SCHEDULE 14Deemed licence under the 2009 Act – offshore transmission assets

PART 2Conditions

Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation Site Integrity Plan (Piling)I122


No piling activities can commence until a Site Integrity Plan (SIP), which accords with the principles set out in the in principle East Anglia ONE North Project Southern North Sea SAC Site Integrity Plan, has been submitted to, and approved in writing, by the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body.


The SIP submitted for approval must contain a description of the conservation objectives for the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation (SNS SAC) as well as any relevant management measures and it must set out the key statutory nature conservation body advice on activities within the SNS SAC relating to piling as set out within the JNCC Guidance and how this has been considered in the context of the authorised scheme.


The SIP must be submitted to the MMO no later than six months prior to commencement of piling activities.


In approving the SIP the MMO must be satisfied that the authorised scheme at the pre-construction stage, in-combination with other plans and projects, is in line with the JNCC Guidance.