SCHEDULE 1Enabling Powers
These Regulations are made under the following powers—
the following provisions of the Representation of the People Act 1983—
section 15(5) of the Representation of the People Act 1985;
sections 9HE(1), 9MG(2) to (5) and 105(2) and (3) of the Local Government Act 2000;
section 18(1) of the Recall of MPs Act 2015.
SCHEDULE 2Identity document applications: photograph requirements
A photograph included in an identity document application (“the photograph”) must meet the following requirements.
The photograph must be a close-up photograph of the head and shoulders of the applicant.
Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the photograph must show the full head of the applicant (without any other person visible or any covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons)—
facing forward,
with nothing covering the face,
looking straight at the camera,
with a plain facial expression, and
with eyes open and clearly visible (e.g. without sunglasses and not obscured with hair etc.).
The requirements in paragraph (1)(d) and (e) do not apply where the applicant is unable to provide a photograph which complies with either or both of those requirements (as the case may be) due to any disability.
The photograph must be in colour and taken against a plain, light background.
The photograph must be—
in sharp focus and clear,
free from “redeye”, shadows which obscure the face, or reflection,
undamaged, and
a true likeness of the applicant, without amendment or manipulation.
For an application made other than via the digital service, the photograph must be—
at least 45 millimetres in height and at least 35 millimetres in width, and
no more than 297 millimetres in height and no larger than 210 millimetres in width.
For an application made via the digital service, the photograph must be—
at least 750 pixels in height and at least 600 pixels in width, and
contained in an electronic file which is no more than 20MB in size.
SCHEDULE 3Requirements for the design of anonymous elector’s documents, electoral identity documents, and temporary electoral identity documents
Requirements for the design of the anonymous elector’s document
The anonymous elector’s document must be 297 millimetres in height and 210 millimetres in width.
The design of the anonymous elector’s document must include—
each of the following, all on the front side of the document—
space for the electoral number of the anonymous elector it is issued to;
space for a photograph of the anonymous elector it is issued to;
space for the date of issue of the document;
space for the appropriate identifier allocated to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 16(1)(e);
one or more security features recommended by the Home Secretary;
for the design of the dual Welsh and English version of the anonymous elector’s document in accordance with regulation 15(1)(d), the Welsh equivalent of any text shown in English.
Requirements for the design of the electoral identity document
The electoral identity document must be 297 millimetres in height and 210 millimetres in width.
The design of the electoral identity document must include—
each of the following, all on the front side of the document—
space for the full name of the elector it is issued to;
space for a photograph of the elector it is issued to;
space for the date of issue of the document;
space for the appropriate identifier allocated to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 16(1)(e);
the words “Issued by the electoral registration officer appointed by” and space for the name of the local authority added to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 16(1)(f)(i);
space for the recommended renewal date for the document to be added to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 16(1)(f)(ii);
one or more security features recommended by the Home Secretary;
for the design of the dual Welsh and English version of the electoral identity document in accordance with regulation 15(1)(d), the Welsh equivalent of any text shown in English.
Requirements for the design of the temporary electoral identity document
The temporary electoral identity document must be 297 millimetres in height and 210 millimetres in width.
The design of the temporary electoral identity document must include—
each of the following, all on the front side of the document—
space for the full name of the elector it is issued to;
space for a photograph of the elector it is issued to;
space for the date of issue of the document;
space for the appropriate identifier allocated to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 19(2)(b)(iv);
the words “Issued by the electoral registration officer appointed by” and space for the name of the local authority added to the document by the registration officer in accordance with regulation 19(2)(b)(iii);
space for the date on which the document is valid for use at a poll;
space for a registration officer’s signature;
for the design of the dual Welsh and English version of the temporary electoral identity document in accordance with regulation 15(1)(d), the Welsh equivalent of any text shown in English.
