The Food and Feed (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2022

Regulation 4(9)

SCHEDULE 3Insertion of Schedules 3, 4 and 5 to the Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (England) Regulations 2015

This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

After Schedule 2 to the Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (England) Regulations 2015 insert—

Regulation 12(2)

SCHEDULE 3Categories of feed materials which may be indicated in place of individual feed materials

Description of the categoryDefinition
1.Meat and animal derivatives

All the fleshy parts of slaughtered warm-blooded land animals, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and

all products and derivatives of the processing of the carcase or parts of the carcase of warm-blooded land animals

2.Milk and milk derivativesAll milk products, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and derivatives from their processing
3.Eggs and egg derivativesAll egg products fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment and derivatives from their processing
4.Oils and fatsAll animal and vegetable oils and fats
5.YeastsAll yeasts, the cells of which have been killed and dried
6.Fish and fish derivativesFish or parts of fish, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and derivatives from their processing
7.CerealsAll types of cereal, regardless of their presentation, or products made from the starchy endosperm
8.VegetablesAll types of vegetables and legumes, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
9.Derivatives of vegetable originDerivatives resulting from the treatment of vegetable products, in particular cereals, vegetables, legumes and oil seeds
10.Vegetable protein extractsAll products of vegetable origin in which the proteins have been concentrated by an adequate process to contain at least 50% crude protein, as related to the dry matter, and which may be restructured (textured)
11.MineralsAll inorganic substances suitable for animal feed
12.Various sugarsAll types of sugar
13.FruitAll types of fruit, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
14.NutsAll kernels from shells
15.SeedsAll types of seeds as such or roughly crushed
16.AlgaeAlgae, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
17.Molluscs and crustaceansAll types of molluscs, crustaceans, shellfish, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and their processing derivatives
18.InsectsAll types of insects and their stages of development
19.Bakery productsAll bread, cakes, biscuits and pasta products

Regulations 15 and 15A

SCHEDULE 4Maximum levels of undesirable substances


Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %

The maximum levels refer to total arsenic.


Calcium and magnesium carbonate refers to the natural mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate as described in Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials.


The maximum level established for premixtures takes into account the additives with the highest level of lead and cadmium and not the sensitivity of the different animal species to lead and cadmium. As provided in Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on additives for use in animal nutrition, in order to protect animal and public health, it is the responsibility of the producer of premixtures to ensure that, in addition to compliance with the maximum levels for premixtures, the instructions for use of the premixture are in accordance with the maximum levels for complementary and complete feed.


The % of phosphorus is relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %.


Maximum levels refer to an analytical determination of fluorine, whereby extraction is performed with hydrochloric acid 1 N for 20 minutes at ambient temperature. Equivalent extraction procedures can be applied for which it can be demonstrated that the used extraction procedure has an equal extraction efficiency.


For the determination of lead in kaolinitic clay and in feed containing kaolinitic clay, the maximum level refers to an analytical determination of lead, whereby extraction is performed in nitric acid (5 % w/w) for 30 minutes at boiling temperature. Equivalent extraction procedures can be applied for which it can be demonstrated that the used extraction procedure has an equal extraction efficiency.


Forage includes products intended for animal feed such as hay, silage, fresh grass, etc.


The maximum levels refer to total mercury.


The maximum level is applicable on wet weight basis.


The maximum levels are expressed as sodium nitrite.


The maximum level refers to melamine only. The inclusion of the structurally related compounds cyanuric acid, ammeline and ammelide in the maximum level will be considered at a later stage.


The maximum level is applicable to canned pet food as sold.

