Article 2
In the administrative area of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council and High Peak Borough Council
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 22() of the 2008 Act, and associated development as defined in section 115(2)() of the 2008 Act, comprising:
Work No. 1 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the construction of a new eastbound lane 350 metres in length on the M67 approaching the roundabout at Junction 4. To include upgraded lighting, new signs and new traffic signals plus signal controlled cyclist/pedestrian crossings.
Work No. 2 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the widening of the entry, for a length of 370 metres, from the Junction 4 roundabout on to the M67 westbound. Works will include the addition of low noise surfacing, controlled pedestrian/cyclist crossing and upgraded lighting.
Work No. 3 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the works to improve the M67 Junction 4 (Hattersley) roundabout including:
(i)widening of the circulatory carriageway, upgrading lighting and installation of traffic signals and signal controlled cyclist/pedestrian crossings;
(ii)realignment of spur to Edge Lane for a length of 42 metres and upgraded pedestrian/cyclist crossing facility;
(iii)upgrade to Stockport Road for a length of 145 metres, installation of new signs, upgraded lighting, resurfacing and addition of traffic signals including signal controlled pedestrian/cyclist crossings at junction;
(iv)upgrade to Mottram Road for a length of 160 metres, installation of new signs, upgraded lighting, resurfacing and addition of traffic signals including signal controlled pedestrian/cyclist crossings at junction;
(v)new westbound throughabout at M67 Junction 4 roundabout, which consists of a new, two lane carriageway through the centre of the existing roundabout, of length 100 metres, including new lighting, signs and traffic signals; and
(vi)upgraded entry to M67 Westbound from M67 Junction 4 roundabout, comprising new traffic signals, signal controlled pedestrian/cyclist crossing, upgraded lighting and resurfacing.
Work No. 4 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the works to improve the non-motorised user provision at the roundabout including:
(i)existing footway upgraded to a combined footway/cycleway on the northern side of M67 Junction 4 roundabout;
(ii)creation of new signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings across the M67 and roundabout circulatory carriageway on the west side of M67 Junction 4 roundabout;
(iii)creation of signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings across Mottram Road at M67 Junction 4 roundabout including crossing of roundabout circulatory carriageway;
(iv)creation of pedestrian/cyclist routes through centre of M67 Junction 4 Roundabout;
(v)creation of signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings across Hyde Road at M67 Junction 4 roundabout including crossing of roundabout circulatory carriageway;
(vi)creation of signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossings across Stockport Road at M67 Junction 4 roundabout;
(vii)existing footway upgraded to a combined footway/cycleway for 80 metres between Mottram Road and the M67 at M67 Junction 4 roundabout;
(viii)creation of an equestrian route through the centre of M67 Junction 4 roundabout including crossing of the circulatory carriageway; and
(ix)existing footway/cycleway upgraded to a combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use for 140 metres to the north of the A57 Hyde Road.
Work No. 5 - Shown on sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the works plans is the construction of a new section of the eastbound A57 dual carriageway, known as Mottram Moor Link Road, 1,640m in length, including earthworks, new drainage, signs, lighting and traffic signals at each end.
Work No. 6 - Shown on sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the works plans is the construction of a new section of the westbound A57 dual carriageway, known as Mottram Moor Link Road, 1,720m in length, including earthworks, new drainage, signs, lighting and traffic signals at each end.
Work No. 7 - Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plans is the creation of new public rights of way, north and south of the proposed new dual carriageway including:
(i)a proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use (230 metres in length) including access to culverts, and new private access to overhead electric line/pylon, plus connections to existing footpaths and field accesses;
(ii)a proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use (935 metres in length) including access to culverts, Pond 1, plus connections to existing footpaths and field accesses;
(iii)a footpath connection north of proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use (20 metres in length);
(iv)a footpath connection north of proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use (10 metres in length); and
(v)a footpath connection and field access south of proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use (20 metres in length).
