Work No. 1A
An electricity generating station with a net electrical output of approximately 3,340MW power generated by two nuclear reactor units, to include—
(a)buildings, structures and plant within the ’nuclear islands’ for Units 1 and 2, including—
(i)two reactor buildings;
(ii)two fuel buildings;
(iii)two fuel building halls;
(iv)two boron storage buildings;
(v)eight safeguard buildings;
(vi)two nuclear auxiliary buildings;
(vii)two nuclear auxiliary building stacks;
(viii)two access towers;
(ix)radioactive waste storage building;
(x)radioactive waste process building;
(xi)radioactive waste treatment building;
(xii)hot laundry building;
(xiii)hot workshop, hot warehouse, facilities for decontamination;
(xiv)effluent tanks and refuelling water tanks;
(xv)four emergency diesel generator buildings and twelve associated stacks;
(xvi)two ’type 1’ cooling water discharge weir buildings; and
(xvii)two ’type 2’ cooling water discharge weir buildings;
(b)buildings, structures and plant within the ’conventional islands’ for Units 1 and 2, including—
(i)two turbine halls;
(ii)two sky bridges;
(iii)two conventional island electrical buildings;
(iv)two gas insulated switchgear buildings;
(v)two main transformer platforms;
(vi)four unit transformer platforms;
(vii)two auxiliary transformer platforms; and
(viii)six monopoles;
(c)operational service centre;
(d)four electricity transmission towers / pylons inside the powers station’s security fence and associated transmission infrastructure;
(e)buildings, structures and plant within the ’cooling water pumphouse and associated buildings’ for Units 1 and 2, including—
(i)two cooling water pumphouses;
(ii)two forebays;
(iii)two outfall pond buildings;
(iv)two filtering debris recovery pits; and
(v)two fire-fighting water distribution buildings;
(f)intermediate level waste store;
(g)interim spent fuel store;
(h)buildings, structures and plant within the ’ancillary structures’, including (but not limited to)—
(i)main access control building;
(ii)auxiliary administration building;
(iii)secondary access control building;
(iv)emergency response centre;
(v)emergency response energy centre;
(vi)meteorological station;
(vii)demineralisation station;
(viii)valve room for the demineralisation station;
(ix)auxiliary boilers;
(x)hydrogen storage;
(xi)oxygen storage;
(xii)hydrazine storage;
(xiii)chlorination plant;
(xiv)service ventilation building;
(xv)raw water & potable water storage/supply building;
(xvi)degassed water storage tanks;
(xvii)cooling water discharge shaft;
(xviii)chemical products storage;
(xix)garage for handling materials;
(xx)oil & grease storage;
(xxi)contaminated tools store;
(xxiii)sewage treatment plant;
(xxiv)conventional island water tanks;
(xxv)nuclear island water tank;
(xxvi)conventional waste storage;
(xxvii)transit area for very low and low level waste;
(xxviii)service access buildings;
(xxix)battery load banks;
(xxx)interim spent fuel store equipment storage building; and
(xxxi)emergency equipment store.
(i)132kV substation and associated compound;
(j)off-site delivery check point, associated buildings, structures and plant;
(k)permanent vehicular and pedestrian bridge over Sizewell Marshes SSSI, preceded by a temporary crossing.
(l)permanent beach landing facility;
(m)soft coastal defence feature;
(n)permanent hard coastal defence feature, preceded by a temporary hard coastal defence feature;
(o)buildings, structures and plant, including a new National Grid substation building, plant, equipment and apparatus, alterations to the existing National Grid substation building, plant, equipment and apparatus, and associated diversion of transmission infrastructure;
(p)one electricity transmission tower /pylon outside the power station’s security fence, and associated transmission infrastructure including overhead line conductors;
(q)770 permanent operational parking spaces and 600 outage parking spaces;
(r)removal of an existing transmission tower / pylon and associated transmission infrastructure;
(s)realignment of Sizewell Drain and associated works;
(t)perimeter below-ground cut off-wall, including associated dewatering of the contained area;
(u)drainage outfall tunnels comprising—
(i)combined drainage outfall tunnel (continuing as Work No. 2K); and
(ii)temporary marine outfall;
(v)power station main access road;
(w)1,000 temporary car parking spaces and 75 temporary HGV parking spaces;
(x)temporary freight management facility, 80 HGV parking spaces and associated infrastructure;
(y)temporary park and ride facility, 600 associated car parking spaces, 20 bus spaces, a terminal area and associated infrastructure;
(z)temporary water resource storage area;
(aa)temporary marine bulk import facility;
(bb)improvement works to Kenton Hills Car Park to include provision of up to 15 additional parking spaces;
(cc)flood mitigation area and associated habitat;
(dd)serviced pitches for up to 400 caravans and 400 temporary car parking spaces;
(ee)bat barn;
(ff)temporary junction onto King George’s Avenue;
(gg)temporary junction onto Valley Road
(hh)temporary junction onto Lovers Lane;
(ii)temporary desalination plant and associated infrastructure;
(jj)temporary desalination plant outfall tunnel (continuing as Work No. 2O); and
(kk)temporary desalination plant intake tunnel (continuing as Work No. 2M).