Article 20

SCHEDULE 7E+W+SLand in which only new rights etc. may be acquired

Number of land shown on land planPurpose for which rights may be acquired
1, 2

the right to install the cables by the use of directional drilling or other trenchless techniques only;


the right to retain and use the cables and for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables and jointing installations;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land; and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables.

4, 5, 6

all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment;


the right to carry out terrestrial work activities;


the right to install the cables by the use of directional drilling or other trenchless techniques only;


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to retain and use the cables, for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables, transition bays and jointing installations;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land; and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables, transition bays and jointing installations.


all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment;


the right to carry out terrestrial work activities;


the right to install the cables by way of (but not limited to) digging trenches, the use of directional drilling, auger boring, thrust boring, micro tunnelling or pipe ramming or other similar trenchless techniques;


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • temporary welfare facilities (including but not limited to portakabins, portaloos and welfare equipment);

  • cable marker posts to identify the location of the cables as required for routine integrity testing;

  • pipes, cables, conduit, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);

  • hard standing and other surface materials including (but not limited to) matting, aggregate, trackway, stone, tarmacadam, terram;

  • temporary paths and bridleways for public use;

  • temporary access roads;

  • temporary haul roads;

  • temporary noise alleviation measures;

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • supporting or protective structures (including the bridging over of or protection of the apparatus of the statutory undertakers);

  • temporary fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purpose of enabling rights to pass and repass and for the purposes of terrestrial work activities;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, remove, relocate and plant trees, woodland, shrubs, hedgerows, seeding and other ecological measures together with the right to maintain, inspect and replant such trees, shrubs and landscaping;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to retain, maintain, straighten, widen, repair, alter, upgrade and use existing access routes for the purposes of accessing the land, adjoining land and highway;


the right to remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities is to occur (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers;


the right to remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


the right to remove archaeological artefacts where they would prevent or cause it to be materially more difficult to undertake terrestrial work activities or where leaving such archaeological artefacts in situ would materially increase the cost of the terrestrial work activities;


the right to retain and use the cables, transition bays and jointing installations for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables, transition bays and jointing installations;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land;

  • to prevent the planting or growing within the land of any trees, shrubs or underwood without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed provided that the proposed trees, shrubs or underwood would not cause damage to the relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to access the relevant part of the authorised project); and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables, transition bays and jointing installations.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 27, 28 , 30 , 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 80, 82, 83, 85, 92, 93

all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment;


the right to carry out terrestrial work activities;


the right to install the cables by way of (but not limited to) digging trenches, the use of directional drilling, auger boring, thrust boring, micro tunnelling or pipe ramming or other similar trenchless techniques;


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • temporary welfare facilities (including but not limited to portakabins, portaloos and welfare equipment);

  • cable marker posts to identify the location of the cables as required for routine integrity testing;

  • pipes, cables, conduit, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);

  • hard standing and other surface materials including (but not limited to) matting, aggregate, trackway, stone, tarmacadam, terram;

  • temporary paths and bridleways for public use;

  • temporary access roads;

  • temporary haul roads;

  • temporary noise alleviation measures;

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • supporting or protective structures (including the bridging over of or protection of the apparatus of the statutory undertakers);

  • temporary fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purpose of enabling rights to pass and repass and for the purposes of terrestrial work activities;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, remove, relocate and plant trees, woodland, shrubs, hedgerows, seeding and other ecological measures together with the right to maintain, inspect and replant such trees, shrubs and landscaping;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to retain, maintain, straighten, widen, repair, alter, upgrade and use existing access routes for the purposes of accessing the land, adjoining land and highway;


the right to remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities is to occur (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers;


the right to remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


the right to remove archaeological artefacts where they would prevent or cause it to be materially more difficult to undertake terrestrial work activities or where leaving such archaeological artefacts in situ would materially increase the cost of the terrestrial work activities;


the right to retain and use the cables and jointing installations for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables and jointing installations;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land;

  • to prevent the planting or growing within the land of any trees, shrubs or underwood without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed provided that the proposed trees, shrubs or underwood would not cause damage to the relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to access the relevant part of the authorised project); and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables and jointing installations.

