Article 2


The authorised development is a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 (nationally significant infrastructure projects: general)(1) and 22 (highways)(2) of the 2008 Act and associated development as defined in section 115(2) (development for which development consent may be granted)(3) of the 2008 Act, comprising—

In the administrative areas of Norfolk County Council and Broadland District Council

Work No. 1 – alteration of the A47 shown on sheet 1-8 of the works plans, of 4570 metres in length, from a point 361 metres west of the junction of the existing A47 with Yarmouth Road over the existing A47 to a point 203 metres east of the junction of existing A47 with the unclassified road known as the Windle and including a retaining wall west of Yarmouth Road, Blofield, a lay-by, bunds and noise barriers;

Work No. 2 – installation of ducts, cables and apparatus for utilities and electronic communications code operators of 987 metres, from a point 302 metres west of the existing A47 and Yarmouth Road, to a point 413 metres east of High Noon Lane junction, shown on sheet numbers 1 and 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 3 – diversion underground of 11kV overhead electricity distribution network cables, crossing Work No. 1, west of the junction of the existing A47 with Yarmouth Road and east of Blofield, shown on sheet number 1 of the works plans;

Work No. 4 – improvements to Yarmouth Road at its junction with the A47, south of Work No. 1, to the east of Blofield, shown on sheet number 1 of the works plans;

Work No. 5 – diversion of an intermediate pressure gas main of 3754 metres in length between a point 62 metres south of the junction of the existing A47 with Yarmouth Road, east of Blofield and a point 250 metres southwest of the junction of the existing A47 with B1140 White House Lane, west of Acle Hall, together with accesses to highways and associated infrastructure including marker posts and inspection chambers shown on sheets numbers 1 to 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 6 – new car park (of approximately 25 spaces) for Blofield Allotments including access to Work No. 7, together with a field access to Work No. 7, south of Work No. 7 and shown on sheet number 1 of the works plans;

Work No. 7 – new highway between the junction of the A47 with Yarmouth Road, Blofield, to a point 384 metres east of that junction, south of Work No. 1 and shown on sheet numbers 1 and 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 8 – installation of potable water pipes of 446 metres in length, from a point east of Sparrow Hall, Blofield, south to a point to the east of the highway of Waterlow, shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 9 – improvements to Yarmouth Road of 419 metres in length and creation of a junction between High Noon Lane and Yarmouth Road, east of Blofield and north of Work No. 1, shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 10 – improvements to Waterlow including new junction with Work No. 7, 307 metres east of Yarmouth Road, Blofield, and south of Work No. 7, shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 11 –– new highway, including bridge approaches to form the southern approach to the new Blofield Overbridge (Work No. 15), east of Blofield, and shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 12 – installation of ducts, cables, sewers and apparatus for utilities and electronic code communications operators of 570 metres in length, between Yarmouth Road and Waterlow, to the east of Blofield, shown on sheet numbers 1 and 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 13 – infiltration basin, soakaways, pond and associated drainage, drivable swale and maintenance access track, south of Work No 11 and east of Waterlow, shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 14 – new highway from a junction with Work No. 15, east for 197 metres to a point 943 metres west of Lingwood Road and shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 14A – access track and cycle track commencing at the termination of Work No. 14. east for 1270 metres to a junction with Footpath FP3, at a point 327 metres east of Lingwood Road and shown on sheet numbers 2, 3 and 4 of the works plans;

Work No. 14B – access track and cycle track, from a junction with Work No. 14A east for 92 metres to a point 328 metres east of Lingwood Road and shown on sheet number 4 of the works plans;

Work No. 15 – bridge over Work No. 1 located 601 metres east of the existing junction of the A47 with Yarmouth Road, (Blofield Overbridge), together with approaches and shown on sheet no. 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 16 – construction compound east of Blofield Overbridge (Work No.15) and south of work Nos. 1,4 and 14A, shown on sheet numbers 2 and 3 of the works plans;

Work No. 17 – new highway and approach to form the northern approach to Blofield Overbridge (Work No. 15), north of Work No. 1 and shown on sheet number 2 of the works plans;

Work No. 17A – works to support the reclassification of the existing A47 and provision of cycle track, north of Work No. 1 and shown on sheet numbers 2, 3 and 4 of the works plans;

Work No. 18 – drainage and soakaway to the east of the Blofield Overbridge (Work No. 15) and north of Work No. 1 shown on sheet numbers 2 and 3 of the works plans;

Work No. 19 – diversion underground of electricity distribution network cables (33kV) of 397 metres, crossing Work No. 1, east of Blofield and shown on sheet no. 3 of the works plans;

Work No. 20 – diversion underground of electricity distribution network cables (11kV) of 126 metres, crossing Work No. 1, north of Poplar Farm, shown on sheet no. 3 of the works plans;

Work No. 21 – turning head on Lingwood Road south of Work No. 1, west of North Burlingham and shown on sheet no. 4 of the works plans;

Work No. 22 – installation of ducts, cables and apparatus for utilities and electronic communications code operators and potable water pipes of 103 metres in length, between the existing A47 and Lingwood Road, to the west of North Burlingham, shown on sheet number 4 of the works plans;

Work No. 23 – cycle track, access track, soakaway, drivable swale and diversion of existing permissive equestrian and walking route south of Work No. 1, west of North Burlingham, and shown on sheet numbers 4 and 5 of the works plans;

