PART 7Training, qualifications and medical fitness

CHAPTER 4Training programme

Training programme69.


The licensee must establish and maintain a training programme—


combining practical and theoretical training for—


all individuals who will be on board a launch vehicle or a carrier aircraft in flight43;


any other individual employed by the licensee who will perform a specified role;


any other individual contracted to provide services for the licensee who will perform a specified role;


providing training for individuals who participate in the licensed activities but do not perform a specified role or act in a specified capacity.


The objective of the training programme is to ensure that all participants are adequately qualified, trained, and medically fit to perform their assigned duties or otherwise participate in the licensed activities.


To achieve that objective, the training programme must include—


initial, proficiency and readiness training in accordance with paragraphs (4), (5) and (6) respectively for all relevant individuals;


initial and readiness training in accordance with paragraphs (4) and (6) for individuals who do not perform a specified role, and


assessments to determine—


what training is required by relevant individuals;


whether individuals on a course of training have received and successfully completed all the necessary elements of that training (“a training assessment”);


if individuals are competent to perform their functions in relation to the licensed activities (“a competence assessment”).


Initial training must enable individuals—


to become familiar with—


the licensee’s organisation and methods of working;


the safety regulations in Part 8, including the procedures set out in the safety operations manual applying to the licensed activities;


other regulations applying to the licensee and its licensed activities,

where this is necessary to enable individuals to perform their roles, or to act as spaceflight participants,


to be made aware of human factors, and


to receive general security awareness training in accordance with Chapter 4 of Part 11.


Proficiency training must be provided for each specified role to ensure that individuals appointed to perform that role—


satisfy the criteria specified in relation to that role in Part 1 of Schedule 3,


receive the training specified in Part 3 of Schedule 3, and


are able to perform the duties associated with that role and otherwise take part in the licensed activities.


Readiness training must be provided in relation to each mission undertaken by the licensee for all individuals who are to participate in that mission, to ensure that they—


understand the objectives of that mission;


rehearse the role which they are to perform in the mission in accordance with regulation 70(5), and demonstrate adequate performance in that role.


The training programme must also provide training for spaceflight participants who do not perform a specified role in accordance with paragraphs 50 and 52 of Schedule 3.