
Landlord’s certificate to other landlords in the building

7.  A relevant landlord within the meaning of paragraph 2(4) of Schedule 8 to the Act must, within 3 weeks of a request from the current landlord, provide the current landlord with the following information—

(a)the percentage of the storeys in the relevant building for which they were the relevant landlord at the qualifying time;

(b)where the relevant landlord was part of a landlord group at the qualifying time, details of the corporate structure of that landlord’s group(1) and including—

(i)the names of all the directors of each company in that group and directors of each corporate trustee, including in each case nominee and shadow directors or any person occupying the position of director by whatever name called;

(ii)the name of any other person or persons who has the right to exercise or does exercise significant control or influence directly or indirectly over the group;

(iii)details of the type of trust if any, the law to which it is subject and where it is tax resident; and

(iv)in relation to trusts with an interest in the shares of any company comprised in the group, details of the economic settlor, the named beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries and protector and any other person who has the right to exercise or does exercise significant influence or control directly or indirectly over the trust.


See paragraph 3(4) for the definition of “the landlord group”.