The Space Industry Regulations 2021

Safety case and risk assessment review and revision requirements

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

80.—(1) A spaceflight operator must review and, where necessary, revise the current safety case and, if the launch vehicle has a human occupant, the current risk assessment—

(a)before the spaceflight operator introduces an operational change which is likely to materially alter the instructions and procedures in the safety operations manual;

(b)before the spaceflight operator makes—

(i)any modifications to the launch vehicle or carrier aircraft, or

(ii)changes to the operator’s spaceflight activities, any flight safety system or to the duties of the flight termination personnel,

where such modifications or changes are likely to materially affect the spaceflight operator carrying out the operator’s spaceflight activities safely;

(c)following any of the events or matters referred to in paragraph (2).

(2) The events and matters are—

(a)there has been an occurrence arising out of, or in the course of, the operator’s spaceflight activities or another significant failing in those activities;

(b)the spaceflight operator has become aware of an occurrence elsewhere that may affect the carrying out of the operator’s spaceflight activities safely;

(c)the spaceflight operator has become aware of new facts or technological knowledge about safety, including knowledge arising from analysis of accidents or occurrences, which may affect the carrying out of the operator’s spaceflight activities safely;

(d)the application of the spaceflight operator’s safety management system has given rise to a concern that the operator’s spaceflight activities may result in a major accident hazard which may affect the carrying out of those activities safely;

(e)the launch operator licence or the return operator licence has been transferred or varied in accordance with section 15;

(f)a change in any matter relating to either the spaceport or other place from which the launch or landing is to take place or takes place or the range used for the operator’s spaceflight activities which increases the level of risk of those activities;

(g)the regulator directs the spaceflight operator to review and, where necessary, revise the current safety case or if the launch vehicle has a human occupant, the current risk assessment in addition to that safety case.

(3) In carrying out a review of a current safety case or a current risk assessment, a spaceflight operator must take into account the spaceflight operator’s safety duty.