The Merchant Shipping (Light Dues) (Amendment) Regulations 2022


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Merchant Shipping (Light Dues) Regulations 1997 (S.I. 1997/562) by increasing the rate per ton at which light dues are payable from 38 and a half pence per ton to 41 pence per ton and by making a corresponding upward adjustment (from £15,400 to £16,400) to the maximum amount for any one voyage by a ship where that voyage ends at a port or place in the United Kingdom on or after 1st April 2022.

An Explanatory Memorandum for this instrument is published alongside these Regulations at A full regulatory impact assessment has not been prepared for these amendments because they vary the charges with respect to light dues and such charges are not included as a “regulatory provision” for the purposes of section 22(4)(a)(i) of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (c. 26).