Powers of the court10.
On an application for a special administration order the court may—
grant the application in accordance with paragraph (2);
dismiss the application;
adjourn the hearing (generally or to a specified date);
make an interim order;
make any other order which the court thinks appropriate.
The court may make a special administration order if it is satisfied F1...—
Where the application for a special administration order is made by members of the institution as contributories on the basis that Ground B in regulation 9 is satisfied, the court must make a special administration order if it is of the opinion that—
the applicants are entitled to relief either by a special administration order being made in respect of the institution or by some other means, and
in the absence of any other remedy it would be fair that the special administration order be made in respect of the institution.
But paragraph (3) does not apply if the court is also of the opinion that an alternative remedy is available to the applicants and that they are acting unreasonably in applying for a special administration order instead of pursuing that other remedy.
A special administration order takes effect in accordance with its terms.