SCHEDULE 12Arbitration rules

Arbitrator’s powers 5


The arbitrator has all the powers of the Arbitration Act 199648, including the non-mandatory sections, save where modified in this Schedule.


There will be no discovery or disclosure, except that the arbitrator has the power to order the parties to produce such documents as are reasonably requested by another party no later than the statement of reply, or by the arbitrator, where the documents are manifestly relevant, specifically identified and the burden of production is not excessive. Any application and orders should be made by way of a Redfern Schedule without any hearing.


Any time limits fixed in accordance with this procedure or by the arbitrator may be varied by agreement between the parties, subject to any such variation being acceptable to and approved by the arbitrator. In the absence of agreement, the arbitrator may vary the timescales and/or procedure—


if the arbitrator is satisfied that a variation of any fixed time limit is reasonably necessary to avoid a breach of the rules of natural justice and then; and


only for such a period that is necessary to achieve fairness between the parties.


On the date the award is made, the arbitrator will notify the parties that the award is completed, signed and dated, and that it will be issued to the parties on receipt of cleared funds for the arbitrator’s fees and expenses.