Survey of waterway



Before the commencement of the initial construction of any part of the specified works and again following practical completion of the specified works the undertaker must bear the reasonable and proper cost of the carrying out by a qualified engineer (the “surveyor”), to be approved by the Canal and River Trust and the undertaker, of a survey including a dip-survey to measure the depth of the waterway (“the survey”) of so much of the waterway and of any land and existing works of the undertaker which may provide support for the waterway as will or may be affected by the specified works.


For the purposes of the survey the undertaker must—


on being given reasonable notice (save in case of emergency, when immediate access must be afforded) afford reasonable facilities to the surveyor for access to the site of the specified works and to any land and existing works of the undertaker which may provide support for the waterway as will or may be affected by the specified works; and


supply the surveyor as soon as reasonably practicable with all such information as he may reasonably require and which the undertaker holds with regard to such existing works of the undertaker and to the specified works or the method of their construction.


The reasonable costs of the survey must include the costs of any dewatering or reduction of the water level of any part of the waterway (where reasonably required) which may be effected to facilitate the carrying out of the survey and the provisions of this Part will apply with all necessary modifications to any such dewatering or reduction in the water level as though the same were specified works.


Copies of the survey must be provided to both the Canal and River Trust and the undertaker at no cost to the Canal and River Trust.