SCHEDULE 5Reporting

Article 70(5)



The procedures specified in this Schedule are concerned with the reporting requirements under Chapter 3 of Part 3 of this Order.


Unless otherwise stated, fuel use and CO2 emissions must be reported to the nearest tonne.

Commencement Information

Sch. 5 para. 1 in force at 26.5.2021, see art. 1

Content of Emissions Report from aeroplane operator to the RegulatorI22


The information required for an aeroplane operator’s Emissions Report to the Regulator is set out in Table 1.

Table 1Content of aeroplane operator Emissions Report

The template of an Emissions Report from an aeroplane operator to the Regulator is provided in Appendix 1 of the Environmental Technical Manual (Doc 9501), Volume IV – Procedures for demonstrating compliance with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)71.


Data Field


Field 1

Aeroplane operator information

(a) Name of aeroplane operator.

(b) Detailed contact information of aeroplane operator.

(c) Name of a point of contact.

(d) Method and identifier used to attribute the aeroplane operator to the United Kingdom in accordance with article 8(1).

(e) State (the United Kingdom).

Field 2

Reference details of aeroplane operator Emissions Monitoring Plan

Reference to the Emissions Monitoring Plan that is the basis for emissions monitoring that year.

Field 3

Information to identify the verification body and Verification Report

(a) Name and contact information of the verification body.

(b) Verification Report to be a separate report from the aeroplane operator’s Emissions Report.

Field 4

Reporting year

Year during which emissions were monitored

Field 5

Type and mass of fuel used

Total fuel mass per type of fuel72

(i) Jet-A (in tonnes),

(ii) Jet-A1 (in tonnes),

(iii) Jet-B (in tonnes),

(iv) AvGas (in tonnes).

Field 6

Total number of international flights during the reporting period

Total number of international flights during the reporting period73.

Field 7

Number of international flights per State pair or aerodrome pair

(a) Number of international flights per State pair, without rounding, or

(b) Number of international flights per aerodrome pair, without rounding.

Field 8

CO2 emissions per aerodrome pair or State pair

(a) CO2 emissions from international flights per State pair (in tonnes), or

(b) CO2 emissions from international flights per aerodrome pair (in tonnes).

Field 9

Scale of data gaps

(a) Percent of data gaps, according to criteria defined in article 37(1) and (4) and rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

(b) Reason for data gaps if per cent of data gaps exceeds the thresholds defined in article 37(1) (a) and (b).

Field 10

Aeroplane information

(a) List of aeroplane types.

(b) Aeroplane identifiers used in Item 7 of the flight plans during the year for all international flights. Where the identifier is based on an ICAO Designator, only the ICAO Designator is to be reported.

(c) Information on leased aeroplanes.

(d) AFBR F1(average fuel burn ratio) for each aeroplane type under the list in point (a)74.

Field 11

Eligibility for and use of the CERT in accordance with article 22

(a) Version of the CERT used.

(b) Scope of use of the CERT, i.e. on all flights or only on the international flights, F2not subject to offsetting requirements under article 41A .

Field 1276

CORSIA eligible fuel claimed

(a) Fuel type, i.e. type of fuel, feedstock and conversion process.

(b) Total mass of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel claimed in tonnes, per fuel type.

Emissions information (per fuel type)

(c) Approved Life Cycle Emissions values.

(d) Emissions reductions claimed from a CORSIA eligible fuel, as calculated in accordance with equations described in F3article 41C and reported in tonnes.

Emissions reductions (total)

(e)Total emissions reductions claimed from the use of all CORSIA eligible fuels in tonnes77.

Field 13

Total CO2 emissions

(a) Total CO2 emissions based on total mass of fuel in tonnes from Field 5 and reported in tonnes78.

(b) Total CO2 emissions from flights F4subject to offsetting requirements under article 41A in tonnes.

(c) Total CO2 emissions from international F5flights that are not subject to offsetting requirements under article 41A in tonnes.


The supplementary information required for an aeroplane operator’s Emissions Report if emissions reductions from the use of CORSIA eligible fuels is being claimed is set out in Table 2.

Table 2Supplementary information to an aeroplane operator’s Emissions Report if emissions reductions from the use of each CORSIA eligible fuel being claimed

The template of a CORSIA eligible fuels supplementary information to the Emissions Report from an aeroplane operator to the Regulator is provided in Appendix 1 of the Environmental Technical Manual (Doc 9501), Volume IV – Procedures for demonstrating compliance with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)79.


Data Field


Field 1

Purchase date of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel

Field 2

Identification of the producer of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel

(a) Name of producer of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

(b) Contact information of the producer of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

Field 3

Fuel Production

(a) Production date of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

(b) Production location of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

(c) Batch number of each batch of neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

(d) Mass of each batch of neat CORSIA eligible fuel produced.

Field 4

Fuel type

(a) Type of fuel, i.e. Jet-A, Jet-A1, Jet-B, AvGas.

(b) Feedstock used to create the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

(c) Conversion process used to create the neat CORSIA eligible fuel.

Field 5

Fuel Purchased

(a) Proportion of neat CORSIA eligible fuel batch purchased, rounded to the nearest % if less than an entire batch of CORSIA eligible fuel is purchased.

(b) Total mass of each batch of neat CORSIA eligible fuel purchased (in tonnes).

