The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information Regulations 2021

Material efficiency requirements

10.  Electronic displays must meet the following requirements.

Design for dismantling, recycling and recovery

11.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), manufacturers, importers or their authorised representatives must ensure that joining, fastening or sealing techniques do not prevent the removal, using commonly available tools, of the components indicated in point 1 of Annex 7 of the WEEE Directive, when present.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) does not apply where for safety, performance, medical or data integrity reasons, a permanent connection between the appliance and the battery is necessary.

(3) Manufacturers, importers or their authorised representatives must, without prejudice to regulation 24 of the WEEE Regulations, make available, on a website which is accessible to the public without charge, the dismantling information needed to access any of the product’s components referred to in point 1 of Annex 7 of the WEEE Directive.

(4) The dismantling information referred to in sub-paragraph (3) must include—

(a)the sequence of dismantling steps; and

(b)any tools or technologies needed to access the targeted components.

(5) The information referred to in paragraph (3) must be available for at least 15 years after the placing on the market of the last unit of a product model.

Marking of plastic components

12.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), plastic components heavier than 50 g must be legibly marked by specifying the type of polymer, with the appropriate standard symbols or abbreviated terms, as specified in standards produced by an international standardising body, and set between the punctuation marks “>” and “<”.

(2) Plastic components are exempt from marking requirements in the following circumstances—

(a)marking is not possible because of the shape or size of the component;

(b)the marking would impact on the performance or functionality of the plastic component; or

(c)marking is not possible because of the moulding method.

(3) For the following plastic components no marking is required—

(a)packaging, tape, labels and stretch wraps;

(b)wiring, cables and connectors, rubber parts and any item where there is insufficient appropriate surface area available for the marking to be of a legible size;

(c)PCB assemblies, PMMA boards, optical components, electrostatic discharge components, electromagnetic interference components, and speakers;

(d)transparent parts where the marking would obstruct the function of the part in question.

(4) Components containing flame retardants must additionally be legibly marked with the abbreviated term of the polymer followed by a hyphen, then the symbol ‘FR’ followed by the code number of the flame retardant in parentheses. The marking on the enclosure and stand components must be clearly visible and readable.

Cadmium logo

13.—(1) Electronic displays with a screen panel in which concentration values of Cadmium (Cd) by weight in homogeneous materials exceed 0.01 per cent must be labelled with the “Cadmium inside” logo as specified in paragraph (2).

(2) The logo referred to in sub-paragraph (1) must be clearly visible, legible and indelible, and must be in the form of the following graphic (figure 1)—

(3) An additional “Cadmium inside” logo must be firmly attached—

(a)internally on the display panel; or

(b)moulded in a position clearly visible to workers when dismantling the product,

once the external back cover bearing the external logo is removed.

(4) Where concentration values of Cadmium (Cd) by weight in any homogeneous material part of the display do not exceed 0.01 per cent, a “Cadmium free” logo must be displayed, in the form of the following graphic (figure 2)—

(5) In figures 1 and 2—

(a)the dimension of “a” must be greater than 9 mm; and

(b)the typeface must be “Gill Sans”.

Halogenated flame retardants

14.  The use of halogenated flame retardants is not permitted in the enclosure and stand of electronic displays.