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The Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Order 2021


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

PART 2Licensed Marine Activities – General

1.  This licence remains in force until the authorised scheme has been decommissioned in accordance with a programme approved by the Secretary of State under section 106 (approval of decommissioning programmes) of the 2004 Act, including any modification to the programme under section 108 (reviews and revisions of decommissioning programmes), and the completion of such programme has been confirmed by the Secretary of State in writing.

2.  The provisions of section 72 (variation, suspension, revocation and transfer) of the 2009 Act apply to this licence except that the provisions of section 72(7) and (8) relating to the transfer of the licence only apply to a transfer not falling within article 6 (benefit of the Order).

3.  With respect to any condition which requires the licensed activities be carried out in accordance with the plans, protocols or statements approved under this Schedule, the approved details, plan or scheme are taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved in writing by the MMO.

4.  Any amendments to or variations from the approved plans, protocols or statements must be minor or immaterial and it must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the MMO that they are unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.

5.  The substances or articles authorised for deposit at sea are—

(a)iron and steel, copper and aluminium;

(b)stone and rock;


(d)sand and gravel;

(e)plastic and synthetic;

(f)material extracted from within the offshore Order limits during construction drilling or seabed preparation for foundation works and cable (including fibre optic cable) sandwave preparation works; and

(g)marine coatings, other chemicals and timber.