67, 69, 70, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 93

the right to pass and repass with or without plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus and equipment to access adjoining land and highway;


the right to retain, maintain, straighten, widen, repair, alter, upgrade and use existing access routes for the purposes of accessing the land, adjoining land and highway;


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purposes of enabling rights to pass and repass;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities are being undertaken (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers.


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • temporary paths and bridleways for public use;

  • temporary access roads;

  • temporary fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


the right to pass and repass with or without plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, apparatus and equipment to access adjoining land and highway;


the right to place and use plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, apparatus, equipment and temporary structures on and within the land;


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, remove, relocate and plant trees, woodland, shrubs, hedgerows, seeding and other ecological measures together with the right to maintain, inspect and replant trees, shrubs and landscaping;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities in respect of the authorised project is to occur (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers;


the right to remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto); and

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project).


all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment, and to—


lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • electricity poles, electricity pylons, electricity masts, overhead electricity lines, telecommunications cables and any ancillary equipment and apparatus (including but not limited to the use of scaffolding) and any other works as necessary;

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • temporary welfare facilities (including but not limited to portakabins, portaloos and welfare equipment);

  • pipes, cables, conduit, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);

  • temporary noise alleviation measures;

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • supporting or protective structures (including the bridging over of or protection of the apparatus of the statutory undertakers);

  • hard standing and other material (including but not limited to matting, aggregate, trackway, stone, tarmacadam, terram);

  • temporary access roads;

  • temporary haul roads;

  • temporary paths and bridleways for public use;

  • fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


retain and use electricity poles, electricity pylons, electricity masts, overhead electricity lines, telecommunications cables and all ancillary equipment and apparatus for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications and for any other purpose ancillary to the authorised project;


pass and repass with or without plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus and equipment to access adjoining land and highway;


place and use plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, equipment and temporary structures on and within the land;


fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purpose of enabling rights to pass and repass;


fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges which may obstruct or interfere with electricity poles, electricity pylons, overhead electricity lines, telecommunications cables and any ancillary equipment and apparatus (including but not limited to scaffolding);


carry out surveys including for site investigation and environmental surveys (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, topographic, drainage, archaeological, geotechnical, geoenvironmental, ecological and ground stability site investigations and surveys), making of boreholes, trial pits and archaeological trenches and field stripping, auger hole sampling and the taking of soil and other samples;


remove and discharge water from the land;


install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, remove, relocate and plant trees, woodland, shrubs, hedgerows, seeding and other ecological measures together with the right to maintain, inspect and replant such trees, shrubs and landscaping;


benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the electricity poles, electricity pylons, overhead electricity lines, telecommunications cables and any ancillary equipment and apparatus (including but not limited to scaffolding);


erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


retain, maintain, straighten, widen, repair, alter, upgrade and use existing access routes for the purposes of accessing the land, adjoining land and highway;


remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities in respect of the authorised project is to occur (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers;


remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


remove archaeological artefacts where they would prevent or cause it to be materially more difficult to undertake terrestrial work activities or where leaving such archaeological artefacts in situ would materially increase the cost of the terrestrial work activities;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land to—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land;

  • to prevent the planting or growing within the land of any trees, shrubs or underwood without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed provided that the proposed trees, shrubs or underwood would not cause damage to the relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to access the relevant part of the authorised project); and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables, transition bays and jointing installations.

100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 104A, 104B, 104C

all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment and to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • temporary welfare facilities (including but not limited to portakabins, portaloos and welfare equipment);

  • pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);


the right to remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the pipes, cables, conduits, service media and apparatus installed in, under, or over the land.

43, 46, 57, 72, 77, 95, 96, 97

all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment;


the right to carry out terrestrial work activities;


the right to install the cables by way of (but not limited to) digging trenches, the use of directional drilling, auger boring, thrust boring, micro tunnelling or pipe ramming or other similar trenchless techniques;


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • pipes, cables, conduit, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);

  • hard standing and other surface materials including (but not limited to) matting, aggregate, trackway, stone, tarmacadam, terram;

  • temporary noise alleviation measures;

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • supporting or protective structures (including the bridging over of or protection of the apparatus of the statutory undertakers);

  • temporary fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purpose of enabling rights to pass and repass and for the purposes of terrestrial work activities;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to remove archaeological artefacts where they would prevent or cause it to be materially more difficult to undertake terrestrial work activities or where leaving such archaeological artefacts in situ would materially increase the cost of the terrestrial work activities;


the right to retain and use the cables, and jointing installations, for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables and jointing installations.

