SCHEDULE 12Deemed Licence under the 2009 Act – Transmission Assets (Licence 2 – Phase 2)
PART 4Conditions
Pre-construction plans and documentation
The licensed activities or any part of those activities must not commence until the following (as relevant to that part) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the MMO—
A design plan at a scale of between 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 including detailed representation on the most suitably scaled admiralty chart, to be agreed in writing with the MMO in consultation with Trinity House and the MCA which shows, in accordance with the Development Principles—
the proposed location and choice of foundation of all offshore electrical platforms;
the height, length and width of all offshore electrical platforms;
the length and arrangement of all cables (including fibre optic cables) comprising Work Nos. 3A, 4A and 4B;
the dimensions of all foundations;
the proposed layout of all offshore electrical platforms including any exclusion zones identified under sub-paragraph (1)(h)(iv);
a plan showing the indicative layout of all offshore electrical platforms including all exclusion zones (insofar as not shown in (v) above) and showing the indicative programming of particular works as set out in the indicative programme to be provided under sub-paragraph (1)(b)(iv); and
any exclusion zones/micrositing requirements identified in any mitigation scheme pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)(i);
to ensure conformity with the description of Works No. 2, 3A, 4A and 4B and compliance with conditions 1 to 3 above.
A construction programme and monitoring plan (which accords with the offshore in principle monitoring plan) to include details of—
the proposed construction start date;
proposed timings for mobilisation of plant delivery of materials and installation works;
proposed pre-construction surveys, baseline report format and content, construction monitoring, post-construction surveys and monitoring and related reporting in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)(h) and conditions 12, 13, 14 and 15; and
an indicative written construction programme for all offshore electrical platforms and cables including fibre optic cables comprised in the works at Part 3 (licensed marine activities) of this Schedule (insofar as not shown in paragraph (ii) above);
with details pursuant to paragraph (iii) above to be submitted to the MMO in accordance with the following—
at least four months prior to the first survey, detail of the pre-construction surveys and an outline of all proposed pre-construction monitoring;
at least four months prior to construction, detail on construction monitoring; and
at least four months prior to commissioning, detail of post-construction (and operational) monitoring;
unless otherwise agreed in writing with the MMO.
A construction method statement in accordance with the construction methods assessed in the environmental statement and including details of—
foundation installation methodology, including drilling methods and disposal of drill arisings and material extracted during seabed preparation for foundation works and having regard to any mitigation scheme pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)(i);
soft start procedures with specified duration periods;
offshore electrical platform location and installation, including scour protection;
cable (including fibre optic cable) installation;
vessels, vessels maintenance and vessel transit corridors; and
associated and ancillary works.
A project environmental management plan (in accordance with the outline project environmental management plan) covering the period of construction and operation to include details of—
a marine pollution contingency plan to address the risks, methods and procedures to deal with any spills and collision incidents of the authorised scheme in relation to all activities carried out;
a chemical risk assessment to include information regarding how and when chemicals are to be used, stored and transported in accordance with recognised best practice guidance;
waste management and disposal arrangements;
the appointment and responsibilities of a fisheries liaison officer; and
a fisheries liaison and coexistence plan (which accords with the outline fisheries liaison and co-existence plan) to ensure relevant fishing fleets are notified of commencement of licensed activities pursuant to condition 4 and to address the interaction of the licensed activities with fishing activities;
A scour protection and cable protection plan (in accordance with the outline scour protection and cable protection plan) providing details of the need, type, sources, quantity, distribution and installation methods for scour protection and cable (including fibre optic cable) protection. For the avoidance of doubt “distribution” in this sub-paragraph must include quantities in respect of each structure comprised in the offshore works and intended to be subject to scour protection.
In the event that piled foundations are proposed to be used, at least six months prior to commencement of licensed activities, a marine mammal mitigation protocol, in accordance with the draft marine mammal mitigation protocol, the intention of which is to prevent injury to marine mammals and following current best practice as advised by the relevant statutory nature conservation bodies.