6.  The grid coordinates for the authorised scheme are specified below—

PointLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)PointLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)
153° 14′ 28.789″ N3° 3′ 31.257″ E11752° 48′ 9.945″ N2° 51′ 14.086″ E
252° 56′ 14.962″ N3° 8′ 41.012″ E11852° 47′ 34.455″ N2° 46′ 27.112″ E
352° 52′ 14.268″ N2° 45′ 34.286″ E11952° 47′ 27.872″ N2° 45′ 34.071″ E
453° 3′ 46.017″ N2° 45′ 35.676″ E12052° 51′ 41.636″ N2° 45′ 34.220″ E
553° 8′ 27.770″ N2° 48′ 38.429″ E12152° 51′ 50.970″ N2° 46′ 27.714″ E
653° 13′ 52.532″ N3° 2′ 3.556″ E12252° 52′ 49.498″ N2° 52′ 4.152″ E
753° 13′ 53.967″ N3° 2′ 7.131″ E12352° 53′ 4.385″ N2° 51′ 57.093″ E
853° 13′ 59.710″ N3° 2′ 21.440″ E12452° 53′ 19.948″ N2° 51′ 49.713″ E
953° 14′ 8.462″ N3° 2′ 43.249″ E12552° 52′ 14.268″ N2° 45′ 34.286″ E
1053° 14′ 21.060″ N3° 3′ 12.673″ E12653° 3′ 46.017″ N2° 45′ 35.676″ E
1153° 10′ 30.403″ N2° 59′ 5.331″ E12753° 8′ 27.770″ N2° 48′ 38.429″ E
1253° 10′ 30.387″ N2° 59′ 6.176″ E12853° 13′ 52.532″ N3° 2′ 3.556″ E
1353° 10′ 30.403″ N2° 59′ 7.022″ E12953° 13′ 53.967″ N3° 2′ 7.131″ E
1453° 10′ 30.451″ N2° 59′ 7.863″ E13053° 13′ 59.710″ N3° 2′ 21.440″ E
1553° 10′ 30.531″ N2° 59′ 8.699″ E13153° 14′ 8.462″ N3° 2′ 43.249″ E
1653° 10′ 30.641″ N2° 59′ 9.524″ E13253° 14′ 21.060″ N3° 3′ 12.673″ E
1753° 10′ 30.783″ N2° 59′ 10.336″ E13353° 10′ 30.403″ N2° 59′ 5.331″ E
1853° 10′ 30.955″ N2° 59′ 11.131″ E13453° 10′ 30.387″ N2° 59′ 6.176″ E
1953° 10′ 31.157″ N2° 59′ 11.907″ E13553° 10′ 30.403″ N2° 59′ 7.022″ E
2053° 10′ 31.388″ N2° 59′ 12.661″ E13653° 10′ 30.451″ N2° 59′ 7.863″ E
2153° 10′ 31.646″ N2° 59′ 13.389″ E13753° 10′ 30.531″ N2° 59′ 8.699″ E
2253° 10′ 31.932″ N2° 59′ 14.088″ E13853° 10′ 30.641″ N2° 59′ 9.524″ E
2353° 10′ 32.243″ N2° 59′ 14.756″ E13953° 10′ 30.783″ N2° 59′ 10.336″ E
2453° 10′ 32.579″ N2° 59′ 15.390″ E14053° 10′ 30.955″ N2° 59′ 11.131″ E
2553° 10′ 32.938″ N2° 59′ 15.988″ E14153° 10′ 31.157″ N2° 59′ 11.907″ E
2653° 10′ 33.319″ N2° 59′ 16.548″ E14253° 10′ 31.388″ N2° 59′ 12.661″ E
2753° 10′ 33.721″ N2° 59′ 17.066″ E14353° 10′ 31.646″ N2° 59′ 13.389″ E
2853° 10′ 34.141″ N2° 59′ 17.541″ E14453° 10′ 31.932″ N2° 59′ 14.088″ E
2953° 10′ 34.578″ N2° 59′ 17.972″ E14553° 10′ 32.243″ N2° 59′ 14.756″ E
3053° 10′ 35.031″ N2° 59′ 18.356″ E14653° 10′ 32.579″ N2° 59′ 15.390″ E
3153° 10′ 35.497″ N2° 59′ 18.692″ E14753° 10′ 32.938″ N2° 59′ 15.988″ E
3253° 10′ 35.975″ N2° 59′ 18.978″ E14853° 10′ 33.319″ N2° 59′ 16.548″ E
3353° 10′ 36.463″ N2° 59′ 19.214″ E14953° 10′ 33.721″ N2° 59′ 17.066″ E
3453° 10′ 36.959″ N2° 59′ 19.398″ E15053° 10′ 34.141″ N2° 59′ 17.541″ E
3553° 10′ 37.461″ N2° 59′ 19.531″ E15153° 10′ 34.578″ N2° 59′ 17.972″ E
3653° 10′ 37.966″ N2° 59′ 19.610″ E15253° 10′ 35.031″ N2° 59′ 18.356″ E
3753° 10′ 38.474″ N2° 59′ 19.637″ E15353° 10′ 35.497″ N2° 59′ 18.692″ E