22, 23, 24

all rights and restrictions necessary for the undertaker and/or those authorised by the undertaker to enter onto, pass and repass and remain on the land with or without all necessary plant, vehicles, machinery, materials, drilling fluids, apparatus, temporary structures and equipment;


the right to carry out terrestrial work activities;


the right to install the cables by way of (but not limited to) digging trenches, the use of directional drilling, auger boring, thrust boring, micro tunnelling or pipe ramming or other similar trenchless techniques;


the right to lay down, construct, install, retain, adjust, alter, test, use, maintain, repair, renew, upgrade, inspect, survey, cleanse, re-lay, connect into, divert, protect, make safe, make incapable of operation, replace and remove—

  • public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts, and to drain into and manage waterflows in any public and private drains, watercourses, sewers, ponds or culverts including (but not limited to) by way of damming and overpumping;

  • cable marker posts to identify the location of the cables as required for routine integrity testing;

  • pipes, cables, conduit, service media or apparatus that are used for the purposes of transmitting or distributing electricity, communications, gas, oil, water supply, sewerage and drainage (including the pipes, cables, conduits, service media or apparatus of statutory undertakers);

  • temporary paths and bridleways for public use;

  • temporary access roads;

  • temporary haul roads;

  • temporary noise alleviation measures;

  • temporary barriers for the protection of fauna;

  • supporting or protective structures (including the bridging over of or protection of the apparatus of the statutory undertakers);

  • temporary fencing, gates, walls, barriers or other means of enclosure.


the right to fell, prune, cut, coppice, alter, lop, uproot and replant trees, shrubs and hedges, and remove roots of trees, shrubs and hedges for the purpose of enabling rights to pass and repass and for the purposes of terrestrial work activities;


the right to remove and discharge water from the land;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, relocate, maintain and carry out mitigation, maintenance, remediation and/or enhancement works;


the right to install, execute, implement, retain, repair, improve, renew, remove, relocate and plant trees, woodland, shrubs, hedgerows, seeding and other ecological measures together with the right to maintain, inspect and replant such trees, shrubs and landscaping;


the right to erect temporary signage and provide measures for the benefit of public and personnel safety;


the right to retain, maintain, straighten, widen, repair, alter, upgrade and use existing access routes for the purposes of accessing the land, adjoining land and highway;


the right to remove fences, hedges, gates or other barriers during any period during which terrestrial work activities is to occur (subject to the prior erection of any temporary stock proof fencing as is reasonably required) and the replacement, replanting or re-instatement of fences, hedges or other barriers;


the right to remove, store and stockpile materials (including excavated material) within the land;


the right to remove archaeological artefacts where they would prevent or cause it to be materially more difficult to undertake terrestrial work activities or where leaving such archaeological artefacts in situ would materially increase the cost of the terrestrial work activities;


the right to retain and use the cables for the purposes of the transmission of electricity and telecommunications;


the right to benefit from continuous vertical and lateral support for the cables;


a restrictive covenant over the land for the benefit of the remainder of the Order land—

  • to prevent anything to be done in or upon the land or any part thereof for the purpose of the erection of any buildings or construction erection or works of any kind (including the foundations or footings thereto);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of hard surfacing of the land with concrete of any kind or with any other material or surface whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the proposed surfacing would not cause damage to relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to maintain the authorised project);

  • to prevent anything to be done by way of excavation of any kind in the land nor any activities which increase or decrease ground cover or soil levels in any manner whatsoever without the consent in writing of the undertaker save as are reasonably required for agricultural activities or are required to be carried out by National Grid in order to exercise their rights in relation to their apparatus (if any) within the land;

  • to prevent the planting or growing within the land of any trees, shrubs or underwood without the consent in writing of the undertaker (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed provided that the proposed trees, shrubs or underwood would not cause damage to the relevant part of the authorised project nor make it materially more difficult or expensive to access the relevant part of the authorised project); and

  • to prevent anything being done which may interfere with free flow and passage of electricity or telecommunications through the cables or support for the cables.