Energy efficiency index
2.—(1) For the calculation of the EEIW, the weighted energy consumption of the eco 40-60 programme at—
(a)the rated washing capacity;
(b)half of the rated washing capacity; and
(c)one quarter of the rated washing capacity;
must be compared to its standard cycle energy consumption.
(2) The EEIW must be rounded to one decimal place and calculated as follows—
EEIW = (EW/SCEW) × 100.
(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (2)—
(a)EW is the weighted energy consumption of the household washing machine or of the washing cycle of the household washer-dryer;
(b)SCEW is the standard cycle energy consumption of the household washing machine or the washing cycle of the household washer-dryer.
(4) The SCEW must be rounded to three decimal places and calculated in kWh per cycle as follows—
SCEW = -0.0025 × c2 + 0.0846 × c + 0.3920.
(5) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (4), c is—
(a)the rated capacity of the washing machine; or
(b)the rated washing capacity of the washer-dryer;
for the eco 40-60 programme.
(6) The EW must be rounded to three decimal places and calculated in kWh per cycle as follows—
(7) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (6)—
(a)EW,full is the energy consumption of—
(i)the washing machine; or
(ii)the washing cycle of the household washer-dryer;
for the eco 40-60 programme at the rated washing capacity, rounded to three decimal places;
(b)EW,½ is the energy consumption of—
(i)household washing machine; or
(ii)the washing cycle of the household washer-dryer;
for the eco 40-60 programme at half of the rated washing capacity, rounded to three decimal places;
(c)EW,1/4 is the energy consumption of—
(i)the washing machine; or
(ii)the washing cycle of the household washer-dryer;
for the eco 40-60 programme at a quarter of the rated washing capacity, rounded to three decimal places;
(d)A is the weighting factor for the rated washing capacity and rounded to three decimal places;
(e)B is the weighting factor for half of the rated washing capacity and rounded to three decimal places;
(f)C is the weighting factor for a quarter of the rated washing capacity and rounded to three decimal places;
(g)for washing machines with a rated capacity lower than or equal to 3 kg and washer-dryers with a rated washing capacity lower than or equal to 3 kg—
(i)A is equal to 1;
(ii)B and C are be equal to 0;
(h)for other washing machines and washer-dryers, the values of the weighting factors depend on the rated capacity according to the following equations—
(i)A = -0.0391 × c + 0.6918;
(ii)B = -0.0109 × c + 0.3582;
(iii)C = 1 - (A + B);
where c is the rated capacity of the washing machine or the rated washing capacity of the washer dryer.