from origination to transmission, based on the integrity classification specified in the aeronautical data catalogue;


procedures are put in place so that:

  • (1) for routine data as defined in ICAO PANS-AIM (Doc 10066), corruption is avoided throughout the processing of the data;

  • (2) for essential data as defined in ICAO PANS-AIM, corruption does not occur at any stage of the entire process and additional processes are included, as needed, to address potential risks in the overall system architecture to ensure data integrity at that level;

  • (3) for critical data as defined in ICAO PANS-AIM, corruption does not occur at any stage of the entire process and additional integrity assurance processes are included to fully mitigate the effects of faults identified by thorough analysis of the overall system architecture as potential data integrity risks;


the resolution of the aeronautical data is commensurate with the actual data accuracy;


the traceability of the aeronautical data;


the timeliness of the aeronautical data, including any limits on the effective period;


the completeness of the aeronautical data;


the format of the delivered data meets the specified requirements.


After point ADR.OPS.A.015, insert—

ADR.OPS.A.020 Common reference systems

For the purpose of air navigation, the aerodrome operator shall use:


the World Geodetic System – 1984 (WGS-84) as the horizontal reference system;


the mean sea level (MSL) datum as the vertical reference system;


the Gregorian calendar and coordinated universal time (UTC) as the temporal reference systems.

ADR.OPS.A.025 Data error detection and authentication

When originating, processing or transmitting data to the aeronautical information service (AIS) provider, the aerodrome operator shall:


ensure that digital data error detection techniques are used during the transmission and storage of aeronautical data, in order to support the applicable data integrity levels;


ensure that the transfer of aeronautical data is subject to a suitable authentication process such that recipients are able to confirm that the data or information has been transmitted by an authorised source.

ADR.OPS.A.030 Aeronautical data catalogue

When originating, processing or transmitting data to the AIS provider, the aerodrome operator shall ensure that the aeronautical data conforms with the ‘Aeronautical Data Catalogue’ referred to in ICAO PANS-AIM (Doc 10066).

ADR.OPS.A.035 Data validation and verification

When originating, processing or transmitting data to the AIS provider, the aerodrome operator shall ensure that validation and verification techniques are employed so that the aeronautical data meets the associated DQRs. In addition:


the verification shall ensure that the aeronautical data is received without corruption and that the aeronautical data process does not introduce corruption;


aeronautical data and aeronautical information entered manually shall be subject to independent verification to detect any errors that may have been introduced;


when using aeronautical data to obtain or calculate new aeronautical data, the initial data shall be verified and validated, except when provided by an authoritative source.

ADR.OPS.A.040 Error handling requirements

The aerodrome operator shall ensure that:


errors identified during data origination and after data delivery are addressed, corrected or resolved;


priority is given to managing errors in critical and essential aeronautical data.

ADR.OPS.A.045 Metadata

The aerodrome operator shall ensure that metadata include, as a minimum:


the identification of the organisations or entities performing any action of originating, transmitting or manipulating the aeronautical data;


the action performed;


the date and time the action was performed.

ADR.OPS.A.050 Data transmission

The aerodrome operator shall ensure that aeronautical data is transmitted by electronic means.

ADR.OPS.A.055 Tools and software

When originating, processing or transmitting aeronautical data to the AIS provider, the aerodrome operator shall ensure that tools and software used to support or automate aeronautical data processes perform their functions without adversely impacting the quality of the aeronautical data.


Before Subpart B, insert—

ADR.OPS.A.057 Origination of NOTAM


The aerodrome operator shall:

  • (1) establish and implement procedures in accordance with which it originates a NOTAM issued by the relevant aeronautical information services provider that contains either or both of the following:

    • (i) information on the establishment, condition, or change of any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel involved with flight operations;

    • (ii) information of a temporary nature and of short duration or that concerns operationally significant permanent changes or temporary changes of long duration (three months or longer) that are made at short notice, except for extensive text or graphics;

  • (2) designate aerodrome personnel, who have successfully completed relevant training and demonstrated their competence, to originate NOTAM and provide relevant information to the aeronautical information service providers with which it has arrangements;

  • (3) ensure that all other aerodrome personnel whose duties involve the use of NOTAM have successfully completed relevant training and demonstrated their competence to do so.


The aerodrome operator shall originate a NOTAM when it is necessary to provide the following information:

  • (1) establishment of, closure of, or significant changes in the operation of aerodromes or heliports or runways;

  • (2) establishment of, withdrawal of, or significant changes in the operation of the aerodrome services;

  • (3) establishment of, withdrawal of, or significant changes in the operational capability of radio navigation and air-ground communication services for which the aerodrome operator is responsible;

  • (4) unavailability of backup and secondary systems, having a direct operational impact;

  • (5) establishment of, withdrawal of, or significant changes to visual aids;

  • (6) interruption of, or return to operation of, major components of aerodrome lighting systems;

  • (7) establishment of, withdrawal of, or significant changes to procedures for air navigation services for which the aerodrome operator is responsible;

  • (8) occurrence or correction of major defects or impediments in the manoeuvring area;

  • (9) changes to, and limitations on, the availability of fuel, oil and oxygen;

  • (10) establishment of, withdrawal of, or return to, operation of hazard beacons marking obstacles to air navigation;

  • (11) planned laser emissions, laser displays and search lights in the aerodrome surroundings, if pilots’ night vision is likely to be impaired;

  • (12) erecting or removal of, or changes to, obstacles to air navigation in the take-off, climb, missed approach, approach areas, as well as on the runway strip;

  • (13) changes in aerodrome or heliport rescue and firefighting category;

  • (14) presence of, removal of, or significant changes in, hazardous conditions due to snow, slush, ice, radioactive material, toxic chemicals, volcanic ash deposition or water on the movement area;

  • (15) presence of a runway or portion of a runway which is slippery wet;

  • (16) presence of a runway which is not available due to runway marking works; or information about the time lag required for making the runway available, if the equipment used for such works can be removed, when necessary;

  • (17) presence of hazards that affect air navigation, including presence of wildlife, obstacles, displays and major events.