A cable specification, installation and monitoring plan, for the installation and protection of cables outside of the Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation, to include—
technical specification of offshore cables (including fibre optic cable) below MHWS, including a desk-based assessment of attenuation of electro-magnetic field strengths, shielding and cable burial depth in accordance with industry good practice;
a detailed cable (including fibre optic cable) laying plan for the Order limits, incorporating a burial risk assessment, encompassing the identification of any cable protection that exceeds 5% of navigable depth referenced to chart datum and, in the event that any area of cable protection exceeding 5% of navigable depth is identified, details of any steps (to be determined following consultation with the MCA and Trinity House) to be taken to ensure existing and future safe navigation is not compromised or such similar assessment to ascertain suitable burial depths and cable laying techniques, including cable landfall and cable protection measures;
proposals for monitoring offshore cables including cable (including fibre optic cable) protection during the operational lifetime of the authorised scheme which includes a risk based approach to the management of unburied or shallow buried cables; and
appropriate methods such as a trawl or drift net to be deployed along Work No. 4A and 4B (export cables and fibre optic cables), following the survey referred to in condition 15(2)(b) to assess any seabed obstructions resulting from burial of the export cables and fibre optic cables.
An archaeological written scheme of investigation in relation to the offshore Order limits seaward of mean high water, which must accord with the outline written scheme of investigation (offshore) and industry good practice, in consultation with the statutory historic body (and, if relevant, North Norfolk District Council) to include—
details of responsibilities of the undertaker, archaeological consultant and contractor;
a methodology for further site investigation including any specifications for geophysical, geotechnical and diver or remotely operated vehicle investigations;
archaeological analysis of survey data, and timetable for reporting, which is to be submitted to the MMO within four months of any survey being completed;
delivery of any mitigation including, where necessary, identification and modification of archaeological exclusion zones;
monitoring of archaeological exclusion zones during and post construction;
a requirement for the undertaker to ensure that a copy of any agreed archaeological report is deposited with the National Record of the Historic Environment, by submitting a Historic England OASIS (Online Access to the Index of archaeological investigations) form with a digital copy of the report within six months of completion of construction of the authorised scheme, and to notify the MMO (and North Norfolk District Council where the report relates to the intertidal area) that the OASIS form has been submitted to the National Record of the Historic Environment within two weeks of submission;
a reporting and recording protocol, including reporting of any wreck or wreck material during construction, operation and decommissioning of the authorised scheme; and
a timetable for all further site investigations, which must allow sufficient opportunity to establish a full understanding of the historic environment within the offshore Order Limits and the approval of any necessary mitigation required as a result of the further site investigations prior to commencement of licensed activities.
A mitigation scheme for any habitats of principal importance identified by the survey referred to in condition 13(2)(a) and in accordance with the offshore in principle monitoring plan.
An offshore operations and maintenance plan, in accordance with the outline offshore operations and maintenance plan, to be submitted to the MMO at least four months prior to commencement of operation of the licensed activities and to provide for review and resubmission every three years during the operational phase.
An aids to navigation management plan to be agreed in writing by the MMO following consultation with Trinity House, to include details of how the undertaker will comply with the provisions of condition 5 for the lifetime of the authorised scheme.
In the event that piled foundations are proposed to be used, at least six months prior to commencement of licensed activities, a site integrity plan which accords with the principles set out in the in principle Norfolk Boreas Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation Site Integrity Plan, and which the MMO is satisfied would provide such mitigation as is necessary to avoid adversely affecting the integrity (within the meaning of the 2017 Regulations) of a relevant site, to the extent that harbour porpoise are a protected feature of that site.
At least six months prior to commencement of licensed activities, a cable specification, installation and monitoring plan for the installation and protection of cables within the Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation which accords with the principles set out in the outline Norfolk Boreas Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation Cable Specification, Installation and Monitoring Plan such plan to be submitted to the MMO (in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body).
Pre-commencement surveys and archaeological investigations and pre-commencement material operations which involve intrusive seabed works must only take place in accordance with a specific written scheme of investigation which is itself in accordance with the details set out in the outline offshore written scheme of investigation (offshore), and which has been submitted to and approved by the MMO.
In the event that driven or part-driven pile foundations are proposed to be used, the hammer energy used to drive or part-drive the pile foundations must not exceed—
5,000kJ in respect of monopile foundations; and
2,700kJ in respect of pin piles.