SCHEDULE 4Prescribed form of ballot paper refusal list at parliamentary elections
SCHEDULE 5Representation of the People (Combination of Polls) (England and Wales) Regulations 2004: New Form of directions for the guidance of voters
Form of directions for the guidance of the voters in voting
SCHEDULE 6New forms of official poll cards and official proxy poll cards at parliamentary elections
PART 1New forms for the Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001
Form A: Official poll card (to be sent to an elector voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form B: Official proxy poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
PART 2New forms for the Representation of the People (Scotland) Regulations 2001
Form A: Official poll card (to be sent to an elector voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form B: Official proxy poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
SCHEDULE 7Local Authorities (Mayoral Elections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007: New forms
PART 1Forms for use at a mayoral election in England where the poll is not taken together with another election or referendum
Form 8A: Elector’s official poll card (for use at mayoral elections in England)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10A: Official proxy poll card (for use at mayoral elections in England)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 11A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 12A: Directions for the guidance of voters (for use at mayoral elections in England)
PART 2Forms for use at a mayoral election in England where the poll is taken together with another election or referendum
Form 8A: Elector’s official poll card (for use at mayoral elections in England)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10A: Official proxy poll card (for use at mayoral elections in England)
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 11A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 12A: Directions for the guidance of voters (for use at mayoral elections in England)
SCHEDULE 8Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (England) Regulations 2012: New forms
PART 1Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is not taken together with another election or referendum
Official Poll Card (to be sent to a voter voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Official Proxy Poll Card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Ballot paper refusal list
Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
PART 2Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is taken together with another election or referendum
Official Poll Card (to be sent to a voter voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Official Proxy Poll Card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Ballot paper refusal list
Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
SCHEDULE 9Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Council Tax Increases) (England) Regulations 2012: New forms
PART 1Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is not taken together with another election or referendum
Official Poll Card (to be sent to a voter voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Official Proxy Poll Card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Ballot paper refusal list
Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
PART 2Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is taken together with another election or referendum
Official Poll Card (to be sent to a voter voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Official Proxy Poll Card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)
Front of form
Rear of form
Ballot paper refusal list
Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
SCHEDULE 10Police and Crime Commissioner Elections Order 2012: New forms
PART 1New proxy paper form
Front of form
Rear of form
PART 2Forms for use at a PCC election
Form 11: Official poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 13: Official proxy poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 14A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 16: Notice for guidance of voters for exhibition inside and outside polling station
SCHEDULE 11Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) Regulations 2012: New forms
PART 1Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is not taken together with another election or referendum
Form 7: Official poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 9: Official proxy poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 11: Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
PART 2Forms for use at a referendum where the poll is taken together with another election or referendum
Form 8: Official poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10: Official proxy poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 11A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 12: Form of directions for the guidance of the voters and proxies in voting
SCHEDULE 12Recall of MPs Act 2015 (Recall Petition) Regulations 2016: New forms
Form D: Official petition notice for an elector who may sign the petition in person
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Form F: Official petition notice for a proxy who may sign the petition in person
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Form G1: Signing sheet refusal list
Form H: Guidance for person signing the petition
Form J: Proxy paper
SCHEDULE 13Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017: New forms
PART 1Forms for use at a mayoral election where the poll is not taken together with another election or referendum
Form 8: Official poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10: Official proxy poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 11A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 12: Directions for the guidance of voters in voting
PART 2Forms for use at a mayoral election where the poll is taken together with another election or referendum
Form 8: Official poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 10: Official proxy poll card
Front of form
Rear of form
Form 11A: Ballot paper refusal list
Form 12: Directions for the guidance of voters in voting
SCHEDULE 14Police and Crime Commissioner Elections: Welsh form of words and Welsh and English forms
PART 1New Part 2 of Schedule 1 (Welsh versions of forms of words)
“PART 2Welsh version of questions to be put to voters
Person sy’n gwneud cais am bapur pleidleisio
1 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel etholwr
(za) Beth yw’ch enw?
(zb) Beth yw’ch cyfeiriad?
(a) Ai chi yw’r person sydd wedi’i gofrestru ar y gofrestr etholwyr fel a ganlyn (rhaid i chi ddarllen yn uchel y cofnod cyfan o’r gofrestr)? [R]
(b) A ydych eisoes wedi pleidleisio yn yr etholiad hwn ar gyfer comisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu, naill ai yma neu rywle arall, ac eithrio fel dirprwy i rywun arall? [R]
2 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel dirprwy
(za) Beth yw’ch enw?
