
PART 5General and Administrative Provisions

Method of payment

13.—(1) Where the amount of the fee payable for an application is immediately quantifiable, the fee must be paid on delivery of the application.

(2) Where the amount of the fee payable for an application is not immediately quantifiable, the applicant must pay the sum of £40 towards the fee when the application is delivered and must lodge at the same time an undertaking to pay on demand the balance of the fee due, if any.

(3) Where an application is delivered by electronic means—

(a)if the relevant notice under Schedule 2 to the rules requires the person delivering the application to have entered into an agreement referred to in paragraph (7), the fee must be paid by direct debit, and

(b)in all other cases, the fee must be paid by credit or debit card.

(4) Where an application is made by personal delivery or made orally, in accordance with a notice given under Schedule 2 to the rules, the fee must be paid by direct debit, credit or debit card, cheque or postal order crossed and made payable to HM Land Registry, or in cash.

(5) Where an application is made by telephone, in accordance with a notice given under Schedule 2 to the rules, the fee must be paid by credit or debit card.

(6) Where an application is made otherwise than as described in paragraphs (3), (4) and (5), the fee must be paid by direct debit or cheque or postal order crossed and made payable to HM Land Registry.

(7) In this article, reference to “direct debit” means direct debit to such bank account of the land registry as the registrar may from time to time direct in accordance with an agreement between the registrar and the person delivering the application.