For the purposes of point (b), the aerodrome operator shall ensure that:

  • (1) a NOTAM is originated with sufficient lead time for the affected parties to take any required action, except in the case of unserviceability, release of radioactive material, toxic chemicals and other events that cannot be foreseen;

  • (2) a NOTAM notifying unserviceability of associated facilities, services and navigation aids at the aerodrome, provides an estimate of the unserviceability period or of the time at which restoration of service is expected;

  • (3) within three months from the issuance of a permanent NOTAM, the information contained in the NOTAM is included in the aeronautical information products affected;

  • (4) within three months from the issuance of a temporary NOTAM of long duration (three months or longer), the information contained in the NOTAM is included in an AIP supplement;

  • (5) when a NOTAM with an estimated end of validity unexpectedly exceeds the three-month period, a replacement NOTAM is originated unless the condition is expected to last for a further period of more than three months; in that case, the aerodrome operator shall ensure that the information is published in an AIP supplement.


In addition, the aerodrome operator shall ensure that:

  • (1) except as provided for in point (d)(4), each NOTAM it originates contains the applicable information in the order shown in the NOTAM format set out in ICAO PANS-AIM (Doc 10066);

  • (2) NOTAM text is composed of the significations or uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to the ICAO NOTAM Code, complemented by ICAO abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language;

  • (3) NOTAM is originated in the English language or the national language, as agreed with the relevant aeronautical information services provider;

  • (4) information concerning snow, slush, ice, frost, standing water or water associated with snow, slush, ice or frost on the movement area is disseminated by means of SNOWTAM and contains the information in the order shown in the SNOWTAM format in ICAO PANS-AIM (Doc 10066);

  • (5) when an error has occurred in a NOTAM, a NOTAM with a new number is originated to replace the erroneous NOTAM or the erroneous NOTAM is cancelled and a new NOTAM is originated;

  • (6) when a NOTAM is originated to cancel or replace a previous NOTAM:

    • (i) the series and number/year of the previous NOTAM are indicated;

    • (ii) the Location Indicators and subject of both NOTAM are the same;

  • (7) only one NOTAM is cancelled or replaced by a new NOTAM;

  • (8) each originated NOTAM deals with only one subject and one condition of the subject;

  • (9) each originated NOTAM is as brief as possible and compiled so that its meaning is clear without the need to refer to another document;

  • (10) an originated NOTAM containing permanent or temporary information of long duration (three months or longer) includes appropriate references to the AIP or AIP supplement;

  • (11) the ICAO Location Indicator included in the text of an originated NOTAM for the aerodrome is the one contained in the Location Indicators. A curtailed form of such indicators shall not be used.


The aerodrome operator shall, following the publication of a NOTAM that it has originated, review its content to ensure its accuracy, and ensure the dissemination of the information to all relevant aerodrome personnel and organisations at the aerodrome.


The aerodrome operator shall maintain records:

  • (1) of the NOTAM it originated and those that were issued;

  • (2) regarding the implementation of points (a)(2) and (3).

ADR.OPS.A.060 Reporting of surface contaminants

The aerodrome operator shall report to the aeronautical information services and air traffic services units on matters of operational significance affecting aircraft and aerodrome operations on the movement area, particularly in respect of the presence of the following:












anti-icing or de-icing liquid chemicals or other contaminants;


snowbanks or drifts.

ADR.OPS.A.065 Reporting of the runway surface condition


The aerodrome operator shall report the runway surface condition over each third of the runway using a runway condition report (RCR). The report shall include a runway condition code (RWYCC) using numbers 0 to 6, the contaminant coverage and depth, and a description using the following terms:


  • DRY;




  • FROST;

  • ICE;

  • SLUSH;



  • WET;

  • WET ICE;





Reporting shall commence when a significant change in runway surface condition occurs due to water, snow, slush, ice or frost.


Reporting of the runway surface condition shall continue to reflect significant changes until the runway is no longer contaminated. When that situation occurs, the aerodrome operator shall issue an RCR that states that the runway is wet or dry as appropriate.


Friction measurements shall not be reported.


When a paved runway or portion of a paved runway is slippery wet, the aerodrome operator shall make such information available to the relevant aerodrome users. That shall be done by originating a NOTAM and shall describe the location of the affected portion.


After point ADR.OPS.B.035, insert—

ADR.OPS.B.037 Assessment of runway surface condition and assignment of runway condition code

Whenever the contaminants listed in points ADR.OPS.A.060(a) to (e) are present on the surface of a runway, the aerodrome operator shall:


assign a RWYCC based on the type and depth of the contaminant and temperature;


inspect the runway whenever the runway surface condition may have changed due to meteorological conditions, assess the runway surface condition and assign a new RWYCC;


use special air-reports to trigger reassessment of RWYCC.