1. Arsenic (1)Feed materials2
with the exception of:
— meal made from grass, from dried lucerne and from dried clover, and dried sugar beet pulp and dried molasses sugar beet pulp;4
— palm kernel expeller;4
— peat; leonardite;5
— phosphates, calcareous marine algae;10
— calcium carbonate; calcium and magnesium carbonate (2); calcareous marine shells; 15
— magnesium oxide; magnesium carbonate;20
— fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them;25
— seaweed meal and feed materials derived from seaweed.40
Iron particles used as tracer.50
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements30
with the exception of:
— cupric sulphate pentahydrate; cupric carbonate; dicopper chloride trihydroxide; ferrous carbonate; dimanganese chloride trihydroxide50
— zinc oxide; manganous oxide; cupric oxide.100
Complementary feed4
with the exception of:
— mineral feed;12
— complementary feed for pet animals containing fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them and/or seaweed meal and feed materials derived from seaweed;10
— long-term supply formulations of feed for particular nutritional purposes with a concentration of trace elements higher than 100 times the established maximum content in complete feed;30
Complete feed2
with the exception of:
— complete feed for fish and fur animals;10
— complete feed for pet animals containing fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them and/or seaweed meal and feed materials derived from seaweed.10
2. CadmiumFeed materials of vegetable origin1
Feed materials of animal origin2
Feed materials of mineral origin2
with the exception of:
— phosphates.10
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements10
with the exception of:
— cupric oxide, manganous oxide, zinc oxide and manganous sulphate monohydrate.30
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents2
Premixtures (3)15
Complementary feed0.5
with the exception of:
— mineral feed
 – containing < 7 % phosphorus (4)5
 – containing ≥ 7 % phosphorus (4)0.75 per 1  % phosphorus(4), with a maximum of 7.5
— complementary feed for pet animals2
— long-term supply formulations of feed for particular nutritional purposes with a concentration of trace elements higher than 100 times the established maximum content in complete feed;15
Complete feed0.5
with the exception of:
— complete feed for cattle (except calves), sheep (except lambs), goats (except kids) and fish;1
— complete feed for pet animals.2
3. Fluorine (5)

Feed materials

with the exception of:

— feed materials of animal origin except marine crustaceans such as marine krill; calcareous marine shells;500
— marine crustaceans such as marine krill;3  000
— phosphates;2  000
— calcium carbonate; calcium and magnesium carbonate (2)350
— magnesium oxide;600
— calcareous marine algae.1  250
Vermiculite (E 561).3  000
Complementary feed:
— containing ≤  4 % phosphorus(4);500
— containing >  4 % phosphorus(4).125 per 1  % phosphorus(4)

Complete feed

with the exception of:

— complete feed for pigs;100
— complete feed for poultry (except chicks) and fish;350
— complete feed for chicks;250
— complete feed for cattle, sheep and goats
 – in lactation; 30
 – other. 50
4. Lead (6)Feed materials10
with the exception of:
— forage (7); 30
— phosphates, calcareous marine algae and calcareous marine shells;15
— calcium carbonate; calcium and magnesium carbonate (2); 20
— yeasts.5
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements100
with the exception of:
— zinc oxide;400
— manganous oxide, ferrous carbonate, cupric carbonate, copper (I) oxide.200
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents30
with the exception of:
— clinoptilolite of volcanic origin; natrolite-phonolite.60
Premixtures (3)200
Complementary feed10
with the exception of:
— mineral feed;15
— long-term supply formulations of feed for particular nutritional purposes with a concentration of trace elements higher than 100 times the established maximum content in complete feed.60
Complete feed.5
5. Mercury (8)Feed materials0.1
with the exception of:
— fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them intended for the production of compound feed for food producing animals;0.5
— fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them intended for the production of compound feed for dogs, cats, ornamental fish and fur animals;1.0 (9)
— fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them as canned wet feed material for direct feeding of dogs and cats;0.3
— calcium carbonate; calcium and magnesium carbonate (2). 0.3
Compound feed0.1
with the exception of:
— mineral feed;0.2
— compound feed for fish;0.2
— compound feed for dogs, cats, ornamental fish and fur animals.0.3
6. Nitrite (10)Feed materials15
with the exception of:
— fishmeal;30
— silage;
— products and by-products from sugar beet and sugarcane and from starch and alcoholic drink production.
Complete feed15
with the exception of:
— complete feed for dogs and cats with a moisture content exceeding 20 %.
7. Melamine (11)


with the exception of:

— canned pet food2.5 (12)
— the following feed additives:
— guanidino acetic acid (GAA);20
— urea;
— biuret.


Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %
1. Aflatoxin B1Feed materials0.02
Complementary and complete feed0.01
with the exception of:
— compound feed for dairy cattle and calves, dairy sheep and lambs, dairy goats and kids, piglets and young poultry animals,0.005
— compound feed for cattle (except dairy cattle and calves), sheep (except dairy sheep and lambs), goats (except dairy goats and kids), pigs (except piglets) and poultry (except young animals).0.02
2. Rye ergot (Claviceps purpurea)Feed materials and compound feed containing unground cereals.1  000


Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12  %

The maximum levels are expressed as allyl isothiocyanate.