Work No. 8 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the construction of a private access track to support the maintenance of Pond 1 70 metres in length.
Work No. 9 - Shown on sheet 2 of the works plans is the creation of a means of access and egress points serving land situated south of Edge Lane including:
(i)a proposed footpath connection 125 metres in length linking the proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use with the existing public footpath LON 52/10 and providing field access to Old Mill Farm to the north of the proposed combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use; and
(ii)a proposed field access north of the proposed footpath 50 metres in length, providing access to Old Mill Farm.
Work No. 10 - Shown on sheet 3 of the works plans is the realignment of Old Hall Lane for a length of 110 metres.
Work No. 11 - Shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the works plans is the creation of means of access and egress to the south of the land currently known as the Showground, including:
(i)creation of a combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use of 720 metres in length, providing access to land south of the Showground and a connection between Old Hall Lane and the west side of Mottram Moor Junction;
(ii)creation of a field access 10 metres in length;
(iii)creation of a signal controlled equestrian crossing; and
(iv)creation of an equestrian holding pen and combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use diversion, on the approach to the equestrian crossing 35 metres in length.
Work No. 12 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans and is the construction of the following works at Mottram Moor Junction and including traffic signals, signs and lighting:
(i)A57 northbound approach 165 metres in length to Mottram Moor Junction;
(ii)A57 southbound exit from Mottram Moor Junction 20 metres in length;
(iii)westbound approach from Back Moor Junction to Mottram Moor Junction 165 metres in length;
(iv)eastbound exit from Mottram Moor Junction towards Tintwistle 140 metres in length;
(v)eastbound approach from Tintwistle to Mottram Moor Junction 140 metres in length;
(vi)westbound exit from Mottram Moor Junction 175 metres in length towards Back Moor;
(vii)southbound approach to Mottram Moor Junction from A57 Link Road 150 metres in length; and
(viii)southbound exit from Mottram Moor Junction to A57 Link Road 145 metres in length.
Work No. 13 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the creation of new non-motorised user provision associated with Mottram Moor Junction, including the creation of a:
(i)footway on the westbound carriageway opposite Back Moor Junction, 100 metres in length;
(ii)combined footway/cycleway on the westbound approach to Mottram Moor Junction, 100 metres in length;
(iii)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the northern arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 55 metres in length;
(iv)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the eastern arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 40 metres in length;
(v)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the southern arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 50 metres in length;
(vi)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the western arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 35 metres in length;
(vii)combined footway/cycleway including signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing on the eastern arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 123 metres in length;
(viii)segregated cycle track on the eastern arm of Mottram Moor Junction 97 metres in length;
(ix)combined footway/cycleway including signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing on the eastbound approach from the eastern arm of Mottram Moor Junction, 140 metres in length; and
(x)footway between the existing footway on the north side of the Mottram Moor and the westbound approach to Mottram Moor Junction, 20 metres in length.
Work No. 14 - Shown on sheets 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the works plans is the creation of a new combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use along the south side of the A57 Link Road, 985 metres in length.
Work No. 15 - Shown on sheets 4 and 8 of the works plans, the realignment of the (A6018) Back Moor 125 metres in length to link with Mottram Moor Junction, including new lighting and traffic signs.
Work No. 16 - Shown on sheet 8 of the works plans is the realignment of Hyde Road (A57) including construction of new lighting and signs on its approach to Back Moor Junction, for 50 metres in length.
Work No. 17 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the retention of the existing carriageway, reduced to two single lanes, ending in a turning head. This short section of road to the west of Mottram Moor Junction will be 95 metres in length between the junction with the realigned (A6018) Back Moor and the turning head.
Work No. 18 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the retention of the existing carriageway, reduced to two single lanes, ending in a turning head. This short section of road to the east of Mottram Moor Junction will be 90 metres in length between the junction with the realigned Mottram Moor and the turning head.
