Article 2
In the administrative area of North LincolnshireE+W+S
1. The construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections l4(l) and 15 of the 2008 Act with associated development under section 115(1)(b) of the 2008 Act.
The nationally significant infrastructure project comprises a generating station with a gross electrical output of over 50 megawatts alternating current comprising all or any of the work numbers in this Schedule or any part of any work number in this Schedule—
Work No. 1 – a generating station comprising: arrays of ground-mounted solar panels with a gross electrical output of over 50 megawatts alternating current comprising—
(a)solar panels;
(b)mounting structure;
(c)internal access tracks;
(f)cable trenches;
(g)cable circuits;
(h)switch gear and ancillary equipment
(i)earthing circuits;
(j)communication circuits;
(k)CCTV and mountings; and
(l)internal security fencing with gates
Along with associated development within the meaning of Section 115(2) of the 2008 Act comprising—
Work No. 2A – a battery energy storage system of up to 90 megawatts comprising—
(a)containerised battery units;
(c)client switch room containers housing the switch gear;
(e)cable trenches;
(f)cable circuits;
(g)communication circuits;
(h)vehicle parking;
(i)earthing circuits;
(j)CCTV and mountings;
(k)internal security fencing with gates; and
(l)internal access tracks;
Work No. 2B – a battery energy storage system of up to 90 megawatts comprising—
(a)containerised battery units;
(c)client switch room container housing the switch gear;
(e)cable trenches;
(f)cable circuits;
(g)communication circuits;
(h)vehicle parking;
(i)earthing circuits;
(j)CCTV and mountings;
(k)internal access tracks; and
(l)internal security fencing with gates;
Work No. 3 – formation of ecological corridors comprising—
(a)planting and ecological works incorporating the biodiversity objectives and management prescriptions set out in the LEMP;
(b)internal access tracks;
(c)fencing archaeological exclusion zone;
(d)swale buffer;
(e)temporary diversion of public footpath;
(f)underground connection to the electricity network;
(g)cable trenches;
(h)cable circuits;
(i)hedge buffer;
(j)ancient woodland buffer;
(k)pond buffer;
(l)CCTV and mountings; and
(m)bunds, embankments and swales.
Work No. 4 – construction of substation building and compound comprising—
(a)customer switch room;
(b)control room building welfare unit and WC;
(c)car parking;
(d)gantry with voltage and current transformers ;
(e)security fencing with gates;
(f)circuit breakers;
(g)earthing circuits;
(h)access track with separate access provision for District Network Operator;
(i)cable trenches;
(j)cable circuits;
(k)cess pit;
(l)floodlight columns;
(m)pad mounted transformer;
(n)sealing end structures;
(o)high level 132 kV busbars; and
(p)low level disconnectors.
Work No. 5 – upgrade to main access track comprising—
(a)laying out and surfacing of passing bays and access track;
(b)vegetation removal;
(c)planting and ecological works incorporating the biodiversity objectives and management prescriptions in the LEMP; and
(d)drainage channels.
Work No. 6 – perimeter development buffer comprising—
(a)security fencing, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure;
(b)bunds, embankments and swales;
(c)temporary diversion of public footpath during construction and decommissioning;
(d)ancient woodland buffer;
(e)public footpath buffer;
(f)pond buffer;
(g)hedge buffer;
(h)swale buffer;
(i)mitigation planting and maintenance corridor;
(j)planting and ecological works incorporating the biodiversity objectives and management prescriptions set out in the LEMP; and
(k)internal access tracks.
Work No. 7 – temporary construction and decommissioning compound comprising—
(a)installation of portable cabins providing office and welfare facilities;
(c)storage containers;
(d)secure storage compound;
(e)temporary hardstanding; and
(f)internal security fencing with gates.
Site Wide Works
In connection with the construction of Work Nos. 1-7 above and to the extent that they do not form any part of any such work, further associated development comprising such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised development and which fall within the scope of work assessed by the environmental statement within the Order limits including—
(a)foundations, drainage, fencing, culverts and lighting;
(b)bunds, embankments and swales;
(c)jointing bays, cable ducts, cable protection, joint protection, manholes, construction of crossing structures, kiosks, marker, posts, underground cable marker, tiles and tape, and lighting and other works associated with cable laying;
(d)altering the course of or otherwise constructing over or under non-navigable watercourses;
(e)site preparation works, site clearance; earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling); remediation of contamination;
(f)working sites, storage areas, temporary vehicle parking, ramps and other means of access, hardstanding, internal roads and tracks, laydown areas, welfare facilities, construction lighting, haulage roads and other machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences and their restoration;
(g)landscape and biodiversity mitigation and enhancement;
(h)horizontal directional drilling; and
(i)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development.