Work No. 24 – diversion underground of electricity distribution network cable of 292 metres (11kV) south of the existing A47, south of North Burlingham, shown on sheet numbers 4 and 5 of the works plans;

Work No. 25 – turning head on Lingwood Lane, south of Work No. 1, south of North Burlingham and shown on sheet number 5 of the works plans;

Work No. 26 – temporary compound west of Lingwood Lane and south of Work No. 1, south of North Burlingham and shown on sheet number 5 of the works plans;

Work No. 26A - temporary compound east of Lingwood Lane, south of Work No. 1, south of North Burlingham and shown on sheet numbers 5 and 6 of the works plans;

Work No. 26B – temporary diversion of permissive equestrian and walking route west of Lingwood Lane, south of Work No. 1, south of North Burlingham and shown on sheet numbers 4 and 5 of the works plans;

Work No. 26C – temporary haul road to connect Work No. 26A to White House Lane, east of North Burlingham, and shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 27 – cycle track between Lingwood Lane and Work No. 35, south of Work No. 1 and shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 28 – works to the existing A47 east of North Burlingham, to connect to the new proposed junction with the B1140 classified road to the north of Work No. 1 shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 28A – junction to connect the existing A47 to Main Road, North Burlingham and including installation of ducts, cables and apparatus for utilities and electronic communications code operators, to the north of Work No. 1 shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 29 – realignment of B1140 South Walsham Road, North Burlingham, north of Work No. 1 and shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 30 – soakaway and access track south of Work No. 28, North Burlingham, shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 31 – installation of ducts, potable water pipes, cables and apparatus for utilities and electronic communications code operators of 925 metres in length north of the existing A47 and east of North Burlingham, shown on sheet numbers 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 32 – westbound compact connector road from Work No. 1 to a junction with Work No. 35, east of North Burlingham, shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 33 – soakaway and access track north of Work No. 1, east of North Burlingham, shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 34 – overbridge (B1140 Overbridge), and bridge approaches, to carry the improved B1140 over Work No. 1, 88 metres west of the existing South Walsham Road junction with A47 shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 35 – southern approach to B1140 Overbridge, together with improvements to the highway of Coxhill Road and provision of junction with Acle Road, on the southern side of Work No. 1, and shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 36 – northern approach to B1140 Overbridge, on the northern side of Work No. 1 east of North Burlingham and associated tying in works to South Walsham Road and shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 37 – temporary compound east of South Walsham Road and north of Work No. 1, shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 38 – soakaways and associated access for drainage, to the north of Work No. 1 and west of B1140 South Walsham Road, shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 39 –– compound, soakaways and associated access from White House Lane, east of Acle Road and south of Work No.1, shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 40 – realignment of White House Lane south of Work No.1, including turning head and shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 41 – soakaway and associated access west of Work No. 35 and shown on sheet 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 42 – diversion underground of overhead electricity distribution network cables (33kV) of 260 metres east of North Burlingham and shown on sheet numbers 6 and 7 of the works plans;

Work No. 43 – diversion of utility apparatus from the layby to the north of the existing A47 and to the west of the junction of the A47 with The Windle and shown on sheet numbers 6, 7 and 8 of the works plans; and

Work No. 44 – diversion of potable water pipes to the south of the A47, to the west of the junction of the A47 with The Windle and shown on sheet numbers 6, 7 and 8 of the works plans.

In connection with the construction of any of those works mentioned above, such ancillary development within the Order limits which does not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects in comparison with those reported in the environmental statement consisting of—

(a)alteration to the layout of any street permanently or temporarily, including but not limited to increasing or reducing the width of the carriageway of the street by reducing or increasing the width of any kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge within the street; and altering the level of any such kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge;

(b)works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance or reconstruction of any street;

(c)ramps, means of access, non-motorised links, footpaths, cycle tracks and crossing facilities;

(d)embankments, aprons, abutments, shafts, foundations, piling, retaining walls, barriers, parapets, drainage, cofferdams, ditches, wing walls, highway lighting, fencing and culverts;

(e)street works, including breaking up or opening up a street, or any sewer, drain or tunnel under it; tunnelling or boring under a street;

(f)works to place, alter, remove or maintain street furniture or apparatus in a street, or apparatus in other land, including mains, sewers, drains, soakaways, pipes, cables, ducts and lights;

(g)landscaping, noise bunds and barriers, works associated with the provision of ecological mitigation and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(h)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;

(i)site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling); remediation of contamination and lay down areas;

(j)the felling of trees;

(k)the establishment of construction compounds and working sites, storage areas, temporary vehicle parking, construction fencing, perimeter enclosures, security fencing, construction-related buildings, temporary worker accommodation facilities, welfare facilities, construction lighting, haulage roads and other buildings, machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences;

(l)the provision of other works including pavement works, kerbing and paved areas works, signing, signals, road markings works, traffic management measures including temporary roads and such other works as are associated with the construction of the authorised development; and

(m)such other works, working sites, storage areas and works of demolition, as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or for purposes ancillary to, the construction of the authorised development which do not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects to those assessed in the environmental statement.


There are amendments to section 14 which are not relevant to this Order.


Section 22 was substituted by S.I. 2013/1883 and amended by section 1(6) of, and paragraph 153 of Schedule 1 to the Infrastructure Act 2015.


Section 115(2) was amended by section 160(1) and (3) of the Housing and Planning Act 2016. There are other amendments to section 115(2) which are not relevant to this Order.