3853° 10′ 38.982″ N2° 59′ 19.610″ E15453° 10′ 35.975″ N2° 59′ 18.978″ E
3953° 10′ 39.488″ N2° 59′ 19.531″ E15553° 10′ 36.463″ N2° 59′ 19.214″ E
4053° 10′ 39.990″ N2° 59′ 19.399″ E15653° 10′ 36.959″ N2° 59′ 19.398″ E
4153° 10′ 40.485″ N2° 59′ 19.214″ E15753° 10′ 37.461″ N2° 59′ 19.531″ E
4253° 10′ 40.973″ N2° 59′ 18.978″ E15853° 10′ 37.966″ N2° 59′ 19.610″ E
4353° 10′ 41.451″ N2° 59′ 18.692″ E15953° 10′ 38.474″ N2° 59′ 19.637″ E
4453° 10′ 41.918″ N2° 59′ 18.356″ E16053° 10′ 38.982″ N2° 59′ 19.610″ E
4553° 10′ 42.370″ N2° 59′ 17.972″ E16153° 10′ 39.488″ N2° 59′ 19.531″ E
4653° 10′ 42.807″ N2° 59′ 17.542″ E16253° 10′ 39.990″ N2° 59′ 19.399″ E
4753° 10′ 43.228″ N2° 59′ 17.067″ E16353° 10′ 40.485″ N2° 59′ 19.214″ E
4853° 10′ 43.629″ N2° 59′ 16.548″ E16453° 10′ 40.973″ N2° 59′ 18.978″ E
4953° 10′ 44.010″ N2° 59′ 15.989″ E16553° 10′ 41.451″ N2° 59′ 18.692″ E
5053° 10′ 44.369″ N2° 59′ 15.391″ E16653° 10′ 41.918″ N2° 59′ 18.356″ E
5153° 10′ 44.705″ N2° 59′ 14.757″ E16753° 10′ 42.370″ N2° 59′ 17.972″ E
5253° 10′ 45.017″ N2° 59′ 14.089″ E16853° 10′ 42.807″ N2° 59′ 17.542″ E
5353° 10′ 45.302″ N2° 59′ 13.389″ E16953° 10′ 43.228″ N2° 59′ 17.067″ E
5453° 10′ 45.561″ N2° 59′ 12.661″ E17053° 10′ 43.629″ N2° 59′ 16.548″ E
5553° 10′ 45.792″ N2° 59′ 11.908″ E17153° 10′ 44.010″ N2° 59′ 15.989″ E
5653° 10′ 45.993″ N2° 59′ 11.132″ E17253° 10′ 44.369″ N2° 59′ 15.391″ E
5753° 10′ 46.166″ N2° 59′ 10.336″ E17353° 10′ 44.705″ N2° 59′ 14.757″ E
5853° 10′ 46.307″ N2° 59′ 9.524″ E17453° 10′ 45.017″ N2° 59′ 14.089″ E
5953° 10′ 46.418″ N2° 59′ 8.699″ E17553° 10′ 45.302″ N2° 59′ 13.389″ E
6053° 10′ 46.498″ N2° 59′ 7.864″ E17653° 10′ 45.561″ N2° 59′ 12.661″ E
6153° 10′ 46.545″ N2° 59′ 7.022″ E17753° 10′ 45.792″ N2° 59′ 11.908″ E
6253° 10′ 46.561″ N2° 59′ 6.176″ E17853° 10′ 45.993″ N2° 59′ 11.132″ E
6353° 10′ 46.545″ N2° 59′ 5.331″ E17953° 10′ 46.166″ N2° 59′ 10.336″ E
6453° 10′ 46.498″ N2° 59′ 4.489″ E18053° 10′ 46.307″ N2° 59′ 9.524″ E
6553° 10′ 46.418″ N2° 59′ 3.654″ E18153° 10′ 46.418″ N2° 59′ 8.699″ E
6653° 10′ 46.307″ N2° 59′ 2.829″ E18253° 10′ 46.498″ N2° 59′ 7.864″ E
6753° 10′ 46.166″ N2° 59′ 2.017″ E18353° 10′ 46.545″ N2° 59′ 7.022″ E
6853° 10′ 45.993″ N2° 59′ 1.221″ E18453° 10′ 46.561″ N2° 59′ 6.176″ E
6953° 10′ 45.792″ N2° 59′ 0.445″ E18553° 10′ 46.545″ N2° 59′ 5.331″ E
7053° 10′ 45.561″ N2° 58′ 59.691″ E18653° 10′ 46.498″ N2° 59′ 4.489″ E
7153° 10′ 45.302″ N2° 58′ 58.964″ E18753° 10′ 46.418″ N2° 59′ 3.654″ E
7253° 10′ 45.017″ N2° 58′ 58.264″ E18853° 10′ 46.307″ N2° 59′ 2.829″ E
7353° 10′ 44.705″ N2° 58′ 57.596″ E18953° 10′ 46.166″ N2° 59′ 2.017″ E
7453° 10′ 44.369″ N2° 58′ 56.962″ E19053° 10′ 45.993″ N2° 59′ 1.221″ E
7553° 10′ 44.010″ N2° 58′ 56.364″ E19153° 10′ 45.792″ N2° 59′ 0.445″ E
7653° 10′ 43.629″ N2° 58′ 55.804″ E19253° 10′ 45.561″ N2° 58′ 59.691″ E
7753° 10′ 43.228″ N2° 58′ 55.286″ E19353° 10′ 45.302″ N2° 58′ 58.964″ E