Upon request of the competent authorities, the responsible operator must perform an analysis to demonstrate that the content of total glucosinolates is lower than 30 mmol/kg. The method of analysis of reference is EN-ISO 9167:2019 (Rapeseed and rapeseed meals — Determination of glucosinolates content — Method using high-performance liquid chromatography); published by the International Organization for Standardization in May 2019, edition 1. Available from the ISO website

1. Free gossypolFeed materials20
with the exception of:
— cottonseed,6  000
— cottonseed cakes and cottonseed meal.1  200
Complete feed20
with the exception of:
— complete feed for cattle (except calves),500
— complete feed for sheep (except lambs) and goats (except kids),300
— complete feed for poultry (except laying hens) and calves,100
— complete feed for rabbits, lambs, kids and pigs (except piglets).60
2. Hydrocyanic acidFeed materials50
with the exception of:
— linseed,250
— linseed cakes,350
— manioc products and almond cakes.100
Complete feed50
with the exception of:
— complete feed for young chickens (< 6 weeks).10
3. TheobromineComplete feed300
with the exception of:
— complete feed for pigs,200
— complete feed for dogs, rabbits, horses and fur animals.50
4. vinyl thiooxazolidone (5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione)Complete feed for poultry1  000
with the exception of:
— complete feed for laying hens.500
5. Volatile mustard oil(1)Feed materials100
with the exception of:
— Camelina seed and products derived from it (2), products derived from mustard seed(2), rape seed and products derived from them.4 000
Complete feed150
with the exception of:
— complete feed for cattle (except calves), sheep (except lambs) and goats (except kids);1 000
— complete feed for pigs (except piglets) and poultry.500


Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %

Singly or combined expressed as dieldrin.


Maximum level for aldrin and dieldrin, singly or combined, expressed as dieldrin.


Numbering system according to Parlar, prefixed by either CHB or ‘Parlar’:

CHB 26: 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,10,10-octochlorobornane,
CHB 50: 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane,
CHB 62: 2,2,5,5,8,9,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane.
1. Aldrin(1)Feed materials and compound feed0.01(2)
with the exception of:
— fats and oils,0.1(2)
— compound feed for fish.0.02(2)
2. Dieldrin (1)Feed materials and compound feed0.01(2)
with the exception of:
— fats and oils,0.1(2)
— compound feed for fish.0.02 (2)
3. Camphechlor (toxaphene) – sum of indicator congeners CHB 26, 50 and 62(3)Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them0.02
with the exception of:
— fish oil.0.2
Complete feed for fish.0.05
4. Chlordane (sum of cis- and trans-isomers and of oxychlordane, expressed as chlordane)Feed materials and compound feed0.02
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.05
5. DDT (sum of DDT-, DDD- (or TDE-) and DDE-isomers, expressed as DDT)Feed materials and compound feed0.05
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.5
6. Endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and of endosulfansulphate expressed as endosulfan)Feed materials and compound feed0.1
with the exception of:
— cotton seed and products derived from its processing, except crude cotton seed oil0.3
— soybean and products derived from its processing, except crude soybean oil0.5
— crude vegetable oil1.0
— complete feed for fish except for Salmonids0.005
— complete feed for  Salmonids0.05
7. Endrin (sum of endrin and of delta-ketoi-endrin, expressed as endrin)Feed materials and compound feed0.01
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.05
8. Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and of heptachlorepoxide, expressed as heptachlor)Feed materials and compound feed0.01
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.2
9. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)Feed materials and compound feed0.01
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.2

10. Hexachlorocyclo-

hexane (HCH)

— alpha-isomersFeed materials and compound feed0.02
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.2
— beta-isomersFeed materials0.01
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.0.1
Compound feed0.01
with the exception of:
— compound feed for dairy cattle.0.005
— gamma-isomersFeed materials and compound feed0.2
with the exception of:
— fats and oils.2.0

Table 5 (Part 1): DIOXINS AND PCBs

Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg (ppt) (1) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %

Upper-bound concentrations; upper-bound concentrations are calculated on the assumption that all values of the different congeners below the limit of quantification are equal to the limit of quantification.


Table 5 (Part 2): Table of TEF (toxic equivalency factors) for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs: WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organisation (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organisation Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006)).


Fresh fish and other aquatic animals directly delivered and used without intermediate processing for the production of feed for fur animals are not subject to the maximum levels, while maximum levels of 3.5 ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg product and 6.5 ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg product are applicable to fresh fish and 20.0 ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg product is applicable to fish liver used for the direct feeding of pet animals, zoo and circus animals or used as feed material for the production of pet food. The products or processed animal proteins produced from these animals (fur animals, pet animals, zoo and circus animals) cannot enter the food chain and cannot be fed to farmed animals which are kept, fattened or bred for the production of food.