Work No. 19 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the alignment and surface improvement of Mottram Moor Junction and the existing A57 (T) Mottram Moor, for 90 metres in length and including new lighting and signs.
Work No. 20 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the creation of a private access track, 75 metres in length to accommodate the maintenance of Pond 2.
Work No. 21 - Shown on sheets 4 and 8 of the works plans is the creation of a public footpath 82 metres in length, located between the new Mottram Moor Junction and the existing public footpath LON 87/10 to the west of Mottram Moor Junction.
Work No. 22 - Shown on sheets 4, 5 and 6 of the works plans is the A57 Link Road (being a new section of single carriageway 1,090m in length between the proposed Mottram Moor Junction and Woolley Bridge Junction), including earthworks, new drainage, signs, lighting and traffic signals at each end.
Work No. 23 - Shown on sheets 5 and 9 of the works plans is the realignment of Carrhouse Lane 310 metres in length; together with a new access track and public footpath, including associated earthworks and drainage.
Work No. 24 - Shown on sheet 5 of the works plans is the creation of a private, field access track, 76 metres in length from Carrhouse Lane to a field east of Carrhouse Lane.
Work No. 25 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the:
(i)diversion of public footpath LON 90/10 for 200 metres in length between work number 25 (ii) and an access on the south side of the A57 Link Road facilitating a private access track to Pond 3 and access to an existing maintenance track;
(ii)creation of an access track to Pond 3, located between work number 25 (i) and Pond 3, 10 metres in length;
(iii)diversion of public footpath LON 90/10 and creation of a new access track to Tara Brook Farm for 210 metres in length between work number 25 (i) and Tara Brook Farm; and
(iv)creation of private access to Hope Farm for 10 metres in length.
Work No. 26 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the creation of a combined footway/cycleway with equestrian use of 520 metres in length along south side of A57 Link Road, between the access off the south side of the proposed A57 Link Road and Woolley Bridge Junction.
Work No. 27 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the construction of an at grade signal controlled T-Junction between the new A57 Link Road and Woolley Bridge including new traffic signals, signs, drainage, lighting and associated earthworks, and the construction of a new:
(i)eastbound approach to Woolley Bridge Junction from A57 Link Road, 95 metres in length;
(ii)westbound exit from Woolley Bridge Junction to A57 Link Road, 95 metres in length;
(iii)westbound approach to Woolley Bridge Junction, a short length of road to facilitate a proposed housing development, 15 metres in length;
(iv)southbound approach to Woolley Bridge Junction from Woolley Bridge, 65 metres in length;
(v)northbound exit from Woolley Bridge Junction to Woolley Bridge, 70 metres in length;
(vi)southbound exit from Woolley Bridge Junction to Woolley Bridge 100 metres in length; and
(vii)northbound approach to Woolley Bridge Junction from Woolley Bridge 100 metres in length.
Work No. 28 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans road widening and resurfacing between Woolley Bridge Junction and A57 Brookfield, 55 metres in length.
Work No. 29 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans being the creation of:
(i)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the eastern arm of Woolley Bridge Junction, 10 metres in length; and
(ii)signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing across the southern arm of Woolley Bridge Junction, 30 metres in length.
Work No. 30 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the creation of:
(i)a new private access to the field on the east of River Etherow, 15 metres in length; and
(ii)creation of a highway layby, 15 metres in length, to the south west of Woolley Bridge Junction.
Work No. 31 – Shown on sheet 2 of the works plans is the construction of the proposed Old Mill Farm underpass, 35 metres in length to carry work number 7 (ii) and farm access tracks facilitating various farm access points (work numbers 7 (iii), 7 (iv), 7(v), 9 (i) and 9 (ii)).
Work No. 32 – Shown on sheet 2 of the works plans is the construction of the proposed Roe Cross Road Bridge and retaining walls to Mottram Underpass, carrying Roe Cross Road over works number 5 and 6 on the existing alignment for 60 metres in length, and space for traffic diversions during construction.