7853° 10′ 42.807″ N2° 58′ 54.811″ E19453° 10′ 45.017″ N2° 58′ 58.264″ E
7953° 10′ 42.370″ N2° 58′ 54.380″ E19553° 10′ 44.705″ N2° 58′ 57.596″ E
8053° 10′ 41.918″ N2° 58′ 53.997″ E19653° 10′ 44.369″ N2° 58′ 56.962″ E
8153° 10′ 41.451″ N2° 58′ 53.661″ E19753° 10′ 44.010″ N2° 58′ 56.364″ E
8253° 10′ 40.973″ N2° 58′ 53.374″ E19853° 10′ 43.629″ N2° 58′ 55.804″ E
8353° 10′ 40.485″ N2° 58′ 53.139″ E19953° 10′ 43.228″ N2° 58′ 55.286″ E
8453° 10′ 39.990″ N2° 58′ 52.954″ E20053° 10′ 42.807″ N2° 58′ 54.811″ E
8553° 10′ 39.488″ N2° 58′ 52.822″ E20153° 10′ 42.370″ N2° 58′ 54.380″ E
8653° 10′ 38.982″ N2° 58′ 52.742″ E20253° 10′ 41.918″ N2° 58′ 53.997″ E
8753° 10′ 38.474″ N2° 58′ 52.716″ E20353° 10′ 41.451″ N2° 58′ 53.661″ E
8853° 10′ 37.966″ N2° 58′ 52.742″ E20453° 10′ 40.973″ N2° 58′ 53.374″ E
8953° 10′ 37.461″ N2° 58′ 52.822″ E20553° 10′ 40.485″ N2° 58′ 53.139″ E
9053° 10′ 36.959″ N2° 58′ 52.954″ E20653° 10′ 39.990″ N2° 58′ 52.954″ E
9153° 10′ 36.463″ N2° 58′ 53.139″ E20753° 10′ 39.488″ N2° 58′ 52.822″ E
9253° 10′ 35.975″ N2° 58′ 53.375″ E20853° 10′ 38.982″ N2° 58′ 52.742″ E
9353° 10′ 35.497″ N2° 58′ 53.661″ E20953° 10′ 38.474″ N2° 58′ 52.716″ E
9453° 10′ 35.031″ N2° 58′ 53.997″ E21053° 10′ 37.966″ N2° 58′ 52.742″ E
9553° 10′ 34.578″ N2° 58′ 54.381″ E21153° 10′ 37.461″ N2° 58′ 52.822″ E
9653° 10′ 34.141″ N2° 58′ 54.812″ E21253° 10′ 36.959″ N2° 58′ 52.954″ E
9753° 10′ 33.721″ N2° 58′ 55.287″ E21353° 10′ 36.463″ N2° 58′ 53.139″ E
9853° 10′ 33.319″ N2° 58′ 55.805″ E21453° 10′ 35.975″ N2° 58′ 53.375″ E
9953° 10′ 32.938″ N2° 58′ 56.364″ E21553° 10′ 35.497″ N2° 58′ 53.661″ E
10053° 10′ 32.579″ N2° 58′ 56.962″ E21653° 10′ 35.031″ N2° 58′ 53.997″ E
10153° 10′ 32.243″ N2° 58′ 57.597″ E21753° 10′ 34.578″ N2° 58′ 54.381″ E
10253° 10′ 31.932″ N2° 58′ 58.265″ E21853° 10′ 34.141″ N2° 58′ 54.812″ E
10353° 10′ 31.646″ N2° 58′ 58.964″ E21953° 10′ 33.721″ N2° 58′ 55.287″ E
10453° 10′ 31.388″ N2° 58′ 59.692″ E22053° 10′ 33.319″ N2° 58′ 55.805″ E
10553° 10′ 31.157″ N2° 59′ 0.445″ E22153° 10′ 32.938″ N2° 58′ 56.364″ E
10653° 10′ 30.955″ N2° 59′ 1.221″ E22253° 10′ 32.579″ N2° 58′ 56.962″ E
10753° 10′ 30.783″ N2° 59′ 2.017″ E22353° 10′ 32.243″ N2° 58′ 57.597″ E
10853° 10′ 30.641″ N2° 59′ 2.829″ E22453° 10′ 31.932″ N2° 58′ 58.265″ E
10953° 10′ 30.531″ N2° 59′ 3.654″ E22553° 10′ 31.646″ N2° 58′ 58.964″ E
11053° 10′ 30.451″ N2° 59′ 4.489″ E22653° 10′ 31.388″ N2° 58′ 59.692″ E
11153° 14′ 28.789″ N3° 3′ 31.257″ E22753° 10′ 31.157″ N2° 59′ 0.445″ E
11252° 56′ 14.962″ N3° 8′ 41.012″ E22853° 10′ 30.955″ N2° 59′ 1.221″ E
11352° 54′ 27.033″ N2° 58′ 15.457″ E22953° 10′ 30.783″ N2° 59′ 2.017″ E
11452° 54′ 11.424″ N2° 58′ 22.820″ E23053° 10′ 30.641″ N2° 59′ 2.829″ E
11552° 53′ 56.239″ N2° 58′ 29.982″ E23153° 10′ 30.531″ N2° 59′ 3.654″ E
11652° 49′ 50.103″ N2° 56′ 54.167″ E23253° 10′ 30.451″ N2° 59′ 4.489″ E

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