PART 2 Amendment of the Export Control Order 2008
4.Amendment of article 8 (transit controls supplementing the dual-use Regulation)
6.Amendment of article 28 (registration with the Secretary of State)
8.Amendment of article 32 (amendment, suspension and revocation of licences)
9.Amendment of article 35 (offences relating to prohibitions and restrictions in the dual-use Regulation)
10.Amendment of article 40 (customs powers relating to dual-use goods)
12.Amendment of article 42K (exception in relation to Northern Ireland: European firearms pass holders)
13.Amendment of article 42L (export and transfer control in relation to Northern Ireland: dual-use goods, software, and technology)
14.Amendment of article 42O (exception in relation to Northern Ireland: EU goods in transit)
15.Amendment of article 42P (authorisation requirement: Article 22(1) of the EU dual-use Regulation)
16.Amendment of article 42Q (record-keeping requirement: Article 22(8) of the EU dual-use Regulation)
17.Amendment of article 42R (offences in relation to Article 22 of the EU dual-use Regulation)