Work No. 33 – shown on sheet 3 of the works plans is the construction of the proposed Mottram Underpass of 130 metres in length, carrying both Old Road and Old Hall Lane above work numbers 5 and 6, including reinstatement and landscaping on land above and between the roads, and space for traffic diversions during construction.
Work No. 34 - Shown on sheet 5 of the works plans is the construction of the proposed Carrhouse Lane underpass at Carrhouse Lane, 30 metres in length to accommodate work number 23, below the proposed A57 Link Road.
Work No. 35 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the construction of the proposed River Etherow bridge over the River Etherow, 45 metres in length, including all associated bridge foundations, carriageway, parapets and other associated structures.
Work No. 36 – Shown on sheets 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the works plans and comprising the following works to the culverted watercourses:
(i)creation of a culvert to carry an unnamed ordinary watercourse below work numbers 5 and 6 for a length of 85 metres (Sheet 1);
(ii)creation of a culvert to carry an unnamed ordinary watercourse below work numbers 5 and 6 for a length of 80 metres (Sheet 1);
(iii)creation of a culvert to carry drainage outfall below work number 7 (ii) for a length of 20 metres (sheet 1);
(iv)creation of a culvert to carry an unnamed ordinary watercourse below an existing public right of way LON/50/10 for a length of 15 metres (sheet 1);
(v)creation of a culvert to carry an unnamed ordinary watercourse below an existing public right of way LON/51/20 for a length of 15 metres (sheet 2);
(vi)creation of a culvert to carry a drainage ditch below farmland for a length of 35 metres (sheet 2);
(vii)creation of a culvert to carry Hurtsclough Brook below works 5 and 6 for a length of 55 metres (sheet 2);
(viii)creation of a culvert to support a drainage ditch below farmland for a length of 50 metres (sheet 2);
(ix)creation of a culvert to carry unnamed watercourse below work numbers 5 and 6 for a length of 119 metres (sheet 4);
(x)creation of a culvert to carry Tara Brook below work number 21, for a length of 35 metres (sheet 4);
(xi)creation of a culvert to carry Tara Brook below work number 22, for a length of 73 metres (sheet 4);
(xii)creation of a culvert to carry a drainage ditch below work number 56 for a length of 15 metres (sheets 5 and 6); and
(xiii)creation of a culvert to carry drainage ditch below work number 25 (iii) for a length of 15 metres (sheet 6).
Work No. 37 - Shown on sheet 1 of the works plans is the construction of a drainage attenuation pond (Pond 1) 3430 square metres in size, with sediment forebay for attenuation, prior to outfall, including associated earthworks and drainage connections.
Work No. 38 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans is the construction of a drainage attenuation pond (Pond 2) 6440 square metres in size with sediment forebay for attenuation, prior to outfall, including associated earthworks and drainage connections.
Work No. 39 – Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans is the construction of a drainage attenuation pond (Pond 3) 3305 square metres in size for attenuation, prior to outfall, including associated earthworks and drainage connections.
Work No. 40 – Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plans is the construction of new drainage ditches to the north of the A57 link between M67 and Roe Cross Road.
Work No. 41 – Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plan is the construction of new watercourses to north of work number 5 between M67 and Roe Cross Road.
Work No. 42 - Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plans is the construction of a highway drainage ditch to south of work number 6, for 265 metres.
Work No. 43 – Shown on sheet 2 of the works plans is the diversion of Hurstclough Brook along a length of 220 metres, south of work number 6.
Work No. 44 - Shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the works plans are new watercourses to manage local drainage; a proposed watercourse to the east of Old Hall Lane and on the north side of the proposed cutting to the east of the proposed underpass.
Work No. 45 – Shown on sheets 4 and 8 of the works plans is the diversion of Tara Brook either side of work number 22 linked though the culvert constructed pursuant to work number 36(xi).
Work No. 46 - Shown on sheets 4, 5, 6 and 9 of the works plans is the construction of various drainage ditches relating to A57 Link Road (work number 22).