The maximum level is also applicable to the feed additives belonging to the functional groups of substances for the control of radionuclide contamination and substances for reduction of the contamination of feed by mycotoxins which also belong to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents.


Fresh fish and other aquatic animals directly delivered and used without intermediate processing for the production of feed for fur animals are not subject to the maximum levels, while maximum levels of 75 μg/kg product are applicable to fresh fish and 200 μg/kg product are applicable to fish liver used for the direct feeding of pet animals, zoo and circus animals or used as feed material for the production of pet food. The products or processed animal proteins produced from these animals (fur animals, pet animals, zoo and circus animals) cannot enter the food chain and cannot be fed to farmed animals which are kept, fattened or bred for the production of food.

1. Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) expressed in World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors, 2005) (2))Feed materials of plant origin0.75
with the exception of:
— vegetable oils and their by-products.0.75
Feed materials of mineral origin0.75
Feed materials of animal origin:
— Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat,1.50
— Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products.0.75
— Fish oil,5.0
— Fish, other aquatic animals, and products derived from them with the exception of fish oil, hydrolysed fish protein containing more than 20  % fat (3) and crustacea meal, 1.25
— Hydrolysed fish protein containing more than 20  % fat; crustacea meal. 1.75
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents (4)0.75
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements.1.0
Compound feed0.75
with the exception of:
— compound feed for pet animals and fish,1.75
— compound feed for fur animals.
Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg (ppt)(1) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %
2. Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) expressed in World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors), 2005(2))Feed materials of plant origin1.25
with the exception of:
— vegetable oils and their by-products1.5
Feed materials of mineral origin1.0
Feed materials of animal origin:
— Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat2.0
— Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products1.25
— Fish oil20.0
— Fish, other aquatic animals, and products derived from them with the exception of fish oil and fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat(3)4.0
— Fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat9.0
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents(4)1.5
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements1.5
Compound feed1.5
with the exception of:
— compound feed for pet animals and fish5.5
— compound feed for fur animals
Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in μg/kg (ppb) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %(1)
3. Non-dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153 and PCB 180 (ICES – 6)(1))Feed materials of plant origin10
Feed materials of mineral origin10
Feed materials of animal origin:
— Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat10
— Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products10
— Fish oil175
— Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them with the exception of fish oil and fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat(5)30
— Fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat50
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents(4)10
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements10
Compound feed10
with the exception of:
— compound feed for pet animals and fish40
— compound feed for fur animals

Table 5 (Part 2): Table of TEF (toxic equivalency factors) for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs

CongenerTEF value
Dibenzo-para-dioxins (‘PCDDs’) and Dibenzo-para-furans (PCDFs)
‘Dioxin-like’ PCBs: Non-ortho PCBs + Mono-ortho PCBs
Non-ortho PCBs
PCB 770.0001
PCB 810.0003
PCB 1260.1
PCB 1690.03
Mono-ortho PCBs
PCB 1050.00003
PCB 1140.00003
PCB 1180.00003
PCB 1230.00003
PCB 1560.00003
PCB 1570.00003
PCB 1670.00003
PCB 1890.00003
Abbreviations used: ‘T’ = tetra; ‘Pe’ = penta; ‘Hx’ = hexa; ‘Hp’ = hepta; ‘O’ = octa; ‘CDD’ = chlorodibenzodioxin; ‘CDF’ = chlorodibenzofuran; ‘CB’ = chlorobiphenyl.


Undesirable substanceProducts intended for animal feedMaximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %

Insofar as determinable by analytical microscopy.


Includes also seed husk fragments.


Where unequivocal evidence is provided that the grains and seeds are intended for milling or crushing, there is no need to perform a cleaning of the grains and seeds containing non-compliant levels of seeds of Ambrosia spp. before milling or crushing on the condition that:

— the consignment is transported as a whole to the milling or crushing plant, and the milling or crushing plant is informed in advance of the presence of high levels of Ambrosia spp. seeds in order to take additional prevention measures to avoid dissemination into the environment,
—solid evidence is provided that prevention measures are taken to avoid dissemination of Ambrosia spp. seeds into the environment during transport to the crushing or milling plant, and
—the competent authority agrees to the transport, after having ensured that the abovementioned conditions are fulfilled.
In case these conditions are not fulfilled, the consignment must be cleared before any transport into the country and the screenings must be appropriately destroyed.
1. Weed seeds and unground and uncrushed fruits containing alkaloids, glucosides or other toxic substances separately or in combination includingFeed materials and compound feed3 000
— Datura sp.1 000
2. Crotalaria spp.Feed materials and compound feed100
3. Seeds and husks from Ricinus communis L., Croton tiglium L. and Abrus precatorius L. as well as their processed derivatives (1), separately or in combinationFeed materials and compound feed10(2)
4. Unhusked beech mast — Fagus sylvatica L.Feed materials and compound feedSeeds and fruit as well as their processed derivatives may only be present in feed in trace amounts not quantitatively determinable
5. Purghera — Jatropha curcas L.Feed materials and compound feedSeeds and fruit as well as their processed derivatives may only be present in feed in trace amounts not quantitatively determinable
6. Seeds from Ambrosia spp.Feed materials(3)50
with the exception of:
– Millet (grains of Panicum miliaceum L.) and sorghum (grains of Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench s.l.) not directly fed to animals (3)200
Compound feed containing unground grains and seeds50

7. Seeds from

— Indian mustard — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. integrifolia (West.) Thell.

— Sareptian mustard — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea

— Chinese mustard — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea var. lutea Batalin

— Black mustard — Brassica nigra (L.) Koch

— Ethiopian mustard — Brassica carinata A. Braun

Feed materials and compound feedSeeds may only be present in feed in trace amounts not quantitatively determinable


CoccidiostatProducts intended for animal feed(1)Maximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %

Without prejudice to the authorised levels pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003.


The maximum level of the substance in the premixture is the concentration which shall not result in a level of the substance higher than 50 % of the maximum levels established in the feed when the instructions for use of the premixture are followed.

1. DecoquinateFeed materials0.4
Compound feed for
— laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks);0.4
— other animal species1.2
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of decoquinate is not authorised.(2)
2. DiclazurilFeed materials0.01
Compound feed for
— laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),0.01
— rabbits for fattening and breeding for the period before slaughter in which the use of diclazuril is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.01
— other animal species other than chickens reared for laying (< 16 weeks), chickens for fattening, guinea fowl and turkeys for fattening.0.03
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of diclazuril is not authorised.(2)
3. Halofuginone hydrobromideFeed materials0.03
Compound feed for
— laying birds, chickens reared for laying and turkeys (> 12 weeks),0.03
— chickens for fattening and turkeys (< 12 weeks) for the period before slaughter in which the use of halofuginone hydrobromide is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.03
— other animal species.0.09
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of halofuginone hydrobromide is not authorised.(2)
4. Lasalocid A sodiumFeed materials1.25
Compound feed for
— dogs, calves, rabbits, equine species, dairy animals, laying birds, turkeys (> 16 weeks) and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),1.25
— chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying (< 16 weeks) and turkeys (< 16 weeks) for the period before slaughter in which the use of lasalocid A sodium is prohibited (withdrawal feed),1.25
— pheasants, guinea fowl, quails and partridges (except laying birds) for the period before slaughter in which the use of lasalocid A sodium is prohibited (withdrawal feed),1.25
— other animal species.3.75
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of lasalocid A sodium is not authorised.(2)
5. Maduramicin ammonium alphaFeed materials0.05
Compound feed for
— equine species, rabbits, turkeys (> 16 weeks), laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),0.05
— chickens for fattening and turkeys (< 16 weeks) for the period before slaughter in which the use of maduramicin ammonium alpha is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.05
— other animal species.0.15
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of maduramicin ammonium alpha is not authorised.(2)
6. Monensin sodiumFeed materials1.25
Compound feed for
— equine species, dogs, small ruminants (sheep and goat), ducks, bovine, dairy cattle, laying birds, chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks) and turkeys (> 16 weeks),1.25
— chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying (< 16 weeks) and turkeys (< 16 weeks) for the period before slaughter in which the use of monensin sodium is prohibited (withdrawal feed),1.25
— other animal species.3.75
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of monensin sodium is not authorised.(2)
7. NarasinFeed materials0.7
Compound feed for
— turkeys, rabbits, equine species, laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),0.7
— other animal species.2.1
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of narasin is not authorised.(2)
8. NicarbazinFeed materials1.25
Compound feed for
— equine species, laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),1.25
— other animal species.3.75
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of nicarbazin (alone or in combination with narasin) is not authorised.(2)
9. Robenidine hydrochlorideFeed materials0.7
Compound feed for
— laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),0.7
— chickens for fattening, rabbits for fattening and breeding and turkeys for the period before slaughter in which the use of robenidine hydrochloride is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.7
— other animal species.2.1
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of robenidine hydrochloride is not authorised.(2)
10. Salinomycin sodiumFeed materials0.7
Compound feed for
— equine species, turkeys, laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 12 weeks),0.7
— chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying (< 12 weeks) and rabbits for fattening for the period before slaughter in which the use of salinomycin sodium is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.7
— other animal species.2.1
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of salinomycin sodium is not authorised(2)
11. Semduramicin sodiumFeed materials0.25
Compound feed for
— laying birds and chickens reared for laying (> 16 weeks),0.25
— chickens for fattening for the period before slaughter in which the use of semduramicin sodium is prohibited (withdrawal feed),0.25
— other animal species.0.75
Premixtures for use in feed in which the use of semduramicin sodium is not authorised.(2)