(c) Mass of neat CORSIA eligible fuel purchased (in tonnes)80.

Field 6

Evidence that fuel satisfies the CORSIA Sustainability Criteria

A valid sustainability certification document.

Field 7

Life cycle emissions values of the CORSIA eligible fuel

(a) Default or Actual Life Cycle Emissions Value (LSf) for given CORSIA eligible fuel f, which is equal to the sum of point (b) and point (c), in gCO2e/MJ rounded to the nearest whole number.

(b) Default or Actual Core Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) value for given CORSIA eligible fuel f (in gCO2e/MJ rounded to the nearest whole number).

(c) Default Induced Land Use Change (ILUC) value for given CORSIA eligible fuel f in gCO2e/MJ rounded to the nearest whole number.

Field 8

Intermediate purchaser81

(a) Name of the intermediate purchaser.

(b) Contact information of the intermediate purchaser.

Field 9

Party responsible for shipping of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel to the fuel blender

(a) Name of party responsible for shipping of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel to the fuel blender.

(b) Contact information of party responsible for shipping of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel to the fuel blender.

Field 10

Fuel Blender

(a) Name of the party responsible for blending neat CORSIA eligible fuel with aviation fuel.

(b) Contact information of the party responsible for blending neat CORSIA eligible fuel with aviation fuel.

Field 11

Location where neat CORSIA eligible fuel is blended with aviation fuel

Field 12

Date the neat CORSIA eligible fuel was received by blender

Field 13

Mass of neat CORSIA eligible fuel received (in tonnes)82

Field 14

Blend ratio of neat CORSIA eligible fuel and aviation fuel, rounded to the nearest %

Field 15

Documentation demonstrating that the batch or batches of neat CORSIA eligible fuel were blended into aviation fuel, such as the subsequent Certificate of Analysis of the blended fuel

Field 16

Mass of neat CORSIA eligible fuel claimed (in tonnes)83

Content of reports from the Secretary of State to ICAOI33


The information required for the Secretary of State’s report to ICAO listing the aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom and verification bodies accredited in the United Kingdom is set out in Table 3.

Table 3The report of aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom and verification bodies accredited in the United Kingdom84


Data Field


Field 1

List of aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom

(a) Name and contact information of aeroplane operator,

(b) Aeroplane operator Code,

(c) Method and identifier used to attribute aeroplane operator to the United Kingdom in accordance with article 8(1).

Field 2

List of verification bodies accredited in the United Kingdom for a given year of compliance

(a) State (United Kingdom),

(b) Name of verification body.


The information required for the Secretary of State’s Emissions Report to ICAO for the period of 2019 and 2020 is set out in Table 4.

Table 4Emissions Report from the Secretary of State to ICAO for 2019 and 2020


Data Field


Field 1

Total annual CO2 emissions per State pair aggregated for all aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes)85

Include emissions from CORSIA eligible fuels, calculated using fuel conversion factor from corresponding aviation fuels, in accordance with article 28(4).


The information required for the Secretary of State’s report to ICAO annually from and including 2021 is set out in Table 5.

Table 5Emissions Report from the Secretary of State to ICAO annually from and including 2021


Data Field


Field 1

Total annual CO2 emissions on each State pair aggregated for all aeroplane operators attributed to the UnitedKingdom86

(a) Total annual CO2 emissions on each State pair F6subject to offsetting requirements, under article 41A, aggregated for all aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes),

(b) Total annual CO2 emissions on each State pair F7not subject to offsetting requirements under article 41A aggregated for all aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes).

Field 2

Total annual CO2 emissions for each aeroplane operator attributed to the United Kingdom

(a) Total annual CO2 emissions for each aeroplane operator attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes),

(b) Indicate whether the CERT, as set out in Schedule 3 is used.

Field 3

Total aggregated annual CO2 emissions for all State pairs F8subject to offsetting requirements, under article 41A, for each aeroplane operator attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes)

Field 4

Total aggregated annual CO2 emissions for all State pairs F9not subject to offsetting requirements under article 41A for each aeroplane operator attributed to the United Kingdom (in tonnes)


The information required for the Secretary of State’s Emissions Report to ICAO for the use of CORSIA eligible fuels in the United Kingdom is set out in Table 6.

Table 6CORSIA eligible fuels supplementary information to the Emissions Report from the Secretary of State to ICAO88


Data Field



Field 1


(a) Production year of CORSIA eligible fuel claimed,

(b) Producer of CORSIA eligible fuel.

Field 2

Batch of CORSIA eligible fuel

(a) Batch number of each CORSIA eligible fuel claimed,

(b) Total mass of each batch of CORSIA eligible fuel claimed (in tonnes).

Field 3

CORSIA eligible fuel claimed

(a) Fuel types, i.e. type of fuel, feedstock and conversion process,

(b) Total mass of the neat CORSIA eligible fuel (in tonnes) per fuel type being claimed by all the aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom.

This will provide a total mass for each fuel type being claimed by all aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom.

Field 4

Emissions information per fuel type

Total emissions reductions claimed from the use of a CORSIA eligible fuel (in tonnes).

Field 5

Total Emissions reductions

Total emissions reductions claimed by all aeroplane operators attributed to the United Kingdom from all CORSIA eligible fuel use (in tonnes).