Work No. 47 - Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plans is the construction of:
(i)an earthwork screening bund along the north side of work number 5, 145 metres in length as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans;
(ii)an earthwork screening bund along the north side of work number 5, 180 metres in length (sheet 2); and
(iii)an earthwork screening bund along the south side of work number 6, 165 metres in length (sheet 2).
Work No. 48 – Shown on sheets 4, 5 and 6 of the works plans is the construction of:
(i)an earthwork screening bund to the south west of work number 14, 135 metres in length as shown on sheet 4 of the works plans;
(ii)an earthwork screening bund to the south west of work number 22, 280 metres in length as shown on sheet 4 of the works plans;
(iii)an earthwork screening bund to the south of work number 22, 55 metres in length as shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;
(iv)an earthwork screening bund to the south of work number 22, 260 metres in length, as shown on sheets 5 and 6 of the works plans; and
(v)an earthwork screening bund to the north side of work number 22, west of Carrhouse Lane, 330 metres in length, as shown on sheets 4 and 5 of the works plans.
Work No. 49 – shown on sheets 2 and 8 of the works plans, indicates specific environmental mitigation works:
(i)new ecological mitigation area on land situated to the north of work number 5 (sheet 2); and
(ii)new ecological mitigation works on land situated to the south of work number 14 (sheet 8).
Work No. 50 - shown on sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the works plans to indicate the location of bat boxes installed on existing trees.
Work No. 51 - Shown on sheets 1, 7 and 8 of the works plans is the detrunking of the existing A57 (T) between the M67 Junction 4 and Mottram Moor Junction for a length of 1587 metres, including associated traffic calming measures and signage.
Work No. 52 - Shown on sheets 4 and 9 of the works plans is the improvement of the existing A57 (T) for a length of 360 metres from Mottram Moor Junction to Gun Inn Junction, including improvements to pedestrian and cycle facilities.
Work No. 53 - Shown on sheet 9 of the works plans:
(i)the installation of new traffic signals, signs and pedestrian facilities at the existing Gun Inn Junction western arm (20 metres in length);
(ii)the installation of new traffic signals, signs and pedestrian facilities at the existing Gun Inn Junction northern arm (20 metres in length);
(iii)the installation of new traffic signals, signs and pedestrian facilities at the existing Gun Inn Junction eastern arm (30 metres in length); and
(iv)the installation of new traffic signals, signs and pedestrian facilities at the existing Gun Inn Junction southern arm (25 metres in length).
Work No. 54 - Shown on sheets 6, 9 and 10 of the works plans, improvements to Woolley Lane for 810 metres to include improved facilities for non-motorised users, signage and traffic calming measures.
Work No. 55 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans, the construction of the River Etherow flood compensation area, with an area of 5595 square metres.
Work No. 56 - Shown on sheets 5 and 6 of the works plans, the creation of a new access track to Carrhouse Lane Farm of 380 metres in length.
Work No. 57 - Shown on sheet 3 of the works plans, a new ecological mitigation area, including an ecological mitigation (bat) structure.
Work No. 58 – Shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the works plans diversion of United Utilities Water Limited water sewerage pipes for 735 metres.
Work No. 59 - Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans, the diversion of United Utilities Water Limited water main for 420 metres.
Work No. 60 - Shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works:
(i)diversion of United Utilities Water Limited water distribution main for 135 metres;
(ii)diversion of United Utilities Water Limited water distribution main for 205 metres; and
(iii)diversion of United Utilities Water Limited water distribution main for 215 metres.
Work No. 61 - Shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the works plans, diversion of existing 33kv, 415V and 11kV Electricity North West Limited buried power cables, for 465 metres, to the east of work number 5, crossing the eastern and southern arms of Mottram Moor Junction.