Regulations 15 and 15A

SCHEDULE 5Action thresholds triggering investigations: dioxins and PCBs


Undesirable substancesProducts intended for animal feedAction threshold in ng WHO-PCDD/F TEQ/kg (ppt) (2) relative to a feedingstuff with a moisture content of 12 %Comments and additional information (e.g. nature of investigations to be performed)

Table 2: Table of TEF (toxic equivalency factors) for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs: WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organisation (WHO) – International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) expert meeting which was held in Geneva in June 2005 (Martin van den Berg et al., The 2005 World Health Organisation Re-evaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences 93(2), 223–241 (2006)).


Upper-bound concentrations; upper-bound concentrations are calculated on the assumption that all values of the different congeners below the limit of quantification are equal to the limit of quantification.


Identification of source of contamination. Once source is identified, take appropriate measures, where possible, to reduce or eliminate source of contamination.


In many cases it might not be necessary to perform an investigation into the source of contamination as the background level in some areas is close to or above the action level. However, in cases where the action level is exceeded, all information, such as sampling period, geographical origin, fish species etc., shall be recorded with a view to future measures to manage the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in these materials for animal nutrition.

1. Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) expressed in World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors, 2005) (1)) Feed materials of plant origin0.5(3)
with the exception of:
— vegetable oils and their by-products.0.5(3)
Feed materials of mineral origin0.5(3)
Feed materials of animal origin:
— Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat,0.75(3)
— Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products,0.5(3)
— Fish oil,4.0(4)
— Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them, with the exception of fish oil, hydrolysed fish protein containing more than 20  % fat and crustacea meal,0.75(4)
— Hydrolysed fish protein containing more than 20  % fat; crustacea meal. 1.25(4)
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents0.5(3)
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements0.5(3)
Compound feed0.5(3)
with the exception of:
— compound feed for pet animals and fish,1.25(4)
— compound feed for fur animals.
2. Dioxin-like PCBs (sum of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) expressed in World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors, 2005) (1))Feed materials of plant origin0.35(3)
with the exception of:
— vegetable oils and their by-products0.5(3)
Feed materials of mineral origin0.35(3)
Feed materials of animal origin:
— Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat0.75(3)
— Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products0.35(3)
— Fish oil11.0(4)
— Fish, other aquatic animals and products derived from them, with the exception of fish oil and fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat(3)2.0(4)
— Fish protein, hydrolysed, containing more than 20 % fat5.0(4)
Feed additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents0.5(3)
Feed additives belonging to the functional group of compounds of trace elements0.35(3)
Compound feed0.5(3)
with the exception of:
— compound feed for pet animals and fish2.5(4)
— compound feed for fur animals

Table 2: Table of TEF (toxic equivalency factors) for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs

CongenerTEF value
Dibenzo-para-dioxins (‘PCDDs’) and Dibenzo-para-furans (PCDFs)
‘Dioxin-like’ PCBs: Non-ortho PCBs + Mono-ortho PCBs
Non-ortho PCBs
PCB 770.0001
PCB 810.0003
PCB 1260.1
PCB 1690.03
Mono-ortho PCBs
PCB 1050.00003
PCB 1140.00003
PCB 1180.00003
PCB 1230.00003
PCB 1560.00003
PCB 1570.00003
PCB 1670.00003
PCB 1890.00003
Abbreviations used: ‘T’ = tetra; ‘Pe’ = penta; ‘Hx’ = hexa; ‘Hp’ = hepta; ‘O’ = octa; ‘CDD’ = chlorodibenzodioxin; ‘CDF’ = chlorodibenzofuran; ‘CB’ = chlorobiphenyl..