PART 1Preliminary



Where the provisions of Chapter X, the High-Speed Craft Code, 1994 or the High-Speed Craft Code, 2000 require that—


a particular fitting, material, appliance or apparatus be fitted on, or carried in, a craft;


any particular arrangement be made on, or in relation to, a craft; or


any particular provision be made in relation to a craft,

the Secretary of State may approve any other fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, arrangement or other provision if satisfied that it is at least as effective as that required by Chapter X, the High-Speed Craft Code, 1994 or the High-Speed Craft Code, 2000.


The Secretary of State may, in circumstances not provided for in paragraph (1), in relation to any requirement of a provision of Chapter X, the High-Speed Craft Code, 1994 or the High-Speed Craft Code, 2000 for a craft or class of craft, approve an alternative arrangement if satisfied that compliance with such requirement is impracticable in the case of that craft or class of craft, subject to such safety requirements as the Secretary of State thinks fit to ensure the overall safety of the craft.


An approval given under paragraph (1) or (2) may, on the giving of reasonable notice, be continued, altered or cancelled.


Any approval given under paragraph (1) or (2), or a continuation, alteration or cancellation under paragraph (3), must—


be in writing;


specify the date on which it takes effect; and


specify the terms, if any, on which it is given.


The requirement that the approval referred to in paragraph (1) or (2), or a continuation, alteration or cancellation in paragraph (3), be in writing is satisfied where the text of the approval, continuation, alteration or cancellation is—


transmitted by electronic means;


received in legible form; and


capable of being used for subsequent reference.


Where an approval is granted subject to safety requirements under paragraph (2), the approval ceases to have effect if those requirements are not complied with.