Work No. 62 – Shown on sheet 4 of the works plans, diversion of a various utilities for 400 metres north and south of Mottram Moor Junction, including:
(i)the diversion of existing Electricity North West Limited buried power cables;
(ii)the diversion or protection works to existing British Telecommunications PLC buried communications cables;
(iii)diversion of existing Cadent Gas Limited gas main pipes; and
(iv)diversion of United Utilities Water Limited clean water mains and protection of existing sewerage pipes.
Work No. 63 – Shown on sheet 5 of the works plans, diversion of an existing Cadent Gas Limited gas main pipe, for 70 metres.
Work No. 64 - Shown on sheets 5 and 6 of the works plans, diversion of existing Electricity North West Limited buried power cables, for 100 metres.
Work No. 65 - Shown on sheet 6 of the works plans, diversion of existing United Utilities Water Limited water main, for 210 metres.
Work No. 66 – Shown on sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the works plans:
(i)a noise barrier to the north side of work number 5, 180 metres in length as shown on sheet 2 of the works plans;
(ii)a noise barrier to the south side of work number 6, 307 metres in length as shown on sheet 2 of the works plans;
(iii)a noise barrier curving from the north west to the east on the south side of work number 6, 133 metres in length as shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;
(iv)a noise barrier to the north side of work number 5, 173 metres in length as shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;
(v)a noise barrier to the south side of work number 6, 125 metres in length as shown on sheet 4 of the works plans;
(vi)a noise barrier to the north side of work number 12 (i), 128 metres in length as shown on sheet 4 of the works plans;
(vii)a noise barrier to the south side of work number 14, 333 metres in length as shown on sheet 5 of the works plans; and
(viii)a noise barrier to the north side of work number 22, 330 metres in length as shown on sheets 5 and 6 of the works plans.
Work No. 67 - Shown on sheets 4 and 8 of the works plans, creation of a combined footway/cycleway 150 metres in length on the eastbound approach to Mottram Moor Junction.
Work No. 68 - Shown on sheet 8 of the works plans, diversion of a footway 50 metres in length on the south side of Mottram Moor.
Work No. 69 - Shown on sheet 8 of the works plans, diversion of a footway 60 metres in length between Mottram Moor and Back Moor.
In connection with the construction of any of those works, further development within the Order limits provided that it does not give rise to any materially new or materially worse environmental effects in comparison with those reported in the environmental statement, consisting of—
(a)alteration of the layout of any street permanently or temporarily, including but not limited to increasing the width of the carriageway of the street by reducing the width of any kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track, cycleway or verge within the street; altering the level or increasing the width of any such kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track, cycleway or verge; and reducing the width of the carriageway of the street;
(b)works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance, or reconstruction of any street;
(c)works for the strengthening, alteration or demolition of any building;
(d)ramps, means of access, non-motorised links, footpaths, footways, bridleways, cycle tracks, cycleways and crossing facilities;
(e)embankments, viaducts, aprons, abutments, shafts, foundations, retaining walls, drainage, outfalls, ditches, pollution control devices, wing walls, highway lighting, fencing and culverts;
(f)street works, including breaking up or opening a street, or any sewer, drain or tunnel under it; tunnelling or boring under a street;
(g)works to place, alter, divert, relocate, remove or maintain the position of apparatus, services, plant and other equipment in a street, or in other land, including mains, sewers, drains, pipes, lights and cables;
(h)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;
(i)landscaping, works associated with the provision of ecological mitigation and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;
(j)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;
(k)works to place, alter, remove or maintain road furniture;
(l)site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soils stripping and storage, site levelling);
(m)the felling of trees and hedgerows;
(n)establishment of site construction compounds, storage areas, temporary vehicle parking, construction fencing, perimeter enclosure, security fencing, construction related buildings, welfare facilities, construction lighting, haulage roads and other machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences;
(o)the provision of other works including pavement works, kerbing and paved areas works, signing, signals, gantries, road markings works, traffic management measures including temporary roads and such other works as are associated with the construction of the authorised development; and
(p)such other works, working sites storage areas, works of demolition or works of whatever nature, as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or for purposes associated with or ancillary to, the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised development.