
Term limits for laity on deanery synod

3.  In section A of Part 9 of the Church Representation Rules (parish governance: annual parochial church meeting), in Rule M8 (qualifications of persons to be elected), for paragraphs (5) to (7) substitute—

(5) The annual meeting may by resolution decide that a person who serves as a parochial representative of the laity on the deanery synod for the whole or any part of each of a specified number of successive terms of office may not be nominated for election under Rule M6(1)(a) to serve as such for the whole or any part of the term of office immediately following the last of those terms.

(6) A resolution under paragraph (5) may not apply to a term of office—

(a)which began before 1 January 2020 (being the commencement date of the Church Representation and Ministers Measure 2019 which substituted the whole of the Church Representation Rules), or

(b)which the person concerned is serving as a result of having been elected to fill a casual vacancy.

(7) A resolution under paragraph (5) may be amended or revoked by a subsequent annual meeting or special parochial church meeting.