The Wheelabrator Kemsley K3 Generating Station Order 2021

Operational traffic and travel plans

10.—(1) The number of Heavy Goods Vehicle Movements to and from the K3 Generating Station shall not exceed 348 movements per day until the following have been submitted to and, after consultation with the relevant highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority:

(a)a written operational traffic routing and management plan; and,

(b)a written travel plan for operational staff.

(2) The plan submitted and approved under sub-paragraph (1)(a) must be in accordance with the draft K3 operational traffic routing and management plan certified by the Secretary of State under article 16.

(3) The plan submitted and approved under sub-paragraph (1)(b) must be in accordance with the draft K3 travel plan certified by the Secretary of State under article 16.

(4) The plans referred to in sub-paragraphs (1)(a) and (1)(b) must be implemented as approved.

(5) Subject to paragraph (1), the total maximum number of Heavy Goods Vehicle Movements to and from the K3 Generating Station shall not exceed a combined total of 416 movements per day subject to any prior written variation as approved by the relevant planning authority

(6) Sub-paragraphs (1) to (5) do not apply to waste deliveries originating from and returning to the railway depot at Ridham Docks accessing and egressing the K3 Generating Station by the use of Ridham Dock Road.