(zb) Beth yw’ch cyfeiriad?
(a) Ai chi yw’r person y mae ei enw yn ymddangos fel A B ar y rhestr dirprwyon ar gyfer yr etholiad hwn ar gyfer comisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu fel y person sydd â hawl i bleidleisio fel dirprwy ar ran C D? [R]
(b) A ydych eisoes wedi pleidleisio yn yr etholiad hwn ar gyfer comisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu, naill ai yma neu rywle arall, fel y person sydd â hawl i bleidleisio fel dirprwy ar ran C D? [R]
(c) Ai chi yw gŵr/gwraig, partner sifil, rhiant, tad-cu/mam-gu, brawd/chwaer, plentyn neu ŵyr/wyres C D? [R]
3 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel dirprwy ar gyfer etholwr â chofnod dienw (yn hytrach na’r cwestiynau yng nghofnod 2)
(za) Beth yw’ch enw?
(zb) Beth yw’ch cyfeiriad?
(a) Ai chi yw’r person y mae hawl ganddo bleidleisio fel dirprwy ar ran yr etholwr sydd â’r rhif ( darllenwch yn uchel rif yr etholwr o’r gofrestr) ar y gofrestr etholwyr? [R]
(b) A ydych eisoes wedi pleidleisio yn yr etholiad hwn ar gyfer comisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu, yma neu rywle arall, fel dirprwy ar ran yr etholwr sydd â’r rhif (darllenwch yn uchel rif yr etholwr o’r gofrestr) ar y gofrestr etholwyr? [R]
(c) A ydych yn ŵr/gwraig, yn bartner sifil, yn rhiant, yn dad-cu/mam-gu, yn frawd/chwaer, yn blentyn neu’n ŵyr/wyres i’r etholwr sydd â’r rhif ( darllenwch yn uchel rif yr etholwr o’r gofrestr) ar y gofrestr etholwyr? [R]
4 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel dirprwy os na roddir ateb cadarnhaol i’r cwestiwn yng nghofnod 2(c) neu 3(c) (os ydynt yn berthnasol)
A ydych eisoes wedi pleidleisio yn yr etholiad hwn ar gyfer comisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu, yma neu rywle arall, ar ran dau berson nad ydych yn ŵr/gwraig, yn bartner sifil, yn rhiant, yn dad-cu/mam-gu, yn frawd/chwaer, yn blentyn neu’n ŵyr/wyres iddynt? [R]
5 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel etholwr y mae cofnod ganddo ar y rhestr pleidleiswyr post
(za) Beth yw’ch enw?
(zb) Beth yw’ch cyfeiriad?
(a) A wnaethoch gais i bleidleisio drwy’r post?
(b) Pam nad ydych wedi pleidleisio drwy’r post?
6 Person sy’n gwneud cais fel dirprwy y mae cofnod ganddo ar y rhestr dirprwyon sy’n pleidleisio drwy’r post
(za) Beth yw’ch enw?
(zb) Beth yw’ch cyfeiriad?
(a) A wnaethoch gais i bleidleisio drwy’r post fel dirprwy?
(b) Pam nad ydych wedi pleidleisio drwy’r post fel dirprwy?”
PART 2New Welsh and English Forms
Form/Ffurflen 1: Proxy paper at particular PCC election/Papur pleidleisio drwy ddirprwy mewn etholiad penodol ar gyfer Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throseddu
Page/Tudalen 1
Page/Tudalen 2
Page/Tudalen 3
Form/Ffurflen 11: Poll Card/Cerdyn pleidleisio
Page/Tudalen 1
Page/Tudalen 2
Form/Ffurflen 13: Proxy poll card/Cerdyn pleisdleisio dirprwy
Page/Tudalen 1
Page/Tudalen 2
Form/Ffurflen 14A: Ballot paper refusal list/Rhestr o Achosion o Wrthod Rhoi Papur Pleidleisio
Page/Tudalen 1
Page/Tudalen 2
Form/Flurflen 16: Notice for guidance of voters for exhibition inside and outside polling station/Hysbysiad canllaw i bleidleiswyr i’w arddangos y tu mewn a’r tu allan i’r orsaf bleidleisio