Article 2

In the administration area of Thanet

A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 (nationally significant infrastructure projects: general) and 23 (airports) of the 2008 Act comprising:

Work No.1 — The construction of airside cargo facilities and ancillary offices with a maximum building height of 20m and total combined cargo and office footprint of 65,500m2.

Work No.2 — The construction of 8 light and business aircraft hangars and associated fixed base operator terminal with a maximum building height of 15m.

Work No.3 — The construction of a new air traffic control centre to include—


an air traffic control tower with a maximum building height of 27m;


an airfield operations centre; and


associated parking.

Work No.4 — The construction of a new modern radar installation to include—


a radar tower with a maximum building height of 27m;


an area of safeguarded land of 165m radius surrounded by a security fence to ensure uninterrupted radar operation; and


single storey ancillary structures to house equipment and provide maintenance access.

Work No.5 — The construction of new or improved approach lights and navigational aids.

Work No.6 — The construction of new or improved approach lights and navigational aids.

Work No.7 — The rehabilitation of the existing 10/28 runway and runway shoulders.

Work No.8 — The construction and rehabilitation of pavements for the safe movement and parking of aircraft and aircraft support vehicles and associated pavement infrastructure.

Work No.9 — The construction and rehabilitation of pavements for the creation of 19 Code E aircraft parking stands and associated pavement infrastructure.

Work No.10 — The construction and rehabilitation of pavements for the creation of 3 Code C aircraft parking stands and associated pavement infrastructure.

Work No.11 — The construction and rehabilitation of pavements for the creation of 4 Code C aircraft parking stands and associated pavement infrastructure.

Work No.13 — The construction of a new airport fire station and associated storage areas to include—


six full size emergency bay doors allowing front and rear entry;


a garage area with associated workshop;


a welfare and management area; and


a hardstanding area for tank storage of firefighting materials.

Associated development comprising:

Work No.12 — The construction of a new passenger terminal facility with a maximum building height of 15m.

Work No.14 — The construction of a gatehouse with a maximum height of 4m and vehicle control area to including vehicle lanes, a gantry with maximum height of 8m and a welfare facility for gatehouse staff.

Work No.15 — The construction of airport-related commercial facilities (use class B1 and B8) with a maximum building height of 18m and with a total building footprint of up to 60,000m² including associated paved storage areas, parking and internal accessways.

Work No.16 — The construction of airport-related commercial facilities (use class B8) with a maximum building height of 18m and with a total building footprint of up to 26,000m² to include associated paved storage areas, parking and internal accessways.

Work No.17 — The construction of airport-related commercial facilities (use class B1) with a maximum building height of 10m and with a total building footprint of up to 30,000m² to include associated paved storage areas, parking and internal accessways.

Work No.18 — The construction of a new aircraft recycling facility and associated offices with a maximum building height of 23m.

Work No.19 — The construction of new or improved facilities to create an airport fuel farm on the site of an existing fuel storage facility.

Work No.20 — The construction of an airside storage and maintenance area for cargo and stand equipment.

Work No.21 — The construction of internal access roads and parking areas including passenger parking and parking overflow.

Work No.22 — The construction of paved areas and visual screening for the proposed cargo areas to include an emergency assembly area, site access road and paved areas to support cargo facilities and air traffic control.

Work No.23 — The construction of two new attenuation ponds for the purposes of treating, storing and discharging site drainage runoff.

Work No.24 — Works to construct a diversion to an existing public right of way.

Work No.25 — Public highway works to construct a new airport access.

Work No.26 — Public highway works to junction of B2190 and B2050.

Work No.27 — Public highway works to B2050 including new access provision.

Work No.28 — Public highway upgrade to B2190.

Work No.29 — Public highway upgrade to Manston Road.

Work No.30 — Public highway upgrade to B2190.

Work No.31 — Public highway upgrade to Manston Road.

Work No.32 — Public highway works at new airport-related business park entrance on Manston Road.

In connection with the construction of any of those works, further associated development within the Order limits which does not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects to those assessed in the environmental statement consisting of—


alteration of the layout of any street permanently or temporarily, including but not limited to increasing the width of the carriageway of the street by reducing the width of any kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge within the street; altering the level or increasing the width of any such kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge; and reducing the width of the carriageway of the street;


works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance, or reconstruction of any street;


ramps, means of access, non-motorised links, footpaths, footways, bridleways, cycle tracks and crossing facilities;


embankments, viaducts, aprons, abutments, shafts, foundations, retaining walls, drainage, outfalls, ditches, pollution control devices, wing walls, highway lighting, fencing and culverts;


street works, including breaking up or opening a street, or any sewer, drain or tunnel under it; tunnelling or boring under a street;


works to place, alter, divert, relocate, remove or maintain the position of apparatus, services, plant and other equipment in a street, or in other land, including mains, sewers, drains, pipes, lights and cables;


landscaping, noise barriers, works associated with the provision of ecological mitigation and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;


works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;


works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance, or reconstruction of any streets;


works to place, alter, remove or maintain road furniture;


site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soils stripping and storage, site levelling);


the felling of trees and hedgerows;


establishment of site construction compounds, storage areas, temporary vehicle parking, construction fencing, perimeter enclosure, security fencing, construction related buildings, welfare facilities, construction lighting, haulage roads and other machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences;


the provisions of other works including service roads, internal site roads, pavement works, kerbing and paved areas works, signing, signals, gantries, road markings works, traffic management measures including temporary roads and such other works as are associated with the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised development; and


such other works, working sites storage areas, works of demolition or works of whatever nature, as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or for purposes associated with or ancillary to, the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised development which do not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects to those assessed in the environmental statement.