PART 3Monitoring, reporting and verification (“MRV”) of aeroplane operator annual CO2 emissions

CHAPTER 2Monitoring of aeroplane operator annual CO2 emissions

Modification of the Emissions Monitoring PlanI126


An aeroplane operator must notify the Regulator of any proposals for modification of its Emissions Monitoring Plan.


The aeroplane operator must resubmit the Emissions Monitoring Plan to the Regulator for approval if a material change is made to the information contained within the Emissions Monitoring Plan.


A material change is a change to the information presented in the Emissions Monitoring Plan that would—


affect the status or eligibility of the aeroplane operator for an option under the emissions monitoring requirements, or


otherwise affect the decision by the Regulator with regard to whether the aeroplane operator’s approach to monitoring conforms with the requirements.


The aeroplane operator must also resubmit the Emissions Monitoring Plan in the event of a change to the information presented in the plan that—


arises from a change in the availability of data, due to the use of new types of measuring instrument, sampling methods or analysis methods, or for other reasons, which leads to higher accuracy in the determination of emissions,


has been found to be incorrect under the data monitoring methodology applied previously,


would improve the accuracy of the reported data, unless this is technically not feasible or incurs unreasonable costs, or


is necessary to respond to the suggestions for improvement of the monitoring plan contained in a F2Verification Report.


An aeroplane operator must also inform the Regulator of changes that would affect the Regulator’s oversight, such as a change in corporate name or address, even if the changes do not fall within the definition of a material change30.


 A Regulator may, by giving notice to an aeroplane operator, vary the aeroplane operator’s Emissions Monitoring Plan, including by the modification, addition or removal of a condition, if the Regulator considers it necessary to do so in order to give proper effect to this Order.