

Charges other than ship, passenger and goods dues

10.  The Council may demand, take and recover in respect of any dracone or floating dock, crane, rig, drilling rig, or floating platform or any other vessel not being a ship as defined in section 57(1) of the Act of 1964 entering, using or leaving the harbour such reasonable charges as it may determine and sections 30 (duty of harbour and local lighthouse authorities to make available for inspection, and to keep for sale, copies of lists of certain charges) and 31 (right of objection to ship, passenger and goods dues) of the Act of 1964 shall with all necessary modification apply to the charges authorised by this article as they may apply to ship, passenger and goods dues demanded under section 26 (repeal of provisions limiting discretion of certain harbour authorities as to ship, passenger and goods dues charged by them) of the Act of 1964.